Title: Fire and Ice

Date: August 03, 2001

Author: ELG

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: Jack/Daniel (Daniel/Other in Jack's imagination)

Category: Slash, Angst, Drama, H/C. Not exactly First Time but not an existing relationship either.

Spoilers: S3 & S4 spoilers

Warnings: Sex and bad language, but no drugs or rock'n'roll.

Disclaimer: They're not mine, they belong to each other (and those people at MGM etc), I'm not exploiting their glistening naked bodies for any material gain just for my own warped satisfaction, and I promise to give them back when they've finished with each other in more or less the condition in which I found them. (Possibly a bit mussed and sweaty and in need of a shower but otherwise unharmed.)

Summary: I have always wanted to write a Daniel-falls-into-a-freezing-river-and-Jack-has-to-stop-him-getting-hypothermia story and this is it. (Well the show won't provide me with one so what choice did they leave me?). And anyway it's fun making Jack jealous.

Notes: A birthday story for Brenda. Many thanks to the wonderful woman herself for the beta. And extra thanks to Kelpie Sue for the medical beta and very helpful comments.