Opinions (as headlined and presented by the Clarion News)

We should try, convict and execute Bush

By Ed Marshall, Clarion

For Bush's prima facie violation of the laws of the United States, our House of Representatives is obligated to begin an investigation of Bush's violation of our treaty law, and to impeach him with a recommendation of trial and removal by the Senate for his violation of their law endorsing the requirements of the charter of the UN.

Once removed, he can be tried and hopefully convicted and executed for his violation of our constitutional requirement that a commander in chief only exercise his war powers upon specific authorization of Congress and never against the laws of our country.

If our courts do not choose to invoke the highest penalty for treason that Bush's crimes deserve, death, our country must deliver him up to the international community to be tried for crimes against humanity.

We are the forefathers of the living constitution of our country for the future.

The decisions we made are the precedents that future generations will cite to further define their liberties or their slavery. We must be the statesmen that our country needs now, true "patriots" in the sense of "fathers" of our country's future.

A true patriot says of his offspring for the future not, my country right or wrong but "My Country right its wrongs!" Right now, our country has committed many wrongs for us to right in Operation Iraqi Rape.

We dare not sleep until we have set the precedents of righting those wrongs and removing and punishing, where it might be helpful to stop future violations of our land, national and international crimes against humanity and our Constitution by those who have been using our government to wage a religious crusade for Christians and Jews against Muslims.

Neither the people nor the legislature of our country have legally authorized those crimes against humanity.

In Response

In reaction to the above letter, I was visited by a couple of goons who claimed to be Rob Frame and Rodney J. Wellman, "Special Agents" from the Secret Service out of Pittsburgh. I suspect they were from Homeland Security or maybe the CIA. They seemed too blindly partisan to the Bush Mal-administration to be Secret Service professionals.

In any case, their purpose seemed to be to try to chill out my rhetoric or my opposition to the Bush mal-administration. These supposed Secret Service agents visited me a day after I volunteered to help with the Kucinich Presidential campaign. I don't know that there was a connection. But as a result, I decided it would be best for both myself and Rep. Kucinich if we are not associated.

Their supposed objection was to my letters to the editor in the local paper (see appended letters), in particular one that appeared last thursday under the title, "We should try, convict and execute Bush" (which I did not headline). Those letters were, of course, in no way associated with either Representative Kucinich's or Senator Kerry's call for a regime change in Washington, although I fully support that if done legally.

My "sin" was that I had been specific that I did not want to wait for the next election for a regime change here in this country, but that I wanted the House of Representatives to investigate and impeach them both for what I consider prima facie evidence of their many treasonous violations of the laws and treaties of the United States of America and their war crimes against humanity.

Worse yet, I there suggested that the Senate should try, convict and remove both Bush and Cheney from office by legal processes in accord with Constitutional law. Even worse, they pretended, was what they pretended were my threats against the life of the President. I had suggested that after Bush and Cheney had been legally removed, the Justice Department (no longer under Ashcroft) should investigate, indict, try and convict their asses.

Then, supposed crime of all pretended crimes! I also expressed my opinion that, due to the extremity of their crimes against humanity and their illegally putting our military men in harms way and being thereby responsible for a multitude of needless and illegal deaths, that they should be subjected by the courts to the most extreme penalties of the law fitting such treason: the death penalty.

I had been very careful to make sure that everything I said was put into the context of a legal objection to men illegally violating both international and American law, treaties, and the Constitution. However, my final suggestion seems to have been more than the fascist reactionaries could bear. I said that, if our courts convicted them but chose not to execute them (assuming the proper treaties are in place), they should be turned over to the World Court for trial for their crimes against humanity.

Of course I assume in all things that that is under laws passed by Congress. I doubt that crimes against humanity could be interpreted as ex post facto laws, even by the Bushes' fascist friends on the Supreme Court, who should themselves be impeached, if the Senate and new President had passed and signed treaties that recognized the authority of the World Court. I know that Bush was so worried for his ass that he would not allow such legislation.

