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     Eucharist Without Walls: Part II
  "Of the many things one could do during this coming year, participating each week at Sunday Mass stands out among all the others."

Eucharist Without Walls So writes Milwaukee Archbishop Rembert Weakland in Eucharist without Walls: Part II, an additional reflection on the pastoral letter Eucharist without Walls: A Vision of the Church for the Year 2000, which was written by Archbishop Weakland and Bishop Sklba in December 1997. In this writing, the Archbishop Weakland teaches us how important it is to be an active participant at Sunday Mass and to bring the Eucharist to life in the world around us.

The new pastoral letter will be distributed to all registered Catholics in the Milwaukee Archdiocese as part of the Advent issue of Spiritual Times, the archbishop's quarterly newsletter. The updated pastoral letter is dated November 28, the first Sunday of Advent, to coincide with the start of the Jubilee Year. If you are not a registered parishioner, please contact your parish to register. That way you can receive future issues of Spiritual Times. To read these writings on-line, just click below.

Eucharist without Walls: Part II

Eucharist without Walls:
A Vision of the Church for the Year 2000
 Article created: 11/29/1999