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     The Rite of Ordination of a Priest
  Calling of the Candidate
The candidate is called forward by the deacon

Presentation of the Candidate
Rev. Andrew Nelson, Rector of the Saint Francis Seminary, presents priest candidates to Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland, O.S.B., for Ordination.

Rev. Nelson affirms the candidates are ready for Ordination. This decision is made in consultation with the Seminary staff and the people involved with their:
Human and spiritual growth,
Knowledge of the Catholic theological tradition, and
His pastoral experience, as well as supervision.

Election by the Bishop and Consent of the People
In Roman Catholic theology, the call to priesthood is a vocation from God discerned within the Church. This is represented by the ritual "choosing the young men by the archbishop and the assent of the gathered people to this choice.

The archbishop addresses the people and priest candidates on the duties of the ordained priest.

Examination of the Candidate
The archbishop, through a series of questions, asks the priest candidates to declare before the people his intention to exercise the ministry of priest.
The priest candidates also promise to be obedient to Archbishop Weakland and his successors.

Litany of Saints
The people now make intercessions to God for the priest candidates.
Not only does the Church gathered here make intercessions, but all Saints are called upon to join in this great act of intercessions.
During the Litany, the priest candidates lie prostrate before God.

Laying on of Hands
The archbishop lays his hands on the priest candidate's head in silence. All the priests in attendance do the same.
The "Laying on of Hands" is an ancient biblical gesture beseeching God to empower the candidate by the Holy Spirit.

Prayer of Consecration
With his hands extended over the candidates, the archbishop says the great "Prayer of Consecration," asking God to grant them "the dignity of the priesthood."
In Roman Catholic theology, the action of "Laying on of Hands" and the "Prayer of Consecration" are the heart of the Ordination Rite and confer the grace of ministerial priesthood.

Investiture with Stole and Chasuble
A priest now clothes the new priests with the vesture associated with the ordained priest: the priestly stole, a long scarf worn over both shoulders, and the chasuble, a long, sleeveless vestment.

Anointing of the Hands
The palms of the new priest are anointed with the Oil of chrism. Chrism is a symbol here of Christ the High Priest, who has offered the one and unique sacrifice. In Roman Catholic theology, the priest sacramentally participates in this ministry of Christ.
Anointing with Chrism takes place at the Baptism of infants, at Confirmation, and at the Ordination of priests and bishops.

Presentation of Gifts
The archbishop now hands over to the newly-ordained priests the gifts of bread and the wine and water brought up by the people, which will be used during the Holy Eucharist. This signifies that one of the new priests' central obligations is to preside at the Holy Eucharist.

Kiss of Peace
Finally, the archbishop gives the kiss of peace to the new priests, signifying the bond of unity.

 Article created: 5/11/2001