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     2003 School of the Americas Vigil
  The 14th annual non-violent vigil at Fort Benning, Georgia to close the former School of the Americas (SOA), now called the Western Hemisphere Institute For Security Cooperation (WHISC) will be held this year November 21st to 23rd.

This is an opportunity for all age groups to join with thousands of peace makers from across the country (and even from other countries), to insist on peaceful solutions to world problems. The local SOA organizers have reserved 30 plane spaces and 60 bus spaces (both leave November 20 late in the day) for people from SE Wisconsin. Bus fare and hotel for 2 nights $165 - $195 depending on whether there are 2 or 4 occupants to a room. Plane fare and hotel for three nights $305 - $355 again depending on number in a room.

Reservations should be made by mid October. For more information and plane reservations contact Connie (414) 933-4794; for information and bus reservations contact either Kate (414) 933-2472 or Virgine (262) 251-7328.
 Article created: 9/24/2003