I did not intend to associate Mr. Kucinich with my opinions. I intended merely to serve him in the background, mailing campaign literature or whatever he needed. I recognize that many who agree with me that we need a regime change would not agree with me that the crimes of these men, as they see them, warrant a court of law inflicting death on them, after they have been removed from office and legally convicted of treason. However, I thought and still think that I have a right, nay, an obligation as a citizen to bring these opinions and charges before my fellow citizens. And I think I am protected as a journalist as well by the freedom of the press to voice these opinions.

Unfortunately, Ashcroft's bully boys hopefully only pretending to be Secret Service agents (one a skin-head and the other who looked like a young George Wallace, who couldn't or wouldn't even give me an address in Washington to which I could protest their chilling and inappropriately threatening visit) threatened me with five years in prison for threatening the life of the President.

I had been very careful, as a believer in law and order and as an objector to Bush's and Cheney's treason against the law and Constitution of the US and international order, to make clear that they should be removed from office only in accord with the processes of the Constitution. I made clear that I was not advocating any action by myself or anyone else outside the law, but only within the law and only for them to be tried, convicted and then executed by the government, not by me or any other extra legal group.

If these supposed Secret Service agents had looked at any other of the hundreds of other letters I have sent and had published in our paper (which I'm sure must be kept in a "morgue"), surely they would have known that I constantly battle (in words since I eschew violence) the local right-wing NRA gun nuts. I reject their desire to have weapons to use against the government both on Constitutional grounds (the Second Amendment granted rights only to the "proper" organized and federalizable militia of which the President is the potential Commander-in-Chief), and also because of their nutty desire to be able to resort to violence with firearms to force our government to do theiur will outside legal and democratic processes.

I have constantly pointed out that in our world we could not and dare not try to fight the government by such violence. All violence will do is precipitate a blood bath (such as we have seen in Iraq for nearly a month as citizens or soldiers armed only with personal weapons have fought against huighly mechanized and technology equipped troops). Even if the NRA fascists were right (which they aren't), their methods would be reprehensible and suicidal. Amd I am insulted by the suggestion that I could be so dumb as to advocate violence of any kind. That is a no brainer.

Besides, for several years I have even written the same "threat" to the White House, telling Bush and Cheney (and their wives) that I am working through legal political processes to get Bush and Cheney impeached by the House, tried, convicted and removed by the Senate, and investigated, indicted, tried, convicted of Treason and punished by the courts to the full extent of the law for treason which is death by execution (which is inadequately redundant).

I am generally against the Death Penalty. But I will make an exception for the likes of Bush and Cheney. I think the death penalty should be reserved for use by legitimate courts of law against the perpetrators of crimes against humanity, the Madman Insanes, Pol Pots, Hitlers, George Duh?bya Bushes and Cheney's of this world. It never would have occurred to me that anyone with the slightest respect or understanding of the laws of this country and the responsibilities of her citizens, would suggest that I was "threatening the life of the president" in any manner that could be illegal. That suggestion of these goons was a terrible misconstrual of all I stand for.

But one of these poseurs (I sure hope) as legal representatives of the US government (with his head shaved to look like a skinhead or Lex Luthor and the other looking like a young George Wallace--both of which really freaked my wife out to the extent that I worried that they might cause her to have a stroke or heart attack, since she has had phlebitis) insisted that what I was doing amounted to crying "fire in a crowded theater," for which I could be sentenced to five years in prison.

Of course that is nonsense. But the fact that they feel they can get away with bullying law abiding citizens with such claims is intolerable. That is why I have to bring their actions to the attention of my fellow citizens. I insist that there are times when it is wise to cry "fire" in a crowded theater, like when there is a fast spreading fire! Perhaps if someone in Connecticut had thought to call people's attention to the fire at that concert a month or two ago, fewer people would have been killed.

