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rank: Conscript
points: 0
occupation: Open Source Intelligence Analysis, State of Michigan, LTD.
location: Wetmore, US


Small town, working class from Michigan's Upper Peninsula. 1990 went to work for the MDOC; the very forefront of the U.S. Prison / Industrial Complex.
I learned there, the hard way, that if I wasn't one of them; "they" would be pit against me. Survived thus far in spite of the long, dangerous and mine-filled path traveled and I've learned much along the way. I'd like to now share these lessons and am actively seeking the assistance of those less war torn and weary than I, to help spread the Truth regarding our Collective Path.

currently reading:
“File Your Own Bankruptcy” by Edward A. Haman Attorney at Law

currently watching:
“Assassins” as performed by the Northern Michigan University Theatre Class

currently listening to:
Peter Gabriel’s “Long Walk Home” musical score from the “Rabbit Proof Fence”.
Robert Plant’s “Fate of Nations”


Addendum to the End of Civilization.......

B13837 / Mon, 20 Mar 2006 06:03:40 / "War on Terror"

That was very well said.

Now remove yourself from the delusion that the “worker bee” class will be left to face a future of reduced resources and a return to living in some sort of “middle age” life style.

You hit the population problem exactly on the head. Human population growth is not sustainable.

History is many times the best indicator of what course governments will chart in the future. When competition for resources intensifies, or begins to limit the growth of the most technologically advanced cultures, they generally react by differentiating themselves from the larger whole and begin a process of vilification of those not part of their culture.

Hence a long and bloody history of warfare. During the German domination and occupation of Europe not only did this process occur with cultures outside of Germany but those within as well.

In an age of weapons of mass destruction, widespread full scale warfare would yield no benefit to the winning culture. Limited war is also an expensive proposition and can only be economically justified in regions where the resources are so critical that the economic benefit justifies this military action.

Take for instance our current oil war.

Iraq with 10% of the world’s oil reserves and only .004% of the world’s population is a prime example. Economics has always prevailed over ethics. As for the expense of the war, now racing towards 250 billion, if you work that cost out towards the potential reward of control of a 115 billion barrel crude oil reserve, it is just over $2.00 a barrel. Worst case estimates now put the cost of the war possibly as high as trillion dollars.

$8.70 a barrel.

Given reduced production costs because of the nature of oil drilling in the region’s geography along with today’s higher value placed on crude oil, that’s still a relative bargain basement price for cornering this market.

But this still doesn’t address the fundamental problem of growing population and diminishing resources. The answer then is the general war on terror. We’ve seen it in various forms throughout the ages. Those necessary for support of the existing system protected, those deemed unnecessary vilified and eliminated.

This process need not be accomplished on an industrial scale as it was in Europe by the Nazi’s.

Another example would be the American holocaust of the Native American population that took centuries to end in the near total assimilation of the remaining population.

What the future will reveal of the end-game of the “war on terror” will no more resemble either of these examples than they do each other, but the result will be the same.

“You’re either with us or against us.”

As the will of the elite, becomes the action of governments, those who serve their interests will be the “Cowboys” and those who do not will become the “Indians” and no one will ride the fence.

If you believe you’ll survive whatever comes by accepting a more primitive and earth friendly lifestyle, look around. There was an entire race of people that excelled at that lifestyle for millennia.

Their descendants are operating casinos.

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Marathon Man.

Believed to be currently residing in Pakistan.


GWHunta @ 05/10/06 21:05:59