Thoughts about AppFolders

Here are some assorted notes and ramblings on software management UI in general, specifically, appfolder UI a la MacOS X/NeXTSTEP.

Various rationales given for why we don't implement this on website, they're OK, but no fundamental reasons given except "it's hard"

Basic insight: appfolders/linux fhs are mirror images of each other.

Given that in both designs, extra databases and extra domain-specific APIs are necessary, is one really any better than the other?

Given that they're in some senses two sides of the same coin, what would happen if we combined the two?

An appfolderd daemon could slap an inotify watch on the current users $HOME and any mounted media (HAL can tell us when these are added). AppFolders would simply be directories that conformed to some convention: NeXT used the .app extension and that seems reasonable enough, except that they wouldn't be compatible so using the same extension might be confusing. Internally these directories are simply installed prefixes (bin/, lib/, share/appname etc). When discovered, each appfolder is union mounted into /usr. By giving us the ability to join different parts of the filing system tree together, we can increase the expressiveness of file paths as a query language. Put simply it now becomes possible to query both for related files (bundles) and file types (/usr/foo) at once, without any additional databases.

Desktop integration is solved without writing a LaunchServices clone, because the act of joining a directory into the /usr heirarchy would trigger inotify file notifications which GNOME and KDE already listen out for.

This scheme would require (mostly trivial) modifications to various programs, specifically:

This has some pros/cons vs the two other implementations we've come up with:

this VS [WWW]

this VS amusing-.desktop-file-hacks (the redeeming feature of which is full backwards compatibility)

Let's say no more about that idea.

last edited 2005-10-22 08:54:43 by HongliLai