Command Performance


Brenda and ELG

Click for details and warnings

Note: Bunnyfic: #01

Disclaimer: Stargate Sg-1 and its characters are the property of Stargate (II) Productions, Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions. This story is for entertainment purposes only and no money exchanged hands. No copyright infringement is intended. The original characters, situations, and story are the property of the authors. This story may not be posted elsewhere without the consent of the authors.

 Command Performance

*Got to get them out of here…Got to get them out of here…*

Jack's thoughts had been going round in circles like a rat on a wheel ever since Apophis' Jaffa had grabbed them. Thanks to them all but handing him Sokar's army on a plate, Apophis had gone from being bad news to *seriously* bad news. Jack was trying to tell himself they'd been in worse situations than this but the trouble was he didn't think they had. Ever.

Apophis looked over his four kneeling captives in obvious satisfaction. He pointed to Teal'c and said venomously, "You will be publicly put to death."

"Merciful as ever, I see," Jack observed.

"You," Apophis ignored Jack to look at Sam, "will become host to my next queen."

"What about us?" Daniel prompted.

*You just had to ask, didn't you, Dannyboy?*

Apophis glanced between Daniel and Jack in contempt. "You two are of neither value nor use to anyone."

"But we're very decorative, don't you think?" Jack countered with a false smile.

The words seemed to give Apophis an idea. A smile played around his lips. He put a finger underneath Daniel's chin and tilted his head up then looked at Jack speculatively. "You are a warrior, no? A soldier. A man of action…"

Jack narrowed his eyes. "And so…?" He had no idea where this was going but the fact it was giving Apophis so much pleasure suggested he and Daniel weren't going to like it one little bit.

"And so I would enjoy watching you utterly humiliated." He closed his fingers in Daniel's hair turning his head from side to side to examine it. Looking at Daniel but still speaking to Jack, Apophis said with quiet satisfaction, "You will mate with this one. And I will watch."

"No," said Jack tautly. "I won't."

Apophis glanced at him, smile widening as he said, "Then my Jaffa will mate with him. And *you* will watch."

A fist closed around his heart and started to tighten. He didn't dare look at Daniel. This wasn't a situation where you could negotiate. Apophis had all the cards and that was all there was to it. However bad it might be for Daniel to have to have sex with him, it was still light years better than Daniel being gang-raped by Apophis' serpent guards. The Snake God had definitely won this round. Jack forced a brittle smile, desperately trying to save a little face. "Always wanted to…mate with Daniel. I just couldn't figure out a way to get the Air Force to pay me to do it on company time. Owe you one, Apophis."

Apophis snapped out a series of orders in Goa'uld and Jaffa closed in on them. As they hauled him to his feet and shoved him towards the door, Jack didn't fight them, too stunned by events to have any resistance left. He was trying to get on top of the situation, to tell himself this was a stalling tactic, a way of changing their location to somewhere it might be easier to escape from, but all he could think about was Daniel, barely a foot away from him, not looking at him, not saying anything, obviously as much in shock as he was from the recent turn of events.

With the one important difference Daniel hadn't spent the last three months dreaming of him every night, the way he'd been dreaming about Daniel…

All too soon they apparently reached their destination. They were both pulled roughly to a stop as two heavy, wooden doors were opened. Apophis stepped up to them, stopping in front of Daniel. With a smile that sent a chill straight to Jack's soul, the Snake God trailed a finger slowly down the side of the archaeologist's face while Daniel stood as if mesmerized. "I considered saving you for myself," he murmured. "The idea does have a certain amount of...appeal. But I think perhaps I like this sport better. Of course..." He slid his hand into Daniel's hair and tightened his fingers, "I shall expect proper entertainment or I shall be forced to...change the game." He glanced at Jack while slowly tilting Daniel's head back. "Is that understood, O'Neill?"

"Understood," Jack said through gritted teeth. Oh, you are so dead, Snakeboy. Daniel may have a claim, but you are mine, mine, *mine*. And you are *so* going to pay.

Apophis smiled again, then barked something to his Jaffa. Jack and Daniel were unceremoniously shoved inside the room and the doors slammed shut behind them. They both stood without moving, Daniel staring straight ahead, Jack quickly taking in their surroundings: not much to see, really, except for the huge, opulent bed which dominated the room, and the large gilt-edged mirror on one wall which was unquestionably a two-way mirror. Apophis' front row seat for the night's entertainment. Jack sighed and turned to Daniel.

The archaeologist hadn't moved. He was standing as still as a rabbit that had sensed a predator nearby. His face was a careful blank but his quick, shallow breathing told Jack all he needed to know. Well, who wouldn't be scared? That little scene out in the hallway made Apophis' intentions clear enough. Even if they did... 'perform' satisfactorily, there was nothing to stop Apophis from doing exactly what he had threatened to do to Daniel anyhow. Not gonna happen, Jack promised grimly. You understand that, Danny? It's not gonna happen. And just how did he plan to keep that promise? What made him think he could protect Daniel from being gang raped when he had been unable to keep his whole team out of Apophis' clutches? Well he could stall any way that might work. Do anything that would keep his team alive for a little longer and give the rescue team (which *better* be on its way) more time to arrive. As long as they were alive there was a chance, and he was prepared to do whatever it took to keep his team alive and as undamaged as possible.

And if that meant having sex with Daniel, as distasteful and repugnant as that might be for Daniel, then that's what he was going to do. They had to be alive to worry about the repercussions. Of course, the repercussions for him would be a lot different than they would be for Daniel. Daniel might find it difficult or even impossible to work with him, but he could live with that as long as his friend was alive. His biggest problem right now was to not go off like a Fourth of July firecracker at the very thought of burying his cock into the body of the man he'd fallen in love with. His biggest problem later, should they both survive this, would be how he could go on pretending things were the same between them when, for one brief moment, he'd had his fantasy come true.

"Hey," he said softly, touching Daniel's arm. The younger man jumped as if burned, and Jack rubbed his arm soothingly. "It's okay, Daniel." He managed to keep his tone matter-of-fact. "We can get through this."

Daniel turned misery-filled eyes on him. "I can't do this, Jack," he whispered.

"Yes, you can, Daniel," Jack said reassuringly. "We both can. We can do whatever it takes to stay alive."

Daniel shrugged out from under his touch and turned his back, wrapping his arms tightly around his chest. "We're dead anyway."

