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     St. Bernadette Parish offers Elizabeth Ministry

Following the example of Mary and Elizabeth,
we visit and share the sacredness of life!

Are you expecting a new baby either by birth or adoption? Do you have a friend or relative who is? St. Bernadette Parish has a supportive ministry who will “walk” with you on this exciting journey. The St. Bernadette Elizabeth Ministry is composed of women who have “been there.” We are women who have had families and are happy to offer you support and prayer while you journey through your pregnancy or the adoption process. Our ministers will visit with you, pray for you, and provide meals for a short time after the baby’s arrival. If you would like our support, please call Betty Lovinus at the St. Bernadette Parish Office, 414-358-4600, and mention the Elizabeth Ministry.

What is Elizabeth Ministry?
Elizabeth Ministry is a program based on the Scripture story of Mary’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth during their pregnancies. Elizabeth Ministry is a response to the needs of women during special times in their lives. By sharing personal stories and similar experiences, women are able to support, encourage, and assist one another during these unique times of their lives.

How does this unique ministry work?
Women volunteer to become ministers in the areas they have experienced. For example, a woman who has twins would visit someone expecting twins. Continued support is given throughout the pregnancy and after birth. This support comes in the form of prayer, visits, and phone calls. Other needs, such as perhaps meal preparation, can be addressed as they become apparent.

Is extensive training needed to become an Elizabeth Minister?
No. The majority of training needed to become an Elizabeth Minister is personal experience. Elizabeth Ministers are not counselors or experts. They are women willing to share their presence, stories, and experiences. Several orientation and organizational sessions will be offered.

Does Elizabeth Ministry require a lot of time?
Again, no. An Elizabeth Minister is able to adjust time requirements to fit her schedule and to fit the needs of those to whom she is ministering. Brief visits and phone calls provide a tremendous amount of support with a minimal amount of time.

What are the Elizabeth Ministry areas of involvement?
Elizabeth Ministry reaches out in times of celebration and in times of sorrow. The following are areas of involvement:
  • Prayer Support
  • Pregnancy support and Celebration of Birth
  • Grandparent Support
  • Miscarriage and Infant or Child Loss
  • Fertility and Infertility
  • Adoption
  • Infant or Child Crisis
  • Family Support – prayer, meals, child care, transportation
How can I learn more about Elizabeth Ministry?
Watch the Parish Calendar for upcoming meetings, or contact Betty Lovinus, RN, at the Parish Office, 414-358-4600 x158.

All women of the parish are invited to participate. We invite all parishioners to ask God’s blessings on this outreach to women and to pray the following Elizabeth Ministry prayer:

Creator God, because I truly celebrate the gift of life, I ask your blessing on each child conceived and born. As I mourn each miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth, and infant or child death, I pray for healing for those who have suffered these losses. As a strong witness to the dignity and worth of all life, may I always treasure the gift of fertility, support those suffering infertility, encourage those in the adoption process, and assist families experiencing an infant or child crisis or special need. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

 Article created: 6/9/2004