If people had recognized Hitler's oppression of freedom earlier and warned their fellow citizens, those fascists could not have taken over Germany. So I consider the visit of these gentle thugs of the spirit using terrorism on the soul by their threats highly inappropriate but sufficiently scary to make sure that I never speak sloppily or any way that some nut could claim to have thought I was calling for illegal actions. But it also convinced me to reduce my vocal opposition before they kill my wife, perhaps unintentionally and indirectly. They have chilled my expression of opposition to the mal-administration.

With what I have actually said in my letters (the last three of which are appended below for your judgement as to the extent to which representatives of the present illegal mal-administration will go misconstrue statements in order to stifle opposition), I hope I can trust that even in their paranoid plight, most of my fellow citizens (although they have had the rationality scared out of them by the constant wagging of 9/11 in support of every illegal activity that Duh?bya seeks to pursue for power), still will have the sense to see that what I did say was not inappropriate or illegal or anything that amounts to an illegal threat against the life of the President, although I certainly intend to be disrespectful and do threaten the "political life" of the faux president. And just as any prosecutor in the country should be doing, the law itself threatens the life of the faux president with the possibility of execution by our courts of law for his treason against his country simply because death by execution is provided for in the law for his crimes.

I don't expect that many people would agree with me that Bush is "the Great Satan" as I humorously call and represent him on a poster I carry to local protests against Bush and Cheney (and has been posted on my web site for at least a year). I do trust that most would as strongly support my right to express my considered political opinion however I can most effectively move people to political and legal action within the law against Duh?bya, even if they recognize me as a political opponent. I would legally protect others rights to voice their views, because persuasion and argumentation is the nature of our democratic Republic, and any attempt by anyone to stifle that already destroys what we love. That is why I must protest this abuse from the governmnet

I neither regret what I have done, nor will I stop all legal expression and agitation against this Mal-administration and its henchmen, although I think it best not to be associated with other opponents whose misconstrual of my views could be used to tar and feather. So I withdrew from Kucinich's campaign that I had just volunteered to help.

And I wanted to warn other political warriors to be careful not to give the Homeland Security Apparachik (who I suspect these dolts represented since I can not conceive of anyone who had been to law school could really misconstrue what I said as illegal) any excuse to tar and feather them. For example, the quote on the CLG web site from the Declaration of Independence could be even more "justifiably" misconstrued as a threat of making revolution on the federal government than my supposed "threat" to George W. Bush.

The fact is that they are seeking to chill and stifle dissent, and we must be very careful to cover our asses by speaking so carefully that they can not get away with misconstruing us. It would never occur to those goons that when George Washington led the "insurrection" against the US government when it was under the Articles of Confederation he was doing exactly what the Declaration of Independence justified just as much as when he led the Colonists at Valley Forge.

Of course, Ashcroft's goons sounded like they might just round us up and make us disappear inside their extra-legal military injustice system as suspected terrorists. They did not want to believe that I was not a sympathizer with and supporter of Madman Insane as I call the brute of Baghdad. Or they may seek to send us to a psychiatric Gulag on some fascist judge's orders by declaring us paranoids or "potential terrorists" on the basis of their "profiles," "deviants" who must be prevented from becoming violent by a "preemptive strike."

It is not surprising that an Administration that believes in "preemptive War" in which innocent women and children civilians are "acceptable" "collateraldamage" would have no compunction in covering their own asses against political opposition would use the power of the US government to protect themselves from our political action. The latest Red Cross report I saw from Baghdad is that 100 people an hour currently are "collateral damage."

(I wish the people in Baghdad would just roll over to the unstoppable military force there and live to work without violence for freedom from us another day, after we are gone.)

I don't want to believe that the dolts who visited my home and imposed themselves on me and my wife by fear and even lied and tried to misrepresent facts, actually serve in the Secret Service. I would like to suspect they must be some of Ashcroft's irregulars at justice or Homeland Security storm troopers, but not lawyers educated in the law and the Queen's English. Only political partisans could accuse me of threatening the Mal-administration with assassination because I advocate trying to remove them from office according to the Constitution so that our justice system can grant them justice by punishing them appropriately for their crime.