"Not yet we're not," he said sharply. "And while we're alive and Carter and Teal'c are alive, we still have a chance."

The soft whisper barely reached Jack's ears. "You don't understand."

Jack glanced over at the mirror, knowing Apophis was behind it and realizing they'd better get the show on the road damn quick before the Snake God decided he was tired of waiting and decided to replace him with half a dozen Jaffa.

Turning back to Daniel, he took a deep breath and forced himself to ignore the distress in that soft voice. "Yes, Daniel, I do understand," he said flatly. "You don’t want to have sex with another man. Well, tough, because your choices are me or a roomful of Serpent Guards. And as disgusted as you may be by the idea of having sex with me, I really don't think you want to be gang-raped by the guys on the other side of this door." He started pulling off his jacket in quick, angry movements. "So, whatever your problem is, get over it, get out of those clothes and get on the bed." Throwing his jacket to the floor, he attacked his belt with hands that were almost trembling with anger. But the anger was for himself, not Daniel. "For cryin' out loud, Daniel, it's only *sex*."

Daniel spun around then, and for an instant Jack thought he saw something like hurt flash across the younger man's face. Then it was gone and Daniel's gaze dropped to the floor as he began to slowly mirror Jack's movements. "Sure," he said dully. "Like you said, Jack, it's only sex."

Jack didn't know who he was putting this damned act on for: Daniel or Apophis. He was being so businesslike, pulling his tee-shirt off over his head and throwing it down on top of his jacket, unlacing his boots, pulling off his socks, stepping out of his pants; every movement swift, military. Except for the trembling in his fingers; that combination of suppressed panic and desire and misery because he wanted this so badly but not like this. When he was clad only in his boxer shorts, he turned to look at his team-mate, saying briskly, "Right, Daniel, let's get this show on the…"

And that was when he saw the total misery in Daniel's eyes. It hit him like a punch in the solar plexus, leaving him ashamed of the desire, the tiny part of him which welcomed this because he was going to have a chance to have sex with Daniel, something he'd wanted for so very long. This was something that was making Daniel unutterably wretched. As Jack looked at him aghast, Daniel's face crumpled and he barely fought back tears.

Jack went forward and put his arms around him, pulling him in close to his chest. "It's what he wants, Daniel," he said fiercely. "It's what the son-of-a-bitch wants: to see us suffer. Don't give him the satisfaction. Make like we do this all the time."

"I can't do it like this…not like this…" Daniel sounded close to despair and Jack automatically ran a hand through his hair, trying to soothe him. Unwanted images of Apophis' Jaffa tearing Daniel from him and forcing him down onto the bed made him tighten his grip but also sent a chilling reminder to his brain.

He spoke quietly, "Daniel, we have to. If we don't have sex he's going to give you to those bastard Jaffa. You saw the size of them, how many there were. It may not seem like it to you right now, but this is better. I'll do my best not to hurt you, I swear, but you have to trust me. If you've ever trusted me on anything you have to trust me now."

"You don't understand." Daniel whispered it wretchedly into his neck, the warm breath against his skin making his cock twitch unbearably.

Jack closed his eyes, torn between rage at Apophis, compassion for Daniel, and good old-fashioned lust at having the object of his desire in his arms, pressed against his body, the scent and warmth of him irresistible. He spoke rigidly, "I do, Daniel, I swear I do. I know you're scared and I don't blame you, but I *promise* I won't hurt you. But you have to help me out, okay? You have to work with me." He craned his neck to try and see Daniel's face and flinched from how pale he was. Death-white as a man in front of a firing squad.

"I can't let you do this…You'll hate yourself. You'll hate me. Don't, Jack, please don't…"

Frowning, Jack transferred his grip to Daniel's shoulders and gently held him at arm's length. Daniel bowed his head refusing to look at him and Jack bent down to meet his gaze. "Daniel, I'm not going to hate either one of us because we did what we had to do in a survival situation, okay? Right now, I want to keep you away from those fuckers, annoy the hell out of Apophis, and then find a way out of here. Now, does that sound like a plan to you?"

Daniel managed the ghost of a smile. "Definitely."

Jack moistened his lips. "Then just…trust me, okay? Go with the flow. Apophis wants to see two disgusted people having a horrible time. Let's not give him the satisfaction."

Daniel blinked. "You mean – act like we're enjoying ourselves?"

Jack saw a solution to the problem of him getting carried away and grabbed at it recklessly. "Absolutely. Act like we're having the time of our lives and were just waiting for a chance to get naked and sweaty together. It'll be easier to do it like that anyway." He was trying not to think about what the hell he would have to do if Daniel wouldn't agree

to this. Anything was better than Daniel being passed around those Jaffa. Anything. Even holding him down and forcing him would be better than that. But there was no way in hell he could do it. So he had to make Daniel understand this was their best option, and make him understand it quickly before Apophis' patience ran out. He gave Daniel a pleading look, willing him to see sense. "Trust me, Danny, please?"

Daniel met his gaze. "I've always trusted you, Jack."

Yes but you have to trust me completely now. You have to trust me naked and lying on a bed as I prepare to slide my cock inside you. That is one hell of a lot of trust, Daniel.

Jack continued to gaze at him, needing some sign proving Daniel understood what he was going to have to do, what it would entail, that he couldn't change his mind halfway through and decide he'd rather be gang-raped by people he didn't know, because it simply wasn't an option.

Daniel moistened his lips and then abruptly pulled his t-shirt off over his head. He looked determined and clear-eyed again. As though he'd come to a decision he could live with. He said, "I'll play this anyway you want to." His gaze held Jack's then, unblinking, totally focused on him as he said again, "I trust you."

*That's my boy.* Realizing he'd just been given permission to touch the way he'd been dreaming about, Jack reached out and brushed his knuckles down the side of Daniel's face as much to replace the memory of Apophis' touch as to show Daniel it was all right. "And I trust you." To his surprise, Daniel didn't flinch from the contact, instead he turned his face into Jack's palm and rubbed, his eyes closed. It seemed like the most natural thing in the world for Jack to slide his hand behind Daniel's head and bring their dry lips together so they barely brushed.

Daniel's eyes flew open and Jack got a close-up view of his wide-eyed gaze. "It's going to be okay, isn't it, Jack?" he whispered, his eyes searching Jack's.

