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“To be a disciple of Jesus meant something more than being a student of a teacher. To be a disciple meant ‘to follow after.’ Whoever would be my disciple, Jesus said, ‘Let him follow me.’ What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus? It means to take seriously what he took seriously, to be like him in some sense. It is what St. Paul meant when he said, ‘Be imitators of Christ.’ What Jesus was like as a figure of history becomes a model for discipleship, illuminating and incarnating the vision of life to which he called his followers.”
– Jesus A New Vision by Marcus J. Borg
The Office for Women offers assurance to women in the archdiocese that their insights, needs and talents are valuable and important to the Church. How can the office be a resource for women in this call to discipleship? Listening to the needs of women is an important role for the office as well being familiar with Church and community resources. Jesus listened to people. The office listens to women who want to enhance their spirituality, to women who are discerning direction in their lives, to women who need a listening ear for a problem or someone to pray with them, to women who are being abused and are looking for a counselor or a shelter, as well as to staff members who want to offer assistance.

Jesus empowered people. The Office for Women empowers women through groups that meet for prayer, reflection and networking and through offering assistance to the Milwaukee Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (MACCW) and Christian women groups, and parishes that would like to organize a women’s group or provide a program or other resources. One of the goals of the implementation committees for the task forces on Hispanic Ministry and African American Ministry is to empower people to respond to the recommendations.

Jesus took time in the desert for prayer. Being familiar with retreat facilities, colleges and universities that offer events, programs and classes is an important function of the Office for Women. The office provides speakers and facilitators as needs arise, and maintains current lists spiritual directors and retreat facilitators.

The Office for Women is concerned with the dignity of all people, of all ages and ethnic backgrounds. We are all members of the Body of Christ, and when one part of the body is suffering, all parts of the body suffer. This draws the office into national and global issues such as trafficking of women and legislative justice issues including healthcare, treatment of women, war, hunger and homelessness. Networking with Central Office staff members, the seminary, religious orders and community groups helps to maximize the resources of the archdiocese.

by Thelma Walker, Director, Office for Women, 414-769-3501 or 800-769-9373, x501 or email

  - PLNSpring2002
 Article created: 5/6/2002