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     Southeastern Wisconsin Works Miracles!
  In the wake of the three earthquakes that devastated El Salvador in February, the people of Southeastern Wisconsin responded generously to the media calls for aid. During the months that followed over $106,650.00 was sent to the Office for World Mission. Recently those funds were distributed to six organizations that this office is assured will send 100% of the money directly to El Salvador. Here is one response:

We are left in awe at the magnitude of the gift of $30,000.00 from the Archdiocese of Milwaukee to assist us in our ministry with the on-going recovery efforts after the earthquake in El Salvador. An amount like that can, and will, work miracles. What generous, compassionate people you have in the Archdiocese.

It has been one thing after another for the people of this small, Central American country. Several years ago it was Hurricane Mich, now the earthquake and the mud slides that followed burying people and their homes beneath tons of mud. The hundreds of after-quakes left the peoples' nerves jangling and the children very fearful, clinging to their mothers. One of our Sisters described it as being constantly on rollers, the ground never seemed steady. All of our Sisters in El Salvador are involved in working for the victims of the earthquake in one way or another and are trying to help them put their lives together again.

At the time of the earthquake everyone seemed to join hands simply to save lives. Fortunately one of our Sisters in El Salvador is a doctor. Then there were health campaigns to stave off the diseases that naturally come after a disaster like an earthquake. Health talks were given everywhere to teach the people how to disinfect their water, how to prevent diarrhea, etc. Many organizations sent in food and that continues to be distributed. But the main need now is housing. The people are asking for construction materials to put up a simple home.

Please extend our sincere thanks to Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland, OSB, Bishop Richard J. Sklba and the people of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee for this magnanimous gift that speaks of their love and concern for those still suffering the effects of the earthquake in El Salvador. May the Spirit of the living God shower you anew with His Divine gifts in this season of Pentecost.

Gratefully yours in Christ,
Sister Jeanne Houlihan
on behalf of the People and Maryknoll Sisters in El Salvador

We at the Office for World Mission join Sister Jeanne and people throughout the world who benefit from the typically generous gestures of solidarity from our communities in Southeastern Wisconsin.

Frances Cunningham, director
Rosemary Huddleston, International Mission Coordinator

 Article created: 6/11/2001