Filtering by LinkRank

PubSub LinkRanks rank sites by the number of other sites that have linked to them recently. Sites that have received a large number of links in the few days will rise in the overall rankings; sites that have had a large number of links in the past, but no recent links, will fall in the rankings. LinkRanks are a great way to discover sites that have new entries that many other people have found to be worth reading and linking to.

When you create or edit a PubSub subscription, you can elect to receive matching results only from sites with the highest LinkRank scores:

When you limit your results to the top 1% of feeds, you're only going to get results from sites that have a high LinkRank. This is useful if you want fewer results, or if you only want to read sources that write for large audiences.

PubSub constantly monitors over 23 million weblogs. However, a lot of these weblogs either don't get a LinkRank score (because there are no links to them), or we can't compute a LinkRank because of the site's naming scheme.

For more information, visit our LinkRanks page. If you have any questions about LinkRanks, send us an email at

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