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     College Seminarians Invite High School Senior Men to Visit!
  Have you ever felt a tug or a nudge to explore priesthood? Have you ever wanted to talk to someone like yourself who is thinking about it, too? Here's an opportunity that can begin to provide answers for those quietly persistent questions you have.

The college seminarians would like to offer high school seniors who are wondering about priesthood the opportunity to come to their residence for an overnight visit during Easter week this year. In the evening you would join them for dinner and discussion. The next morning you would have the opportunity to join one of them in going to his classes at either Marquette U or UWM.

You can choose one of two dates: April 5-6 or 6-7.

Call or e-mail Fr. Bob, Vocations Director for more information or to register (414) 747-6439

We will help make arrangements with your school if your school is in session then.

Ss. Peter and Paul Residency Program

Seminary without Walls

 Article created: 2/18/1999