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     Archdiocese of Milwaukee Announces the New Catholic Development School!
  The Department of Development has begun a new outreach initiative to assist schools in the area of development. The Catholic Development School is dedicated to providing academically excellent, comprehensive development training within a values-based ethical context. The goal of this educational program is to develop professionals and volunteers dedicated to helping our Catholic schools and organizations secure the resources they need to be vibrant, effective organizations in the years to come.

Seventeen different courses are being offered in this inaugural school year, with more to be added in a summer session. The courses are designed to be taken in sequence and may have other classes as prerequisites. The faculty is comprised of seasoned development professionals with an emphasis on development in Catholic education.

To view the curriculum guide for complete course offerings, tuition costs and registration information, please download the PDF file below.

If you have any questions or would like to register for classes, please contact Marita Hartshorn at 414-769-3451.

  - devschool
 Article created: 9/10/2002