TurboGears: Pulling it all together

Python and every other language out there have many choices available for each part of a web application. First and foremost, TurboGears assembles a great collection of tools, packages them for use together and provides information on best practices when used together. Many people have similar needs when developing web applications, and there's a lot to be gained by putting it all together.

Once the pieces are together, then TurboGears starts doing integration between them. CherryPy offers an excellent way to write controllers for a web app, but CherryPy has no opinion about templates. TurboGears does have an opinion: Kid is a great way to write templates. And, by using TurboGears, you get more than you would get with just Kid and CherryPy. Here's an example:

This small example has a few things going on that show off the current main features of TurboGears.

TurboGears also includes a command line tool that can get your project started right away with a "quickstart" and that wraps SQLObject's sqlobject-admin command to make life easier for quickstarted projects.

Take it for a spin

TurboGears is easy to install, despite the number of packages required. It's open source and free to use in both closed and open source projects.

Get going with the Getting Started primer that describes how an application is set up. Or, take the quick tour with the 20 Minute Wiki.

Return to About TurboGears.


TurboGears 0.8.9

Features: easy-to-use, database-driven, easy Ajax and designer- and programmer-friendly.

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1.0 is in alpha! Tons of new features! Check it out

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The TurboGears Ultimate DVD is now shipping! More than 5 hours of video!
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Hosting Options

TurboGears can be hosted in many places, but we've got 4 of the best choices picked out. Super simple TurboGears use from WebFaction starting at $11.50 a month or, if you need more control, dedicated servers from ServerPronto starting at just $29.95 a month. Check it out
last updated: May 25, 2006
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