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Implementing RPC over HTTP

Eileen here.....

I seem to get more questions about using RPC over HTTP than anything else, and here at Chesterfield has been no exception.  We use RPC over HTTP at Microsoft, and I hardly ever use VPN just to get my mails.  This is simple to implement, providing you follow the setup instructions and works really well.

So here's what you need to do...

1: Read the benefits that you get with RPC over HTTP

2: Read the RPC over HTTP Deployment scenarios document 

3: Make sure you comply with the System Requirements documentation

4: Follow the steps in the how to Deploy RPC over HTTP on a front end server document 

So if something goes wrong with your deployment, you'll need to do a bit of troubleshooting so that you can identify where you may have had a problem.  For this, you need to have a look at one of my previous blog entries where I talked about this very topic...

And this is what you need to deploy RPC over HTTP and get truly mobile..

Eileen Brown


Published Thursday, December 01, 2005 1:46 PM by TechNet UK - Exchange Tour


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