Did he mean the sex? Or how they would handle it afterwards? Or if there would even *be* an afterwards? Didn't matter. The answer to all those questions was the same: "Yes, Daniel, it'll be all right. I promise."

With a little sigh, Daniel pressed his lips firmly against Jack's and it was all Jack could do not throw him on the bed and ravish him then and there. Managing to keep a grip on his control, he shifted a bit and pulled Daniel closer to him, surprised when he felt two strong arms encircle him as well. They could do this. If he could just get Daniel relaxed enough... He teased those perfect lips with his tongue and Daniel opened his mouth immediately for him. Resisting his first urge to plunge his tongue down Daniel's throat, he contented himself with counting every tooth in the younger man's mouth, not surprised to find that Daniel's kisses in reality were every bit as sweet as he'd dreamed they would be. Soft, little moans were escaping from Daniel and Jack could feel him trembling faintly as he ran his hands up and down his back. Oh, he could stand here and do this forever, lose himself in the smell and sound and taste of this man. But they couldn't afford to draw this out. Trading kisses that were growing more urgent by the second, he guided Daniel over to the bed and deftly stripped the boxers off both of them. Daniel seemed oblivious to the loss of his underwear and Jack gave him one last hard kiss, then gently tipped him over onto the bed.

Daniel landed on his back, his arms still wrapped around Jack, and Jack went down on top of him. He was prepared to wait a moment to make sure Daniel was okay with this new position, but he realized with a start that Daniel was *more* than okay with it. He was kissing, licking and gently biting every patch of Jack's skin he could reach, his hands caressing Jack's back, his arms, his thighs, leaving a trail of sparks behind. Not to be left out, Jack bent his head and began to map Daniel's heaving chest with his lips, lingering over one rosy nipple to worry at it with his teeth. Not giving Daniel a chance to get used to that new sensation, he continued his journey down to the firm, quivering abdomen and to the sensitive insides of Daniel's thighs, careful to avoid the blood-engorged cock that was bobbing impatiently and tantalizingly nearby. The younger man was moaning loudly now and trying to thrust his hips, blindly seeking stimulation for his straining organ. From his position Jack took a moment to look up at Daniel sprawled back on the bed, hands clenching the bed covering, eyes squeezed tightly shut, and felt a moment of pride; it was rather gratifying to know he could produce that kind of reaction. But then what he'd said earlier came back to him like a bad dream: it's just sex. Daniel was having sex with him to save their lives, that was all. It didn't mean any more to him than that and it would never ever happen again. Well, then he'd just have to make sure it was the best damned sex Daniel had ever had.

*Get ready for the fireworks, Dannyboy.* Bending his head, he engulfed Daniel's straining cock with his mouth. The younger man almost came off the bed. Firmly, Jack pressed down on his hips, keeping him as still as possible as he sucked greedily. Daniel was too close to the edge to last long. Jack gave one last hard suck and Daniel came, shouting Jack's name. *It's just sex, just sex, just sex.* That was Jack's mantra as he swallowed the semen sprayed into his mouth and tongued the softening organ. It was just sex that made Daniel scream his name as orgasm ripped through him, just sex that reduced him to this quivering puddle, just sex that caused those tears sliding down his face, just sex -- tears?

Placing one last kiss on the now quiescent cock, Jack scrambled up to the head of the bed. Daniel's eyes were squeezed shut and silent tears trickled slowly down his cheeks. Burrowing in beside him, Jack pulled the younger man tight against his chest and buried his face in the tangled hair. "Hey, Danny," he whispered, "it's okay, it's okay. I'm sorry --" It took a moment for him to realize he was hearing the same words from the other man.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The words fairly tumbled out of Daniel's mouth, almost lost as he pressed himself against Jack's chest.

"Nothing to be sorry for, Danny." Almost in a whisper, he added, "It's just sex." Daniel's head shot up and Jack got the full effect of the absolute misery in his eyes. Only this time, he saw behind the misery, and this time he saw the *reason* for the misery. His breath caught in his chest. "Daniel?" It was all there in Daniel's eyes and on his face for any fool to see. Why hadn't he seen it?

"I'm sorry." Daniel was looking at him as if he were his whole world. "I didn't mean to..."

"Didn't mean to what, Danny?" he asked gently. *Let me be right. Oh God, let me be right about this.*

Ashamed, Daniel dropped his gaze and took a deep, shaky breath. "Didn'tmeantofallinlovewithyou."

It came out as one word of several syllables, but Jack heard it loud and clear. Bending down, he placed a kiss on the younger man's forehead. "Didn't mean to fall in love with you, either," he whispered confidentially, "but I did."

"Jack…?" Daniel stared at him in disbelief. He'd gone very pale and Jack automatically stroked a hand through his hair as though he was a pet he was soothing. Daniel swallowed hard, gaped at him, "Do you…I mean…Are you just saying…?"

"I love you." Jack gazed into his eyes while his thumb traced a slow circle on Daniel's forehead around the place where he'd kissed. "More than that, I'm *in* love with you. Have been for a while."

Daniel's arms abruptly snaked around his neck and Daniel was kissing him fiercely, desperately. Jack gently lowered him back to the bed and let Daniel bruise his mouth then kiss and nip at his neck. Daniel murmuring: "Oh Jack…Jack…Jack…" over and over as he did so.

There was a terrible irony in them finding each other just as Apophis was going to put them to death, but Jack decided if they were going to die they were going to go out with a bang and not a whimper. This definitely *was* going to be the best damned sex Daniel had ever known. He moved his head down to find Daniel's mouth, his kisses a gentle contrast to Daniel's frenzied suction. He soothed Daniel with kisses on the eyes, the nose, the cheekbone, the jaw, murmuring to him how beautiful he was and how very long he'd wanted to tell him so. Daniel kept giving little convulsions and exclamations as Jack's soothing litany continued, overwrought with reaction, the after effects of orgasm still buzzing through him while his brain wrestled with this new and incredible information that the man he was in love with was also in love with him.

Jack decided to map Daniel's body with his mouth. Starting at that long white throat, he kissed, sucked, then gently nipped a path from Daniel's pulse point along his left shoulder and down the inside of his arm. Then Daniel was reaching up to kiss *his* left shoulder before kissing a trail back to Jack's nipple and fastening on it with gentle tugs of his even white teeth.

