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  Children in Africa harvest chocolate. When most of us bite into a candy bar, it is unlikely that we take even a moment to consider where the chocolate comes from. If we knew, it probably wouldn't taste as sweet.

Recent investigations have found child slavery in the Ivory Coast, where 43 percent of cocoa beans come from. At the beginning of the 21st century, the children of West Africa are trapped in conditions that were supposed to have been eliminated in the 19th century. In addition, cocoa workers who are paid receive wages that leave them at the edge of poverty and starvation. This situation violates the principles of Catholic Social Teaching regarding the rights of workers and the condemnation of slavery.

The Global Exchange cocoa campaign is targeting some of the largest US chocolate corporations. They are demanding that these corporations take immediate steps to end child slavery and poverty wages by committing to purchase at least five percent of their cocoa as Fair Trade Certified.

Join them today to make chocolate as sweet for cocoa producers and laborers as it is for you. Click on

 Article created: 7/8/2003