Just in case they attacked me on such flimsy nonsense because I had joined Rep. Kucinich's campaign, I feel that for my good I not associate myself with support for that campaign. But I told Kucinich's campaign office about this just in case these fascist skinheads, etc. are creating such chilling effects in other of Representative Kucinich's admirers. Such "dirty tricks" are in the Bush heritage since the early seventies or before.

Among the chilling things these well dressed thugs did was, first, just showing up to "interview" us, insisting that I was free not to talk to them (which of course led me to suspect that if I kicked them out of the house like I would like to have done, they'd have cuffed me on the spot and run me off to one of Ashcroft's Patriot Act torture, er., "in'terror'gation" chambers for disappeared political opponents of this fascist regime, and I would not even get to call the alarm. I made perfectly clear in all my writings that I was not advocating any illegal acts.

Yet in the midst of their in"terror"gations, they denied they were interrorgating me, even when they admitted they were using "interrogatives." Double Speak has arrived from Orwell's 1984! This and other lies really frightened both myself and my wife, to the point that she had vaguely threatened that she could not live with me if my political protests lead to more such visits and "interviews." That is true, given her health, and I would understand her kicking me out. But I can't let the Bush Baby get away with such a power play. I must continue my legal protests.

Another example of their most chilling lies was when, after nearly an hour of in"terror"gation, they said that, just so they could complete their paper work to show their bosses that they had been here, I needed to sign a paper in three places, although I was free not to. Fearing what a refusal might be used to construe, I was willing to sign anything so neutral just to get them out of there before they killed my wife. Without having my reading glasses on, and anxious to do anything I could to get these bully boys our of our home before wife had a stroke or heart attack, after nearly an hour, I was about to sign the sheet.

However, at the last moment, I saw that the paper seemed to have more writing on it than a simple recognition that I had been "interviewed" would have required. Consequently I struggled to hold the paper close and struggle to read what I was about to sign: only to find that it was a release for all my psychiatric (if I had had any) and health records to these goons! I objected to their misleading me and trying to get me to allow them to have information which would have been totally irrelevant to my simple citizen's protests. However, the Gulag intentions were made clear:

One of the dapper thugs suggested that surely I could see my behavior in opposing the new Gulf War, which most Americans approved of, brought my behavior and mental condition into question. Well, I don't want to get hauled out of this fight against these fascists into some Gulag. I am a totally nonviolent person and champion of law and order. I'd probably never survive that or any of their other concentration camps they hinted might be appropriate for me. But I still would not give them a right to my medical records. And I have no psychiatric records to give them permission to (as if they can't steal or create whatever they want to. That is what "secret" services are for.

For example, they asked me how I felt about Saddam Hussein, seemingly trying to get me to defend him just because I condemn Bush and Cheney. Of course, as I told them, I have no love for "Madman Insane" who in fact I condemn equally as an enemy of humanity even if he has not been a direct threat to the United States. I talked freely about what I believe.

My wife has since raised the "Danger, Will Rogers" flag (in spite of my not being Will Rogers) that I have no taped copy of the interview. So they can say I said anything they want to a judge to get me committed. Hell, now they could just accuse me of coughing too much, saying I had SAYS and get me "guaranteed" with those who did, with a pretty good chance that at my age and health, they's be rid of mu minor political threat. They are free to lie about what I said however they want to. In the future I will insist on having a lawyer present and my own video/audio recording.

I should have had my lawyer present Friday. But until yesterday I thought that in spite of the Bush coup and Ashcroft's attempts to remake the Justice department in his fascist image, that we still had sufficient law and order in this country that I did not need to fear anyone but those at the top. But these assholes really wanted to put the fear of the Bush Baby into me. At least I have my wife as a witness to what I told these bully boys. But despite the fear they created, they created even greater resolve to work even harder to wake the American people up to what this administration is doing.