"Oh yes, Dannyboy…" Jack grinned down at him and Daniel broke off from licking his nipple to grin back. Suddenly, despite the gravity of their situation, they were having what could only be described as fun.

They continued their explorations together, Jack gently holding Daniel to the bed to kiss him thoroughly in unexpected places until Daniel was wriggling, squirming, and – if the unexpected place was ticklish – giggling so much he would push Jack off and make a fierce return foray into friendly territory. As they rolled around on the bed Jack discovered Daniel was as quick a learner in between the sheets as he was elsewhere. He'd been afraid that foreplay, like obeying orders, might be something his favorite anthropologist just wouldn't be able to get the hang of, but Daniel was an A student in anatomy when it came to nibbling his way along his Colonel's erogenous zones.

Jack couldn't remember the last time he'd been this turned on. By mutual consent they were trying to make their foreplay last but every time their groins clashed together his cock damned near exploded. Rolling around on a bed with a *very* responsive and gloriously naked Daniel was not doing a lot for his self-control and eventually he just had to grab Daniel by the shoulders and pin him to the bed, kneeling over him as he gasped breathlessly, "Daniel, you keep touching me down there, we're not going to get to the Main Event."

Daniel looked up at him from under his eyelashes. "So much for the military discipline, eh Jack?"

Jack gazed into those huge blue eyes and damned near came right there just from the look in them. "I'll give you military discipline, Doctor Jackson," he ground out.

Daniel looked at him for a long moment, an assessing glance that went straight to Jack's groin and made it tingle in anticipation. Daniel's gaze went to Jack's straining erection and then flickered back to his face. Daniel licked his lips, very slowly, then deliberately canted up his long legs and opened them invitingly. "I'd like to see you try, Colonel O'Neill…"

Apophis' voice grated into the room angrily. "Either you mate with him now or I give him to my Jaffa."

Jack and Daniel exchanged a glance, both reading the anger and frustration in the other's eyes. Holding Daniel's gaze, Jack jerked a thumb over his shoulder and said quietly, "We both know this has nothing to do with that Snakehead, right?"

"Right." Daniel's nod came without hesitation.

Raising his voice Jack shouted back, "Do you want to keep it down? You're really spoiling the mood in here."

Daniel gave a ghost of a smile and Jack bent down and kissed him tenderly on the mouth. "You okay with the audience?"

Daniel shrugged then met Jack's gaze, gaze defiant. "Fuck 'em."

Jack's smile widened. "I'd much rather fuck you instead."

Daniel appeared to give the suggestion his best consideration and then nodded gravely. "Okay. Plan B it is then."

Just as Jack brought his head down to taste those sweet lips one more time, the sound of gunshots, shouts and explosions filled the air. Wrapping his arms around Daniel, Jack quickly rolled them off the bed away from the mirror. As they dropped to the floor he made sure he covered the younger man in case any shots found their way through the mirror from the other side. Daniel was struggling under him and Jack tightened his arms. "Stay still," he hissed. "Looks like the troops have finally arrived."


At the sound of that plaintive and rather desperate tone, Jack looked down into the wide-eyed face of the man under him and his eyes softened. "Keep that thought," he murmured, kissing him soundly. "You and I have a lot of unfinished business to attend to once we get back to base."

Daniel opened his mouth to say something, but just then the door crashed open.



"Over here. Everything secure?"

"Yes, sir." By the sound of Carter's voice, she was clearly staying over by the door. Good thinking, Major.

"Apophis has escaped." That was Teal'c, and he sounded ready to tear someone's head off.

"Sir..." Carter cleared her throat. "Are you and Daniel okay?"

Jack looked down into the blue eyes locked on his face and nodded. "We're fine, Carter. Just fine." That elicited a shy smile from Daniel and Jack ducked down quickly to give those smiling lips one last kiss. "You want to give us some privacy, Major," he drawled. "We seem to have been separated from our clothes."


After the longest medical in history followed by the longest debriefing in history, they were finally free. Daniel had been uncharacteristically quiet since SG-1 and the rescue troops returned to Earth and he had avoided every questioning glance Jack had thrown his way. Finally, after being put on stand-down for thirty-six hours, Jack marched determinedly to Daniel's office. But as he stood in front of the closed door, fist raised to knock, he felt his assurance and anticipation fade. Daniel may well love him, but suppose he didn't want to *do* anything about it here in the real world? Back on PCX-whatever they had been pretty much facing death, so what did they have to lose? The Real World was a lot scarier in a lot of ways and maybe he'd thought about it over in the last few hours and decided...

*Shit*. Jack's shoulders slumped, his fist hovering inches away from the door. This was exactly what he had been afraid of. That he'd get a teasing taste of his fantasy, a taste of what it was like to make love to that incredible man, only to have it snatched away from him. Well, he wouldn't force him; he wouldn't do that to Daniel. If Daniel wanted to pretend like it had never happened, then that's exactly what he would do.

As he turned away from the closed door he heard his name being called and spun around quickly. Daniel was loping toward him, a mixture of exasperation and anxiety on his face. "Jack, where the *hell* have you been?"

He blinked. "Me? I thought you were in there. Where have you been?"

"Looking for you." Daniel bit his lip and he fixed his gaze at a point over Jack's left ear and wrapped his arms around his chest. "I wanted to make sure... I mean, I wasn't sure... I mean, I didn't know if..."

Looking at the younger man's worried face and hearing his linguist's garbled attempts at producing a coherent sentence, Jack's heart took a hop, skip and a jump. Grabbing Daniel's arm, he hustled him into the office and turned him around so Daniel was backed firmly against the closed door. Placing his hands on either side of the other man's head, he moved closer, fitted his lips to Daniel's, and gave him the slowest, longest, sweetest kiss he could manage. When they finally broke away, both men were gasping for air. When he finally got his breath back, Jack murmured, "Is that what you wanted to know?"

Blue eyes shining with happiness, Daniel stared at him for a long moment. Then he pushed himself away from the door, wrapped his arms tightly around Jack, and pressed his face into Jack's neck. With a soft smile, Jack brought a hand up to cup the back of his head, letting his fingers card through the thick hair. He shivered as Daniel's hot breath teased his bare skin.

"I was afraid... I mean, I thought..."

"I know." He kissed a conveniently placed perfectly formed ear. "I was worried you might have changed your mind. I mean, you wouldn't even look at me –"

Daniel's head snapped back and he looked at Jack with rueful eyes. "I was afraid everyone would see the way I felt. I mean this is still so new..." He waved between them. "You and me, both of us."

