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     World Day of Prayer for Vocations - Pope John Paul II Prayer
  The World Day of Prayer for Vocations this year is Sunday, April 25, 1999. Please pray for an increase in vocations to priesthood, diaconate and religious life.

Prayer of the Holy Father for the XXXVI World Day of Prayer for Vocations, 25 April 1999 - IV Sunday of Easter

Good Father, in Christ your Son you reveal to us your love, you embrace us as your children and you offer us the possibility of discovering in your will the lines of our true face.

Holy Father, you call us to be holy as you are holy. We pray you, never allow your Church to lack holy ministers and apostles who, with the word and the sacraments, may open the way to the encounter with you.

Merciful Father, give to lost humanity men and women who, through the witness of a life transfigured to the image of your Son, may walk joyfully with their other brothers and sisters towards our heavenly homeland.

Our Father, with the voice of your Holy Spirit, and trusting in the maternal intercession of Mary, we earnestly beseech you: send to your Church priests who will be courageous witnesses to your infinite bounty. Amen!

From the Vatican, 1 October 1998, memorial of Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus, Doctor of the Church. John Paul II

 Article created: 3/9/1999