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     What Parish/Collaborative Planning Can Teach Us
  The essence of planning is to serve as a management tool that helps parishes and clusters anticipate the needs and possibilities of the future and to act accordingly. There are many lessons the process of planning has to offer.

To prepare for the future, we might base our vision and goals on thick reports of data gathered through demographic studies, surveys, and other research. Or we might rely on the knowledge and wisdom of our parish leaders to help us forge a plan. But the act of planning is an act of faith. We must believe in the goodness of the community. We must believe in people’s generosity to provide resources. We must believe that the planned actions of a community are generally more effective than actions that are not planned or organized. While the future is indeed a mystery, planning helps us prepare for that future with a shared faith we call confidence. Parishes that plan tend to adapt to changes better and more quickly than parishes that do not.

Parishioners who have not been intimately involved in the parish have lessons to learn. First time planners often say, “I never realized how much our parish does.” There are people involved in many kinds of ministries. Most people see the liturgical ministers who welcome, read, sing, preside, or distribute the Eucharist. On the other hand, few see the hours of preparation put in by a catechist or the miles driven to visit a prisoner.

Another lesson learned through parish planning is more subtle. People learn that the ministries of a parish are inter-related. Good prayer and worship lead to life-long learning and faith formation. This leads to action for the common good, otherwise known as social justice. Faithful administration nurtures the organization in which all of this occurs.

By Mark Mitchell
Director, Office for Parish Planning and Collaboration
The future will happen whether we plan for it or not. Planning can help the future happen in a new and fresh way. If your parish needs assistance with planning, or if you wish to share a comment, please contact Mark Mitchell at 414-769-3379 or email

 Article created: 1/24/2001