Jack cocked his head, studying the earnest and still a little anxious face inches from his. So new, and yet so *right*. With a grin he kissed the tip of that perfect nose. "I think you and I have some unfinished business, Doctor. Jackson."

In response, Daniel pressed his cheek to Jack's, whispering huskily, "Your place or mine, colonel?"

Jack groaned. "Do that again and it's going to be right here." Taking a deep bolstering breath, he took a step back so they were no longer touching, manfully ignoring the pout on the younger man's face. "My place," he decided. "It's closer." And every minute counts!

Giving Jack a deliberate look from under his eyelashes, Daniel pressed, "What's wrong with here?"

Oh, he could see he was going to have his hands full... Reaching out, he gently trailed his knuckles down the side of Daniel's face. "My place," he repeated. "I made a promise I want to keep." The best damned sex you've ever had, and I don't want any distractions and I sure don't want you up against a wall – at least not this time. Just you, me, a big bed and all the comforts of home.

Daniel placed his hand over Jack's, then took it away and pressed a kiss into his palm. "Sounds like a plan, colonel." He darted forward, giving Jack a hard, urgent kiss. "I'll meet you there." Then, leaving Jack breathless, he spun away and quickly slipped out the door.

Bemused, Jack stood staring at the closed door a long moment before shaking himself of his reverie and quickly leaving the office, checking for his car keys as he strode through the hallway. Yep, he was definitely going to have his hands full. Thank God.

Having had to make a detour to the nearest drugstore to buy lube Jack was expecting to find Daniel waiting – hopefully impatiently – on his doorstep. When he saw no car on the drive and no archaeologist ringing his doorbell, his heart sank. Maybe stepping out into the real world had brought it home to Daniel just what a huge step he'd be taking if he went through with this…


He spun around to find Daniel had parked – very badly – while he was imagining the destruction of his dream and was in the process of scrambling out of the driver's seat, his hands full of carrier bags.

"Went to the drugstore," Daniel explained breathlessly.

"Me too." Jack reached into his pocket and opened his fist, giving Daniel a quick glimpse of his purchase. "Bought lube."

"Good thinking." Daniel nodded emphatically.

Jack was impatient to get Daniel inside and out of his clothes but he was also curious as to the contents of those carrier bags. He couldn't help noticing they bore the names of three different drugstores. He quickly turned the key in the lock and all but ushered Daniel inside. "So – what did you buy?"

"Well I went to buy lube too."

Jack closed the door on the outside world, took Daniel gently by the shoulders and pinned him against the wall, being careful to cushion the back of his head with his right hand as he did so. Then he kissed him until they were both cross-eyed. When he finally came up for air, he looked back at the carrier bags Daniel was still grasping. "Just how much lube did you buy, Daniel? And would this be the appropriate moment to mention that I'm forty-four…?"

Daniel lowered his gaze, shifting uncomfortably. "Wastooembarrassed…" he muttered.


Daniel dropped his head a bit lower. "To buy lube." He looked up at Jack and protested, "All the assistants looked so damned…knowing."

A slow smile spread across Jack's face. He leaned forward and kissed the tip of Daniel's nose. "Do you know how cute you are?" He glanced back down at the bags and grinned. "So, what *did* you buy?"

Daniel cleared his throat. "I – have no idea."

They made their way to the bedroom, Daniel still clinging onto the handles of his carrier bags and saying plaintively, "It's not funny, Jack, it's *not* funny…"

Although his groin was very eager to get Daniel out of those clothes and into his arms, the rest of him was curious and insisted Daniel emptied the bags on the bed.

When he started laughing again, Daniel hit him reproachfully on the arm. "Damnit, Jack…!"

"Oh come on, Daniel, you have to admit it's a little amusing." He held up a pink box and raised an eyebrow interrogatively. "A pregnancy testing kit? Daniel, scout's honor, I swear I won't get you pregnant."

Daniel thumped him again. "I thought if I bought that *and* some lube it would make the lube look less suspicious."

"Yeah, I'm sure no one's ever thought of that before."

"But then I couldn't quite bring myself to pick up the lube and the assistant was looking at me and…"

Jack picked up yet another sandwich in a plastic wrapper. "Well there is a weird kind of logic to your purchases – sandwiches, chocolate, more chocolate, chocolate chip ice cream, chocolate hazelnut fudge ice cream – were you hungry or something, Daniel? Another pregnancy testing kit, more vitamins than anyone could possibly consume in a lifetime, shampoo, a sponge, oh and another sponge – you got a sponge fetish I should know about?"

Daniel gave him a sideways look. "It was buy one, get one free."

As Jack started laughing again, Daniel glared at him. "You know sex with you isn't looking half as inviting as it did an hour ago, Colonel O'Neill."

Jack tossed the last sponge onto the floor, took Daniel gently by the shoulders and pulled him in for another breath-stealing kiss, soft and deep and sweet as he could make it. When they parted for air, Daniel was gasping and his eyes had gone dark and drowsy with desire. Jack leant forward to brush his lips gently against Daniel's ear, whispering, "How's it looking now?"

Daniel swallowed, trying to collect himself. "Uh…pretty…good."

Jack kissed behind his ear and Daniel gave a little shiver of pleasure. "I can't help noticing that with all your wonderful purchases, Doctor Jackson, you didn't buy a toothbrush. Is that because you're not planning to stay over or because you were thinking of borrowing mine?" As Daniel opened his mouth to answer him, Jack deliberately inserted his tongue into Daniel's ear, delighted to feel the man give a convulsive little spasm of arousal.

Daniel said breathlessly, "I – uh – I – I – what was the question again…?"

Jack gently maneuvered him down onto the bed and kept kissing him while simultaneously trying to struggle out his jacket and pants. Daniel's hands closed on the side of his head and pulled him down into another incredible kiss. As they parted for air, their eyes met. Jack felt his heartbeat increase as he saw for himself exactly how Daniel felt about him while what Daniel read in Jack's eyes made him gasp and look torn between wonder and disbelief. "Oh, believe it, Daniel," Jack told him softly. "Believe it."

Clothes were thrown carelessly to all compass points. Jack moved Daniel's purchases from the bed to the floor with one decisive sweep of his arm. And then they were naked again, just like they'd been earlier, but this time there were no Jaffa waiting outside the door and no Apophis watching them through a spy-hole.

