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     How to "Sign" Your E-Mail

You always sign a letter, so why not sign e-mail too? A signature file, better known as a "sig line" or "sig file," is your identification in e-mail correspondence. You can include it automatically in every e-mail you send. These are some common elements for a signature file are:

  • your name,
  • your organization,
  • contact information (phone & fax numbers)
  • and your URL (your school/parish web page address) and e-mail address.

To build a signature file, type all of the information in a Microsoft Word document. Save that document as a text (.txt) file. Once you have created the file, go to

After clicking on this link, you will receive step-by-step instructions on how to place a default signature file in your e-mails.

 Article created: 10/6/1999