So not only can I not safely (for them) associate myself with opposition to the President by Representative Kucinich or anyone else, it would not be good for anyone to be associated with me, politically, in case anyone could use that guilt by association with me as grounds to attack you, like Kucinich, by beating either of you with this dead fish (me). However, since I have been sought out by the dapper thugs of this administration, I will have to fight back (I better add, "legally" since--hell--they would even misconstrue that as "violence" from what they were saying as they threatened me before.

I do not yet know who in Washington to appeal to. First, I will inform the head of the Secret Service since I hope he or she will be a professional rather than a political hatchet man of Ashcroft's (although I suspect some lower agent of Ashcroft's will "handle" (i.e., "bury") my complaint. I would appeal to my Representative, Peterson, except that he is among the most fascistic warmongers and Bush Baby supporters in the House. So I appealed to Rep. Kucinich to see if he can get any professional lawyer in the Justice Department who is still not perverted by the fascist mal-administration to see what can be done to protect me. But I don't want him to take a chance of being tarred on account of the feathers these government goons left on me.

I will copy below, my last three "threatening" and "offensive" letters so you can see how far they will go to badly misconstrue citizens political opposition to the fascias. The last letter included, which is the shortest, is the only one that was actually printed.

I'm sure the right wing editor of our local paper with whom I have had an ongoing love-hate relationship (I love it when he publishes my letters, and he hates to do so more than he feels he has too) won't publish anything of mine again that might get him visited again. He'll rightly be careful to do nothing that may get him visited by these "smiling damned villains" again.

Be forewarned that there are strong images and words in these appended letters, but none that I feel are legally inappropriate. My latest (which I'm sure will never be printed I started from info I got from your newsletter:


The Pittsburgh Organizing Group has been utilizing guerilla art to express the inhumane brutality of war to the City of Pittsburgh by painting dolls like bombing victims. They had requested, if you have, or your family has, BABY DOLLS of any shape or size, broken or working, which no one in your family is using any more, that you please donate them to the Thomas Merton Center for Project 1877 during regular work hours. They had asked you to bring your baby dolls to Project 1877 at 4805 Penn Avenue in Bloomfield/Garfield. The first phase of this art project took place on April 7.

I couldn't help their project "Baby Dolls" because my daughter was not destructive as a child. She left no wounded dolls. So she would like to keep all her baby dolls for her children someday. However, I have another project in mind: "Bush's Bombed out Barbies."

We could create "The Paraplegic Barbie," "Blind Barbie" (with a white cane), or "Coma Barbie" (on perpetual life support). There is an infinite variety we could work on to parallel the Bush threats to real "Burkha Barbies," including "Raped Barbie," "Napalmed Barbie" (half burned away), "Gassed Barbie," (reaching for a gas mask), and "Nuclear Barbie" (totally incinerated).

Of course, we could put some Barbies into uniform and have a "Killer Barbie," (shooting competing companies' women and children), or a "War Crimes Ken" in gas mask using gas and flame throwers to create total devastation and destroy the evidence. Unfortunately, there seems to be no end to the possibilities. This is a project that takes no imagination. Just copy what is going on or has been threatened to go on in Iraq.

My personal favorite would probably be the "Bombed-out Ken and Barbie Family" (with anatomically correct burnt body parts, severed and strewn around). Intermingled body parts, with Barbie's head in Ken's belly as well as all their intestines and contents strewn around, stinking up a bombed out burning home, could complete the realistic picture.

Of course, for "Burkha Barbie" (when you remove the cloth, her invisible face has been blown away) the "Miko" variation on Barbie, or other darker-skinned versions of similar dolls might be more realistic. But they would be less sympathetic to WASPs. It is harder to care about people who "differ." But we could use a little hair dye and tan paint. Besides, when someone is burnt to a crisp, you can't tell the difference anyhow. Complexion is only skin deep--if you have skin.

On the other hand, some examples of what Bush is making our military people create, like the "Tank Crushed Barbie" (flattened in the middle, with guts gushing out both ends) is easier to create full scale in Iraq. All our men have to do is emulate what the Israelis have been doing to Palestinians for over half a century: Drive a tank through a living room and take the abandoned homestead for "resettlement" (and, our variant, take their oil wells for Texas oil corporations).