Despite the little demonstration he'd had earlier suggesting Daniel was as eager as he was, Jack had somehow thought his innocent anthropologist was going to want to take things very slowly; an assumption immediately contradicted by the way Daniel began to nibble him all over with the determination of a very hungry puppy.

Daniel was so forceful in his licking, kissing, biting, sucking and tender nibbling, Jack was left breathless with arousal, flat on his back and gasping while Daniel ranged all over him with the single-minded concentration he usually reserved for archaeological digs.

Jack closed his eyes, arching his back as Daniel nipped a path up the inside of his thighs. His whole body was tingling from Daniel's recent assault, little damp spots punctuating the places where he'd been kissed and sucked to Daniel's satisfaction. When Daniel's hot mouth closed over his cock he gave a gasp of pleasure. "Oh God, Dannyboy…"

"Don't *call* me that," Daniel muttered indistinctly through a mouthful of erection.

"Daniel…" Jack came to his senses and closed his hands in Daniel's soft hair, gently easing him off his cock. Daniel didn't go without a struggle, still sucking hard even as Jack hauled him off. Rolling his eyes at Daniel's stubbornness, Jack took him by the shoulders and pulled him up his body to within kissing range, Daniel's skin sliding deliciously over his. As Daniel wriggled crossly, Jack sighed and wrapped his long legs firmly around the other's delectable body, clamping them down across what was, he couldn't help noticing, a very cute butt to hold a frustrated and squirming Daniel in place.

"Damnit, Jack, why won't you let me…?"

Jack tightened his grip, having to admit if only to himself that there was quite a lot of enjoyment to be had in thwarting a frustrated Daniel Jackson. Daniel wriggling irritably on top of him and not being able to get free was a fun game they definitely needed to come back to at some later date. Daniel wriggling underneath him and not being able to get free sounded like something they might want to try out as well. In fact, just Daniel generally wriggling a lot in close proximity to Jack O'Neill's naked body was something he thought they should do lots of experiments with in the very near future, but in the meantime…

"Daniel…?" He tightened his grip in Daniel's hair, reaching up to kiss him on the mouth. "Do you remember me telling you how old I am?"

Daniel did stop wriggling although he was pouting in a way that made Jack get even harder. "What's that got to do with you not wanting me to give you a blow job?"

"I have no objection to you giving me a blow job, *whatsoever*, Daniel. I just thought I ought to point out to you that if you go down on me, I can't go…up in you. If you get what I'm saying…?"

Daniel's eyed widened. "Oh. Got you." He looked down at Jack's chest and began to twirl a finger in his chest hair. "For…how long? I mean, your batteries…how long do they usually take to recharge?"

Jack ran his hands down Daniel's smooth back. "With you I'm thinking it would probably be only about ten minutes anyway, because you are just one big electric current straight to the groin…But, on past experience, we might be talking about an hour. Maybe more. So you want to go back to what you were doing, that is *very* okay with me, but you won't be getting that…Main Event I promised you until later if you do. Okay?"

"Hhmmm….Decisions…Decisions…" Daniel gave him a sideways smile of pure mischief and Jack's groin gave a violent spasm. Daniel twirled his finger thoughtfully in Jack's chest hair again and then looked at the man from under his eyelashes, saying conversationally, "So, Jack? How do you feel about me…sitting on your cock?"

Jack swallowed, closing his eyes tightly. *Think garbage. Think rotting vegetables. Think dead seal washed up on a beach.* It took a moment but with the crisis just about averted, he dared exhale and open his eyes. "You did that on purpose."

Daniel gave him his most innocent smile. "What, Jack? I don't know what you mean. Can't a guy even ask an honest…?"

One hell of a handful! Deciding that Daniel really needed to learn who was boss here, Jack abruptly rolled them both over, pinning Daniel to the bed then kissing him soundly. It was time for someone else's hormones to be given a workout.

Jack ruthlessly explored Daniel's erogenous zones, paying no attention to those whimpers, gasps and exclamations, nipping, sucking, nibbling, kissing, licking, mouthing, and downright biting any bits of Daniel's naked skin he could find, while Daniel wriggled, squirmed, writhed and yelped his name, clutching at him tighter and tighter, body bucking underneath Jack's firm grip. Jack grinned and held him flat, not letting him escape this assault on his nervous system, even as Daniel's cock hardened and jammed against him, clearly aching for release. Jack pointedly ignored that weeping head to give Daniel a little run down of his pleasure points; determinedly setting about the business of turning Doctor Daniel Jackson, multiple PhD, MSc, BSc, into a quivering mindless jelly.

"Oh God, Jack…Oh God…!"

Deciding Daniel had learned his lesson, Jack stopped just before Daniel came, sat back and surveyed him in satisfaction. Finally released, Daniel gasped and reached for his aching erection. Immediately Jack's hand closed on his wrist and he easily intercepted Daniel's other hand, pushing Daniel's arms behind his head and holding them flat to the pillow. He kissed him gently on the lips as Daniel gave him a look of desperation. "God, Jack, please…?"



"No." Jack kissed him again. "You're going to suffer for all the times you've scared me shitless over the years getting yourself captured or injured. Death by foreplay. It's no more than you deserve."

"Oh God, Jack, I'm not kidding…you can't leave me like this…please…damnit to hell, Jack…!"

Jack sniggered then bent and stifled Daniel's protests with the deepest, longest, sexiest kiss he could manage. When he finally withdrew for breath Daniel was groaning in mingled pleasure and frustration. "You are such a son-of-a…"

Another kiss. Deeper and longer. Daniel's tongue curling around his despite himself, just as Daniel's body was quivering receptively under his despite himself. Ha ha, Dannyboy, you may be so beautiful my poor old knees go weak every time you look at me, but I'm damned if I'm going to let you wrap me around your little finger.

Jack snatched another breath and then had the pleasure of watching as Daniel slowly surfaced from the kiss a second behind him, black eyelashes lifting to reveal huge dreamy blue eyes, dark with desire, bright with love just for him. Only for him. Daniel gazed straight at him, and breathed softly, "Oh, Jack…"

Well okay, maybe I *am* going to let you wrap me around your little finger…

Mesmerized by how utterly irresistible the man of his dreams was, Jack let Daniel wriggle out from underneath him and only closed his eyes in return as Daniel nuzzled behind his ear seductively. "Want to sit up, Colonel?" Daniel murmured. "Parts of you are already taking notice, I'm glad to see."

