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     Graceful Transitions —
We’re Getting a New…!
  …Pastor, Principal, DRE. Who’s new in your parish? The change of a leader, whether beloved or endured, brings a mixed bag of feelings to the experience of transition: sadness, loss, gratitude, concern and wonderment. How does a parish handle transition grace-fully?

    1. Share the word publicly.
      First, with those who will be most closely affected by the change. If those who interact closely with the person leaving have accurate information up-front, they will help get the word out. Then use all parish communication means to spread the word to the whole parish. Be sure the message is accurate, clear and consistent.

    2. Plan a farewell.
      Give the community an opportunity to express their gratitude and well wishes to the one going away. Affirming words, rituals and a party foster a sense of joy and completeness.

    3. Look forward with hope
      . A new leader will be happy to know that this is a parish that values its ministers.

    4. Welcome the new leader.
      Announce their arrival publicly in the news media. Have another party! Introduce him/her to the congregation and larger community.

    5. Give yourselves a grace period to get to know each other.
      It takes time for everyone to become accustomed to the new way things will be. Commit to working together to find the new right balance.

    6. Communicate.
      Offer each other feedback along the way. Ask questions such as: How are we doing together? What strengths do we observe in each other? What is going well? Better than imagined? Have there been any surprises or possible misunderstandings? Any new or puzzling practices? Any expectations unmet? Any expectations you would like to pursue?

    7. Celebrate what’s right.
      Look for, acknowledge and pray in gratitude for the ways God is supporting and strengthening the parish through the transition.

by Noreen Welte, Director, Office for Parish Councils and Planning
  - PLNSpring2002
 Article created: 5/3/2002