I hope Mattel has some Kens and Barbies and their dark skinned friends and relatives who did not survive the assembly line, lying around, that they can contribute to this project. We could create a large display of urban guerrilla war games called "Barbie Battles Iraq." Or maybe "Barbie does Baghdad" could be true pornography, treating human life as so much "collateral damage," so much meat meant to be blown away, that we seem to think suitable for teenagers in the military.

We could make an animated videotape of the war games, showing the step by step destruction of human life from the moment "Stealth Ken" drops a bomb and "Missile Miko" lets one loose, to the final funeral when the Burkha Barbies and the Swarthy Kens, helter-skelter in intimate contact, with heads in crotches, are shoveled into mass graves. Some Kens and Barbies can be shipped home in body bags, with body parts intermingling, still unseparated and unidentifiable. Now that is true pornography.

We might get Mattel a lot of advertising if we sent the video tape to be used by news media who are reluctant to show the real destruction on TV. After all, the American people don't have the stomachs for that with their TV dinners. Of course, the Burkha Barbies don't have the stomachs for that either, after those have been blown away by bombs or burned away by napalm.

A pretend "Ken and Barbie War" might fit fine with Faux News' pretend news that never shows the real cost of war. They pretend to show the cost of war when the House debates the billions it supposedly will cost. Too bad the House didn't debate the real cost of the war: the deaths and destruction it would cause.

Maybe if people took a good long look at all the variety of death we are freeing Iraqis for, they would not be so hard hearted to the calls of most of the people on Earth to stop our war crimes against humanity, the UN, and the United States' law and Constitution. Perhaps you'll wish us well on these projects designed to shake Americans back to reality about the real cost of war.

If people used their eyes to see the flaming flesh and their ears to hear the groans of misery we cause, they might take to heart what they saw of the true cost of war. They might even recognize other war opponent's courageous stand as patriotic Americans, calling us to reject the fascists' call of "America, Right or Wrong,"

If children saw their Barbies in such a new light, showing the true cost of war, they might not be able to sleep at night, but they might just endorse the call, "America, right your own wrongs." Instead, their parents applaud the warmongers with cataracts on their own eyes gouging out the eyes of others to remove the gnats where those eyes had been. Can the blinding lead the blinded on the path to democracy? Or is the only path we know the black gold road?

Many would rather badger Clinton for being a bugger on an intern than impeach Bush for violating numerous laws and committing crimes against humanity that may make "War Crime Kens" of all our kids in the military. They urge us to support cruelties that defy American and International Law and the UN Charter to which our Senate and President committed us as a law of our land long ago.


Apparently, the Great Satan, Duh?bya, is hell bent on killing women and children and the aged along with Iraqi and American troops just to get Madman Insane. All the public opinion at home and abroad will not deter him from his self-appointed rounds of his obsession. That is consistent with the image of the Anti-Christ that he has been displaying since stealing the Presidency.

His desire to take human life was clear from the pathological look in Duh?bya's eye while he answered a question about the excessive capital punishment in Texas during one of the Presidential debates: his seeming satisfaction in killing people chilled me to the bone. My wife and I remarked on it as the hair raised on my goose bumps.

Even after Duh?bya stole the election, I had hoped that politics would prevent Duh?bya from a blatant sacrifice of innocent life. Later, I thought he had gotten enough satisfaction for his blood lust from attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the anthrax attacks on the Democratic Senators after Senator Jeffords had taken control of the Senate from Duh?bya.

Then I hoped that the havoc Duh?bya wrought on the people of Afghanistan would have assuaged his appetite for killing. After all, the other rabid tyrants of the Twentieth Century, from Stalin, to Hitler, to Pol Pot, were able to keep their sociopathic psychoses under control of their political lusts until their last few years.

