There is a so-called "tradition" of wiccans calling themselves "Y Tylwyth Teg" who are guilty of the most heinous plagiarisms of many fine pagan authors.

These "Y Tylwyth Teg" people, who claim to belong to a "pre-Gardnerian" welsh tradition,with its roots in the "ancient druids" and the "lost continent of Atlantis" (yawn) are in reality nothing but people using obvious Gardnerian material, and a LOT of other plagiarized material, with 'impressive looking' Welsh names stuck on it. 'Taliesin', the man that these people claim their "lineage" or "tradition" from, was an ex-Gardnerian wiccan from Gardner's Hertfordshire Coven, who was active in the 1960's.

These people, and all their other web pages and "branches"- which all go back to a man in Georgia named Bill Wheeler, a.k.a. "Rhuddlwm Gawr", and his wife, Victoria Wheeler, a.k.a. "Cerridwen"- charge hundreds of dollars for people to see their made-up material on the historical and folkloric "Thirteen Treasures of Britain". They charge money (in the form of "suggested donations") for their "Do-it-yourself-through-home-study-Instant-Witch" packets in the mail. They also arrange "erotic vacations" for people, and have been linked to even more exploitive and perverted services, as you can see in the links below.

Finally, these people have plagiarised Robert Cochrane's writings at their websites. Please go to the links below to see the dark Truth about these people, who in our opinion, are the most manipulative and dishonest we have ever seen.


If you go to the site below, you will see that the two sections entitled "WHAT IS THE OLD WAY? - GWYDDON, THE WITCHCRAFT OF WALES" and "THE WESTERN MYSTERIES" are DIRECT and OBVIOUS PLAGIARISMS of Robert Cochrane/Roy Bower's two essays entitled "The Faith of the Wise" and "The Craft Today", respectively.

Y Tylwyth Teg's "Dynion Mwyn" page

If you would like to compare Robert Cochrane's actual writings, published in 1964 and 1965, with what has been stolen and plagiarised on the website above, you can find copies of the ORIGINALS at:

"On the Faith of the Wise" by Robert Cochrane, © 1964/65
which is Plagiarized in Y Tylwyth Teg's section entitled ""WHAT IS THE OLD WAY?"

"The Craft Today" by Robert Cochrane © 1964/65
which is Plagiarized in Y Tylwyth Teg's section entitled "THE WESTERN MYSTERIES"

Go Look for yourself! Compare them! It has to be seen to be believed! Robert's Articles were published YEARS ago, and these people claim that the material is theirs!!! We've come to expect this kind of unscrupulous behavior from the con artists that are often to be found in the halls of the New Age world.

We wrote to the "Y Tylwyth Teg" people, and asked and pressured them to give credit where credit was due, or remove the stolen text. They were evasive, slow to act, and finally, under pressure, they added the half-hearted disclaimer you see there now, in which they try to claim that their "Taliesin" had some "ownership" over ROY BOWER'S words (a lie), and to make matters worse, the disclaimer itself only covers the Bowers material in the first of the two sections, "WHAT IS THE OLD WAY?", and fails to give credit for his material found in "THE WESTERN MYSTERIES."

These people are, in our opinion, honorless, nithing villains, who will certainly get what is coming to them for their manipulation and dishonesty. And this is what is "coming to them": the awareness, on the part of the pagan community, of who and what these people REALLY are, and the end of their money-making scheme.


These SAME people BLATANTLY Plagiarised Robert Cochrane's article entitled "Witches Esbat", which can be found online at

"Witches Esbat" by Robert Cochrane, © 1964/65

Under pressure from US, these Tylwyth Teg people removed their page containing their plagiarized copy of Robert's "Esbat" totally, but you can still get to it at the ARCHIVED copy of that page at:

"A Dynion Mwyn Full Moon Ritual"

UPDATE! (July 1, 2002) Y Tylwyth Teg had managed to remove this page from the Internet Archive where it was being housed. This is further evidence of their guilty attempts to supress and hide the evidence of their outrageous crimes. We at House Faringdoun Trod managed to find a saved copy of the page and to make it available to you above. We will not allow these people to evade the responsibility for their actions so easily.

Go to the Bottom of the above page and see the "Full Moon Ritual", and compare it to the actual Esbat article published in 1964 by Robert Cochrane. Get ready to roll the floor. These people claim that Robert Cochrane was a "pretend witch" and a "charlatan", and yet, they plagiarize his writings with no shame and with total, malicious intent to decieve others. Can someone explain why they would want to steal the words of a "charlatan" and a "pretend witch" and put their names on it? Why throw accusations at a dead man, destroy his reputation, defame his work, and then try to claim it as your own?? Because they know that it is real and powerful, it has genuine power and insight that they LACK and can NEVER HAVE on their own. And they are greedy and jealous. And now people can see it.

Anyway, these people at "Y Tylwyth Teg" even CHANGED THE NAMES of the people in their plagiarized version of the Esbat article by Cochrane- changed them to the names of people in their SO CALLED "TRADITION"! It's Pathetic!

In truth, all of the material that they have stolen from Robert Cochrane or Any other author is ever-so-slightly altered, just enough to PROVE that this is not a case of accidental plagiarism. They KNEW full well that they were stealing and they STILL KNOW, and refuse to change it. Please, write to them and express your outrage at their blatant dishonesty. They must be called on their dishonorable actions. It's time for honest pagans who respect the work of others to take a STAND.

And don't buy their usual range of excuses- "other people" in "other sister groups" didn't write these things without their knowledge- the "Full Moon Rite" plagiarism was originally from their "mother site" webpage at "Dynion Mwyn". They know full well what is going on and they refuse to stop it- they are making too much free popularity and money from manipulating and misleading people. This is a profound insult to all decent people.

Go to these links below to see even more evidence of Y Tylwyth Teg plagiarizing other authors, and evidence of other harmful activities they have been linked to:

Y Tylwyth Teg Stole From Us

Y Tylwyth Teg Completely Exposed

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