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     Commissioning of a Parish Council at the Beginning of the Year
  Introduction as to purpose or perhaps encouragement to do this

Introduction as to purpose or perhaps encouragement to do this.


At an appropriate time during Mass, the celebrant calls council members forward.


Pastor:      Today, our parish community calls you to serve as members of the parish council. Are you willing to share your time and talent as lay leaders of our parish?


Council:     We are.


Pastor:      Will you lead with grace, remembering that Christ is your partner and His mission is the focus of your ministry?


Council:     With God ’s help we will.


Pastor:      Will you lead with wisdom, by studying matters that come to our meeting table, open to one another and the Holy Spirit? Will you consult with parish members and staff when appropriate? And will you propose practical conclusions to me concerning the ongoing life and mission of our parish?


Council:     With God ’s help we will.


Pastor:      Will you lead with vision? Will you strive to keep the bigger picture in mind, help us focus on continuing Jesus’ mission in our time, and find ways for all our members to share their time and talent?


Council:     With God ’s help we will.


Pastor:      May the One who began this good work in you bring it to completion.


Council:     Amen.


Turning to the assembly:

Pastor:      Will you support these women and men with your prayer and friendship?


All:            We will.


Pastor:      Loving God, this community gives you thanks for these parishioners who will serve to our parish as council members. Open us to your grace and renew all gathered here, that with them we might be women and men enthusiastic for Your Mission, generous in our love, time, talent and treasure, to make your kingdom real in our day. We ask this through Jesus Christ, who came as servant to us all.


All:            Amen.



For more information, contact Noreen Welte in the Office for Parish Councils and Planning, 414-769-3378, 800-769-9373 ext. 378, or e-mail

  - CommissisonNewCouncilors
 Article created: 4/9/2003