Jack automatically did as Daniel suggested. Sitting up against the soft bedhead, still gazing at Daniel in disbelief. "Were you always this beautiful?" he enquired conversationally. "I'm sure you didn't look like this the first time I met you. If I had, I don't think suicide would have been what I was thinking about."

Daniel just gave him an enigmatic smile. "Where's that lube you bought, Jack?"

Jack automatically reached under the pillow and fished it out. Daniel knelt over him, nuzzling at his nipples in turn before lifting his head to kiss him fiercely. Jack came out of his daze and began to stroke those broad shoulders, the smooth back, before cupping Daniel's buttocks in his hands and squeezing. As Daniel let him come up for air, he said breathlessly, "You have the cutest butt in the universe."

Daniel moistened his lips. "Want to examine it more closely?"

Jack's groin gave another violent spasm. "Damnit, Daniel…!"

Daniel sniggered. "Your buttons are so damned easy to press, Jack."

"I'll press your damned buttons, Jackson!"

The next five minutes were crowded and pleasurable, involving a lot of rolling around on the bed, kissing, nipping and sucking at each other's skin, nipples, arms, necks and mouths. After a brief struggle for supremacy, Jack ended up on top, but Daniel just looked up at him innocently, saying, "Jack, you have to trust me on this, you really are going to have a lot more fun if you let me win…"

The wicked light in Daniel's eyes told him the younger man was probably right and Jack decided to submit. He shrugged. "Take me, I'm yours."

After Daniel had tugged and pulled at him until he had him arranged to his satisfaction, Jack found himself sitting with his back to the headboard again, and Daniel facing him, kneeling over his lap. Daniel rested his hands on Jack's shoulders and met his gaze, moistening his lips, "Any…maneuvers coming to mind, Colonel."

"A few." Jack already had the top off the lube and the gel smeared over his fingers. "It might feel cold," he warned.

Daniel rested his head on Jack's shoulder, turning it so he could kiss Jack's neck as the man slid a gentle finger inside him. He gave a little gasp as the cold reached him, but then closed his eyes, opening up to the exploring finger, remembering the meditation techniques Teal'c had taught him and using them to make himself relax from the ends of his toes to the tips of his fingers. He remembered what Teal'c had said about imagining his limbs full of heavy liquid, unresisting, boneless. He snuggled his head in closer to Jack's neck, keeping his eyes firmly closed.

Jack used his free hand to stroke Daniel's hair gently, murmuring, "You're a natural, Doctor Jackson."

"Teal'c taught me."


Daniel was rudely jolted off Jack's shoulder and opened his eyes to find the man staring at him in disbelief.

Daniel blinked in surprise then his face cleared. "Oh…No, I didn't mean…Meditation, Jack. Teal'c taught me how to meditate."

"Oh." Feeling a little silly but very aware of the furious tide of jealousy which had just ripped through him like a tsunami, Jack cleared his throat. "Meditation, right. Well, you're doing fine." He pushed Daniel's head back down onto his shoulder and then slipped his finger back inside him. He could feel Daniel's breath against his neck as the man made himself inhale and exhale slowly and rhythmically, pushing relaxation into every muscle. Jack applied more lube and slipped two fingers up inside him, torn between the desire beginning to build very insistently between his legs as he probed that so-inviting channel, and his awareness of how small and tight a place this was for him to penetrate. Daniel's breath against his skin was making him harder and harder and his fingers shook a little as he added more lube and another finger, stretching him almost ruthlessly now.

Daniel kept his eyes closed, Jack's foreplay arousing him so much he knew he was going to come if he didn't keep the kel'no'reem thoughts flowing through him as well as he could. But when Jack's fingers touched his prostate the lightning bolt of pleasure banished all transcendental thoughts from his mind. "Come on, Jack…damn it…aren't you there yet?" he gasped.

"You have to be ready," Jack's voice was so tight and strained Daniel could tell he wasn't the only one who wanted to get this show on the road.

"I'm ready! Trust me on this, I'm very ready."

The second Jack's fingers slid out from inside him, Daniel had his hands resting on the man's shoulders and was straddling his lap. Their eyes met and they both read the incredible desire in the other's gaze. "Okay?" Daniel breathed.

Jack couldn't speak and just nodded. A second later, the tightest, silkiest heat he'd ever known was closing over his cock as Daniel began to lower himself onto it.

"Oh God…" Jack gasped.

Daniel made an inarticulate sound which could have been pain or pleasure. He had his back arched, hands resting on Jack's shoulders, head back, the oddest expression on his face as though he was listening for something as he lowered himself slowly onto Jack's cock.

Jack could watch the effect every millimeter of progress was having on Daniel as it happened; could feel himself sliding in deeper as he saw the beads of sweat trickle down Daniel's face, see Daniel's mouth open and close, hear the inarticulate little grunts emerging from his throat, see Daniel's eyelids flicker as the sensations flooded his nervous system. He had never seen anything so arousing as Daniel's gradual discovery of each new sensation, surprise, tiny flickers of pain, unexpected bolts of obvious pleasure. They made the journey together, inch by inch, and Jack thought even going through the Stargate couldn't quite touch it for wonder. Halfway through, their gazes locked, unblinking. Daniel gave him a tiny smile and pushed down harder. Pleasure lanced straight to Jack's groin at that sudden wonderful friction as he was carried up inside the man of his dreams, and then Daniel really was sitting in his lap, utterly his to the very root.

Jack reached out and stroked Daniel's sweat soaked fringe back from his forehead. He realized they were both glistening with perspiration, the scene of arousal unmistakable on both of them. Daniel leant forward and rested his forehead against Jack's. He took a deep breath, adjusting to the cock inside him gradually then said breathlessly, "You know, Colonel, I think this could be the start of a beautiful friendship."

A moment later, Daniel was lifting himself up and then slowly pushing down. It was the steadiest, gentlest rhythm and Jack arched his back up into it, feeling at once how perfect they were together, Daniel pushing down and tightening instinctively, making him push up from his toes in return so they could both enjoy every inch of penetration, every millimeter of every careful thrust.

