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  In a recent letter to priests of the archdiocese, Archbishop Dolan stated, “Catholic Charities continues to craft creative ways of assisting the poor. ” This statement embodies Catholic Charities new "Way of Caring" …a strong commitment to involve more individuals and groups at the parish level in collaborative ministries of service, social justice and peace.

Catholic Charities’ approach is to listen, learn, and support parish-based social ministries while broadening the work and impact of both Catholic Charities and parishes.

The possibilities for building and strengthening communities are endless. For example, Catholic Charities has recently been involved in assisting a cluster of urban and suburban parishes in setting up a Diversity Council to address issues of racism and intolerance in their changing communities. They are also helping convene two parishes who want to “partner” in sharing resources, ministries and cultural experiences. In Walworth County Catholic Charities has worked with a local business development corporation in setting up a new resource and outreach center serving Hispanic individuals and families.

Catholic Charities is available for consultation with individuals, parish committees and staff members, as well as organizations interested in furthering parish social ministry. For information, contact Ron Spitz, Director of Social Ministries for Catholic Charities, 414/769-3419 or Or you may contact Irene La Brie, Parish Social Ministries, at 414/771-2881 or

  - PLN_November2002_Q4
 Article created: 12/9/2002