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Brandon Curtis - Contributor
Equal parts still birth, breach birth and all around mistake, Brandon Curtis is the kind of guy you meet and endear yourself to through the most bizarre of circumstances; indeed, most of his friendships stem from the annual "be kind to dumb animals" week.

Curtis is a struggling college student, who boasts sixteen credit hours in a year and a half of study. Don't worry, he can spell-he just can't add, but you really don't need all that math crap, anyhow. During his semester in limbo Curtis took on the daunting task of babysitting his younger brother, Alex, who is often left to his own devices, resulting in Kool-Aid messes and cheeseburger dreams.

Brandon also stuns many with his shockingly bad taste in films. There is no point arguing with him because the review is the only defense he needs. Someday in the future Curtis wants to be a paid film critic (the only job he would truly love, though he's happy to do it for free at CultureDose). Even better would be the ability to pass his days watching movies, only stressing over how badly overworked his thumb is from pushing all those remote control buttons.

He would also like to marry Cecilia Cheung if that is possible or have a Vietnamese mail order bride shipped to him by accident.

As you can tell, ambition and "can-do" spirit are not his selling points, but aimlessness and a refreshing lack of pretension make Brandon Curtis one of the most interesting anomalies ever to grace a webpage.
   • Lonesome Jim directed by Steve Buscemi
   • Don't Come Knocking directed by Wim Wenders
   • Hatchetman directed by Robert Tiffi
   • Zatoichi (2003) directed by Takeshi Kitano
   • Surviving Christmas directed by Mike Mitchell
   • Walking Tall (2004) directed by Kevin Bray
   • Love Actually directed by Richard Curtis
   • Lizzie McGuire Movie, The directed by Jim Fall
   • Hard Word, The (2003) directed by Scott Roberts
   • Rundown, The directed by Peter Berg
   • Komodo directed by Michael Lantieri
   • Hitcher II, The: I've Been Waiting For You directed by Louis Morneau
   • Bad Boys 2 directed by Michael Bay
   • How to Deal directed by Clare Kilner
   • Blood, Guts, Bullets and Octane directed by Joe Carnahan
   • Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle directed by McG
   • Shaft, The (a.k.a. Down) (2001) directed by Dick Maas
   • Dracula II: Ascension directed by Patrick Lussier
   • Hollywood Homicide directed by Ron Shelton
   • Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd directed by Troy Miller

   • Reviews by Brandon Curtis
   • Articles by Brandon Curtis

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