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     Search Engines - How They Do What They Do
  Knowing the different ways in which search engines performs their functions, may help you in your information quest. · Search engines like Alta Vista, Excite, Lycos, Infoseek and Hotbot match key words in your search request to an index of words found on the Internet. That's why a search such as, YELLOW BRICK ROAD may result in hundreds of sites containing the three words.

· Yahoo matches by category. Instead of finding sites that match every word of your search request, this search engine will look for topics. A search entered as DOGS AND GOLDEN RETRIEVERS found 179 sites in seven categories including business and economy, regional, biology/science and health.

If you are new to searching the Web for information, try a very user-friendly search engine called Ask Jeeves ( Jeeves simply requires that the user enter a question written in everyday English (i.e. What is the capital of Wisconsin ?). This tool, characterized as an accommodating butler, investigates its own database, plus queries other search engines (Yahoo, Alta Vista, etc.), thus saving you time and effort.

The ease of using everyday language makes this engine perfect for young Web surfers too. Check out Ask Jeeves for Kids ( for a site especially designed for children in need of information.

  - TU_July1999
 Article created: 7/20/1999