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Daryl Bradford Smith
Are you fed up with the wars in the Mideast? How about terrorist attacks? How about the propaganda from our “news” agencies?

We don't have to be victims!

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Smith's intro, Mar 10, 2006  1.6 mb

Update: Somebody posted a transcript here
Now you can easily print or email the speech.

Some of the issues mentioned:

• Why are we tolerating Israel's "suggestions" that we attact Iran? Have you seen any of the numerous reports, such as:
“The air forces of Israel, the United States, and Europe can carry this out”,7340,L-3226051,00.html

• We should arrest the executives of the media companies, and the traitorous politicans who are covering up the corruption.

• The Former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl is reported to have said the Holocaust is a “myth”.

Even if the report is mistaken, there is a lot of evidence that something is wrong with the official story. Don't be afraid; take a look! For example, try Professor Finkelstein, or David Cole:

• Ben Freedman's speech