Apparently, the Great Satan, Duh?bya, is hell-bent on killing women and children and the aged along with Iraqi and American troops just to get Madman Insane. All the public opinion at home and abroad will not deter him from his self-appointed rounds of his obsession. That is consistent with the image of the Anti-Christ that he has been displaying since seeking the Presidency.

His desire to take human life was clear from the pathological look in Duh?bya's eye while he answered a question about the excessive capital punishment in Texas during one of the Presidential debates: his seeming satisfaction in killing people chilled me to the bone. My wife and I remarked on that as the hair raised on my goose bumps.

Even after Duh?bya stole the election, I had hoped that politics would prevent Duh?bya from a blatant sacrifice of innocent life. I thought maybe he had gotten enough satisfaction for his blood lust from attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the anthrax attacks on the Democratic Senators after Jeffords had taken control of the Senate from Duh?bya.

Then I hoped that the havoc Duh?bya wrought on the people of Afghanistan would have assuaged his appetite for killing. After all, the other rabid tyrants of the Twentieth Century, from Stalin, to Hitler, to Pol Pot, were able to keep their sociopathic psychoses under control of their political lusts until their last few years.

I yearned to believe that the high cost of political capital needed for Duh?bya to pursue more murders would keep his psychotic appetites under control. I even assumed that his urge for reelection and desire to keep oil prices at all time highs for the sake of his campaign contributors would keep him haranguing Iraq, but stop him from actually attacking.

I believed that the prospect of windfall profits from Duh?bya's threats and his UN sanctions that kept Saddam's oil from flowing freely-for Duh?bya's, Cheney's, and his father's friends (such as the Bin Ladens, the Carlyle Group and Haliburton Corporation)-would be sufficient satisfaction to allay Duh?bya's murderous urges.

Why should Duh?bya act to show his true primary colors in the face of all sense and human opinion of our allies and the rest of the people in the world? I thought that his just keeping up the charade of being a war President could keep him popular enough to get reelected. Why wouldn't Duh?bya save his little war until just before the next election when it could guarantee re-election?

But suddenly Duh?bya seems unable to keep his evil urges under control. Maybe it is because his popularity is falling so drastically now that people are seeing through what he has done to our economy and our country's place in the world. We have become pariahs, hated by all peace-loving peoples. The latest polls show that any Democrat could beat Duh?bya, 48% to 44%.

So Dub?bya's politics now require what his psychoses desire: to go all the way with a real war killing real people. He'll gladly put people at each other's throats (if he can manage that). Our patriotic protests can not dissuade his psychotic urges. We must impeach, try, and, if the fascists save him in the Senate, we must target the Great Satan with ballots in 2004.

I pray no violence prone protesters ape Duh?bya's subhuman behavior. We need to impeach and remove Duh?bya now to keep him from going to war as well as to avoid his packing the courts further with fascists, his giving even greater tax breaks to the rich, and his threatening the freedom of all Americans with another anti-American Patriot Act II.

True Patriot Acts, from one to infinity, extend liberties and get security by providing for justice for all, even Iraqis and Palestinians. True patriots say, "My country, right its wrongs," for we realize that we are the founding fathers of our country for this and future generations. What we allow as precedents will provide the defacto Constitution of our country for the future.

If we allow our country to violate international law, and refuse jurisdiction of the world court because we know that what our leaders are about to do would subject them to prosecution for crimes against humanity, we are setting a precedent, saying it is ok for us to violate laws of humanity. It is time to stand up for the rule of law against the likes of Duh?bya and Cheney.