I yearned to believe that the high cost of political capital needed for Duh?bya to pursue more murders would keep his psychotic appetites under control. I even assumed that his urge for reelection and desire to keep oil prices at all time highs for the sake of his campaign contributors would keep him haranguing Iraq, but stop him from actually attacking.

I believed that the prospect of windfall profits from Duh?bya's threats and his UN sanctions that kept Saddam's oil from flowing freely-for Duh?bya's, Cheney's, and his father's friends (such as the Bin Ladens, the Carlyle Group and Haliburton Corporation)-would be sufficient satisfaction to allay Duh?bya's murderous urges.

Why should Duh?bya act to show his true primary colors in the face of all sense and human opinion of our allies and the rest of the people in the world? I thought that his just keeping up the charade of being a war President could keep him popular enough to get reelected. Why wouldn't Duh?bya save his little war until just before the next election when it could guarantee election?

But suddenly Duh?bya seems unable to keep his evil urges under control. Maybe it is because his popularity is falling so drastically now that people are seeing through what he has done to our economy and our country's place in the world. We have become pariahs, hated by all peace-loving peoples. The latest polls show that any Democrat could beat Duh?bya, 48% to 46%.

So Dub?bya's politics now require what his psychoses desire: to go all the way with a real war killing real people. He'll gladly put people at each other's throats, at least figuratively speaking (if he can manage that). Our patriotic protests can not dissuade his psychotic urges. We must impeach, try and target the Great Satan with ballots rather than bullets.

I mention this so violence prone protesters do not ape Duh?bya's subhuman behavior. However, we need to impeach and remove Duh?bya now, anyhow, to keep him from going to war as well as to avoid his packing the courts further with fascists, his giving even greater tax breaks to the rich, and his threatening the freedom of all Americans with another anti-American Patriot Act II.

True Patriot Acts, I, II, and to infinity, are to extend liberties and get security by providing for justice for all, even Iraqis and Palestinians. True patriots say, "My country, right its wrongs," for we realize that we are the founding fathers of our country for this and future generations. What we allow as precedents will provide the defacto Constitution of our country for the future.

If we allow our country to violate international law, and refuse jurisdiction of the world court because we know that what our leaders are about to do would subject them to prosecution for crimes against humanity, we are setting a precedent, saying it is ok for us to violate laws of humanity. It is time to stand up for the rule of law against criminals like Duh?bya and Cheney.

The following appeared last week among OPINIONS in the Clarion News, under an appropriate headline that I did not create:



For Bush's prima facie violation of the laws of the United States, our House of Representatives is obligated to begin an investigation of Bush's violation of our treaty law, and to impeach him with a recommendation of trial and removal by the Senate for his violation of their law endorsing the requirements of the Charter of the UN.

Once removed, he can be tried and hopefully convicted and executed for his violation of our constitutional requirement that a commander in chief only exercise his war powers upon specific authorization of Congress and never against the laws of our country.

If our courts do not choose to invoke the highest penalty for treason that Bush's crimes deserve, death, our country must deliver him up to the international community to be tried for crimes against humanity.

We are the forefathers of the living constitution of our country for the future. The decisions we make are the precedents that future generations

will cite to further define their liberties or their slavery. We must be the statesmen that our country needs now, true "patriots" in the sense of "fathers" of our country's future. A true patriot says of his offspring for the future not, my country right or wrong but "My Country right its wrongs!"

Right now, our country has committed many wrongs in Operation Iraqi Rape for us to right. We dare not sleep until we have set the precedents of righting those wrongs and removing and punishing, where it might be helpful to stop future violations of our land, those national and international crimes against humanity and our constitution by those who have been using our government to wage a religious crusade for Christians and Jews against Muslims.

Neither the people nor the legislature of our country have legally authorized those crimes against humanity.


info@kucinich.us wrote:

>Thank you for joining the Kucinich for President Volunteer Team!

>If the government is to be of, by, and for the people, then the people must participate. Please encourage your friends to join our efforts as well.

>We will be in touch with you to let you know of specific volunteer opportunities. Until then, keep spreading the word about Dennis Kucinich!