Jack put his hands on Daniel's hips to steady him while Daniel kept his hands on Jack's shoulders to balance himself. The slow thrusts became a little faster, then faster still, Daniel was tightening harder to urge Jack to push up more firmly, at the same time bringing his hips down more forcefully, driving Jack deeper and deeper into himself. As Daniel began to push down with real urgency, Jack realized this was much harder and deeper than he would have dared thrust himself, he would have been too afraid of hurting Daniel to give him what he so obviously wanted. "Easy, Dannyboy…" he breathed, "it's not a race."

"I told you not to call me that," Daniel gasped in between thrusts. He gave Jack a look from under his eyelashes as he slammed down onto him. "And what's the matter, Jack? Pace too hot for you to handle?"

*Definitely going to have his hands full, thank God.* Jack decided to give in gracefully. Daniel was the one literally in the driver's seat, and anyway, his cock thought Daniel was full of good ideas. "Well it's your cute little butt that's going to get burned…"

In reply, Daniel slammed down onto him, grunting at the extremity of the thrust. It seemed entirely natural to let his body go with the flow, his hips pushing up to meet Daniel's downward trajectory, and their bodies acted like they'd been rehearsing for this particular performance for months, seeming to know instinctively what the other was going to do and how best to complement it. They had a wonderful rhythm going now, Daniel pushing down harder and faster and Jack's upwards thrusts meeting him to perfection, finding the ideal depth and speed to give them both maximum satisfaction

Damnit, Daniel, you really *are* a natural. Jack thought of all those hours and hours and *hours* he and Daniel were going to be able to spend in the bedroom in the future. All the kissing, cuddling, whispering, panting, writhing, moaning, thrusting and climaxing these four walls were going to be witnessing in the near future. He thought of having Daniel snuggled up in his arms and being able to kiss the back of his neck any time he liked. He thought of Daniel being pissy with him and them having to have make-up sex until they felt better, and…

And then Daniel slammed down onto him so hard and so fast and so wonderfully groin-thrummingly satisfyingly that Jack couldn't think of anything at all except the rush of pleasure that flooded every cell in his body and the way his brain was melting out of his ears…


It was three hours later that he had a naked Daniel on his lap again. A place Jack had already decided Daniel suited perfectly. Daniel was being maddening. And greedy. He was supposed to be feeding Jack ice cream but he kept picking out all the chocolate chips for himself.

"Gimme!" Jack demanded.

Daniel grudgingly gave him the next spoonful, but then followed it up with an exploratory kiss, swirling his tongue around in Jack's mouth to steal back the chocolate chips. He sat back, licking his lips in satisfaction and leaving a little dab of chocolate ice cream on the left side of his mouth. It matched the cream-colored stain on the other side of his mouth from an earlier experiment which had involved no vanilla ice cream whatsoever. Had in fact, only involved the two of them and a bed.

Then as now, Daniel had looked remarkably like the cat who had got the cream when he was done.

Jack looked at his hair-mussed, love-bite-decorated, semen-and-ice-cream stained anthropologist and sighed: "You're going to be more trouble than I ever even dreamed of, aren't you?"

Daniel gave him a bright smile and put a dollop of ice cream in his own mouth then leaned across to mingle tongues, chocolate chips and kisses with him. After a breathless pause, he said, "Oh yeah. Lots of trouble."

"You're going to wear me out."

Yep." Daniel nodded. "Was definitely planning on that."

"You're going to want to sit on my lap in mission briefings."

"I already do want to sit on your lap in mission briefings."

"And you're going to insist we have sex every night."

"Definitely." Daniel fed him another spoonful of ice cream. "That goes without saying."

Realizing Daniel had been generous with the chocolate chips this time, Jack thought it was only fair to lean across and share this bounty with him. As he emerged from their kiss he sighed resignedly, "Well, I guess it's lucky I'm so crazy about you I can probably manage it."

Daniel prepared another spoonful of ice cream but then held it tantalizingly out of reach. "Only probably?"

Jack frowned. "Well, I'm not sure, Daniel. You know it's a concern."

"You did mention it might be."

"I mean how many times is it now?"

Daniel leaned across to look at the notepad by the side of the bed. "Um – four so far. In…" he looked at his watch, "three and a half hours. How are the knees holding up?"

Jack shook his head. "Well they *seem* okay, but I think we really ought to make sure. I don't want you trapped in a relationship with a guy who can't satisfy you sexually. Why don't we just try it again and see if I'm up to it?"

"That sounds like a good idea." Daniel looked between them and then took the spoonful of ice cream himself. As he leant across to put the ice cream tub on the bedside table, he said, "Um – Jack, you're kind of up already…?"

Jack looked down at his cock and frowned. "Well, it *looks* like a working erection, but at my age, can we be sure?"

"Probably best to – try it out, see if it actually functions…?" Daniel suggested.

"I think so. Just to be on the safe side."

As Daniel wrapped his arms around his neck and rubbed his nose against his, Jack nibbled his bottom lip, gazing into eyes that were filled with love just for him, a body rubbing invitingly up against his that was already displaying a marked degree of eagerness, and it was all he could do to stop a grin splitting his face open. He reached down to wrap a hand around Daniel's cock and begin to stroke it gently, wanting to get Daniel nicely warmed up before they got to that incredible moment where Daniel lowered himself onto him and the fireworks went off for both of them like the fourth of July.

Daniel said softly, "Love you, Colonel O'Neill."

He craned his neck to share a chocolate-flavored kiss. "Love you, Doctor Jackson."

As they pulled back, Daniel giggled suddenly and Jack smiled as well. "What's so funny?"

"I just worked out that we're only together because of Apophis. I never would have said anything if it wasn't for him. And now I'm so happy I think my head's going to explode. Boy would he be pissed if he knew."

Unable to resist bestowing more kisses on that beautiful face and body, Jack rolled them over gently so Daniel was lying beneath him on the bed and he had free rein to kiss every inch of his flawless skin. As he paused with his mouth over Daniel's, they exchanged another glance of perfect understanding. Jack reached up and stroked Daniel's short fringe back from his forehead. "Let's send him a postcard."

Daniel's smile lit up the room. "Yeah."

"But first…" Jack inhaled deeply, breathing in the wonderful scent of Daniel, just needing a second to revel in the good fortune that had brought him to this point, this bed, this moment where he had Daniel safe in his arms, in love with him, and perfect in every possible way. "I have some peaceful exploring to be getting on with…"

The End

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