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     Renewing the Mind of the Media Materials
  The media provides us with continuous news and information, an especially important function in this time of war. But have you ever questioned the media’s role leading up to and during wartime? Do the media accurately report only the facts? Does their coverage of the news contribute to war or to peace? How do their decisions of what news stories they cover – and don’t cover – contribute to peace?

The theme chosen by Pope John Paul II for World Communications Day is particularly timely: “The Communications Media at the Service of Authentic Peace in the Light of Pacem in Terris.” Among the ways we will celebrate World Communications Day in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee is with the Renewing the Mind of the Media petition, which calls on Catholics to “exert a positive influence on the media in their role as potential builders of a civilization of peace and love.”

Blessed John XXIII wrote in Pacem in Terris that peace will be only an empty-sounding word if it’s not founded on truth, justice, love and lived out in freedom. Thirty-five years later in Renewing the Mind of the Media, the Bishops of the United States reminded us that the media are not beyond the reach of our influence. At this time in our nation’s history, let us encourage the media to be dedicated to the truth and to fostering solidarity among the nations.

The following information provides more details about the Renewing the Mind of the Media Campaign:

Renewing the Mind of the Media Campaign Information
Renewing the Mind of the Media Campaign Information - Spanish
Renewing the Mind of the Media Electronic Pledge Form
Renewing the Mind of the Media Electronic Pledge Form - Spanish
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops information

 Article created: 5/1/2003