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     How Do I Know If Our Council Is Successful?
  How Do You Know If Your Council Is Successful

The end of another council term is here. Before the new council members arrive on the scene, the current council might take time to do a self-evaluation.


Noted organizational guru, Stephen Covey, identifies four roles of effective leaders.  They make great starting points for such an evaluation.  Let’s look at his concepts and apply them to the council’s roles.


1.     Path-finding

Effective leaders are pathfinders.  They know where the organization wants to go.  Committed to the purpose and goals of the organization, pathfinders are not afraid to be “scouts” for the group.   They look long-range before and for the rest of the organization with their eyes wide open.  They look and listen for whatever might advance, impede or deny the progress of the group in carrying out its purpose. 


Ask yourself:

·       Can you articulate the purpose/mission of your parish in your own words?  What did the parish hope to achieve this past year?

·       Looking back, what – if anything - advanced, impeded or kept the council or parish from achieving their goals? How will your discoveries influence next year’s goals? (Short-term planning)

·       In what areas are you looking long-range into the future?


2.     Aligning

Successful leaders align the elements of the system to work together harmoniously toward a common vision.


Ask yourself:

·       Does the council and do committees see how the work of one committee or parish organization influences the work of the others? 

·       What proof do you have?


3.     Empowering

Successful leaders know that resources are needed to achieve the purpose and goals of the organization.  If the right human and temporal resources are not in place, the likelihood of achieving their goals is limited.  Smart leaders do all they can to equip the staff, committees and members with the right resources.


Ask yourself:

·       What human and temporal resources are available to your staff, committees and parishioners to do the mission of the parish?  Is this adequate?

·       Do parishioners understand the relationship of their stewardship of time, talent and treasure with the spirit of the parish?  How do you know?

·       Is a communication system in place and working so that the right people have the right information at the right time to do right things well?


4.     Validate the workers’ work

Successful leaders take nothing for granted.  They are grateful for the sacrifices made by all who help achieve common goals.  They express their gratitude in many ways and often.


     Ask yourself:

·       When and how did you thank your pastor, staff and parish committees for their hard work this year? 


·       When was the last time you thanked the parishioners for their support without immediately turning around and asking them for more?  Did they hear you?  How do you know?


After asking these questions, what goals will the council make for itself for the coming year?  How will you hold yourselves accountable?


For more information, contact Noreen Welte in the Office for Parish Councils and Planning, 414-769-3378, 800-769-9373 ext. 378, or e-mail

 Article created: 4/9/2003