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     July 22 - Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene
  St. Mary Magdalene was the sister of St. Lazarus and St. Martha and is referred to as "The Penitent." Mary lived in a town called Magdale. She was known as a sinner. Mary Magdalene met Jesus at the house of Simon the Pharisee, where she bathed Jesus' feet with her tears, wiped them with her hair, and anointed his feet with ointment. Because of the great love she showed, her sins were forgiven. Jesus told Mary that her faith saved her (Luke 7:44-50). From that night on, Mary Magdalene was one of several Galilean women who accompanied Jesus and the Apostles as they preached and proclaimed the good news.

Mary Magdalene was present at the crucifixion of Jesus and at his burial. In the Gospel of Mark, we learn that Jesus "appeared first to Mary Magdalene" (Mark 16:9).

Following the ascension, Mary Magdalene accompanied the Apostles. During the persecution of Christians, she left Palestine with Martha and Lazarus and other disciples. The group crossed the Mediterranean Sea and landed in southern France. Lazarus remained in Marseilles and Martha traveled inland to Tarascon. Mary Magdalene lived a contemplative life in the hills of La Saint Baume. Maximin, Sidonius, Suzanna and Marcella were her companions and helped spread the word of God.

Mary Magdalene died in the year 75, approximately, and was buried by Maximin in Villalata, a town that was later named St. Maximin. Between the third and fourth centuries her body was placed in a white marble tomb, where it remained until 710. Cassian monks who founded a monastery were guarding Mary Magdalene's remains. When France was invaded and Christian symbols were destroyed, the monks completely buried the tomb as well as their chapel. The invaders left in 973, but the relics could not be found.

Charles, the nephew of King Louis XI, discovered Mary Magdalene's remains in 1279. Her remains were transferred to a crypt on May 5, 1280. Since 1295 the Dominicans have been guardians of her remains and the Basilica of Ste. Madeleine in St. Maximin. Her skull is displayed in the basilica and carried in procession on her feast day, which is a day of celebration in St. Maximin.

Pilgrims and visitors fill the squares and streets of St. Maximin on July 22. On the eve of the celebrations, the golden reliquary cradling the head of Mary Magdalene is removed from behind the grille over the tomb in the crypt and placed in yet a larger reliquary sculptured as a bust. It takes 12 men to carry the reliquary through the streets to the Monastery of Saint Mary Magdalene, home of the cloistered Dominicans. Hundreds follow the procession to the gardens of the Monastery where special religious services are held. The relics are either taken back in procession to the Basilica or remain overnight in the Monastery and are returned for the Feastday Mass the following morning.

The religious celebrations give way to the local traditional festivities when the people of St. Maximin and surrounding villages wear 13th century costumes, sing ancient hymns, and dance to the sounds of flutes, drums, cymbals, and the joyous bursting of firecrackers.


Saint Mary Magdalene,
woman of many sins, who by conversion
became the beloved of Jesus,
thank you for your witness
that Jesus forgives
through the miracle of love.

You, who already possess eternal happiness
in His glorious presence,
please intercede for me, so that some day
I may share in the same everlasting joy.


 Article created: 4/10/2003