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     Time to join or renew your ALMA Membership!
  “The Christian liturgy was born singing, and it has never ceased to sing.”

Dedicated to the spirit of the liturgy envisioned by the Second Vatican Council— We, the members of ALMA/NPM, welcome all music ministers who strive to communicate through the art and beauty of music, the presence of the Holy One in the Christian Assembly. To this end, we support each other in our ministry through gatherings of prayer and fellowship, together with opportunities for educational and spiritual enrichment.

Archdiocesesan Liturgical Musicians Association 2006-2007 Membership Brochure Join ALMA for the 2006-2007 season and become a part of a great organization that allows you resources and access that help your music ministry flourish.

Membership is only: Individual: $20.00 Parish: Music Director /Coordinator $20.00 Each additional member (enclosed in the same envelope): $10.00
  - ALMA_Membership_Brochure0607
 Article created: 8/3/2006