Jedi Kasumi (A Ranma/Star Wars Crossover) by Jim Robert Bader (Inspired by the works of Rumiko Takahashi & George Lucas, with further inspiration provided by Brandon Kelley & Bill Guiroff) Episode Twenty-Three. (Well Beyond the Age of Legal Consent in Japan, Under Seventeen Get Out of the Pool!) Hail To The Thief! The Saga So Far: Having accepted the challenge of Kaori Daikoku, Kasumi and Nabiki have agreed to participate in the Martial Arts Take-Out Delivery Race, competing against the likes of Akane, Ukyo, Shampoo for both a year of Ramen and the right to be Ranma's iinazuke... Akane, who---unlike either of her older sisters, has no interest in Ranma and is chasing after Ukyo---has joined the race to prevent Ukyo from pressing her claim as Ranma's original iinazuke, while Ukyo is in this as a matter of pride, the former Sith Padawan not yet ready to surrender her claim in favor of Akane... Shampoo, who also disavows interest in her Adoptive "little brother," is Allied with Akane in their mutual Wish to "persuade" Ukyo to surrender her claim in favor of the Tendo sisters, but her real interest is in no other than the Good doctor Tofu... Paired against them is Kaori, who means to fulfill the wishes of her father that she might inherit the Daikoku fortune, is not above using unfair means to obtain her desires, but will that be enough to give her a fighting edge against the Jedi-trained Tendo sisters? Read on and you will find out...! "Oh, Ukyo..." Ryoga sighed, "Why am I such an idiot around you? Why can't I ever speak openly and honestly with you? We've been through so much together, but you barely even know I exist, and small wonder. I'm such a coward even our Master has cast me out and exiled us from his Ryu..." Feeling depressed, confused, and generally quite lost was nothing new for Hibiki Ryoga, but of late he had been feeling lost in more than just the sense of general direction and location. His great purpose in life, revenge against Saotome Ranma, had been momentarily sidetracked out of necessity, his pledge to Cologne to abide by a truce as terms for having a roof (at least part of the time) over his head. He did it to be closer to Ukyo, a fellow Sith Apprentice who had featured most prominently in his thoughts of late, and the more time that he spent around her the more convinced he was that his interest in her superceded any other thoughts, obligations or commitments. "I'm such a fool," he sighed forlornly, "If Master Purge could hear me now he'd call me weak for obsessing about you, but I no longer care about any of that. If only you could know how much I care about you, and what a waste it is for you to spend even a moment longing for Ranma, who ignores and spurns you in favor of the Jedi-Trained Tendo sisters..." Thoughts of Ranma rekindled his old, undiminished anger, and the waves of his hate congealed around him momentarily as he reflected upon his promised vengeance against the bane of his existence. One day soon, pledge to abide a truce or not, he would crush the life out of Ranma and put an end to his perfidy, working his way into the Tendo house and seducing the two older daughters of the unsuspecting parents. If only they knew what a base betrayer and treacherous scum Ranma truly was they would know just why Ryoga had vowed to destroy him. It was not just the bread thing, not even being pushed into Jusenkyo that enraged Ryoga and made him want to dedicate himself to the demise of his hated enemy. It was more even than the broken promise of a fight that fueled his righteous wrath. It was discovering the line of broken pledges and promises that the Saotomes had left in their wake that had convinced Ryoga that his rival was the basest of scum ever imagined. Time and again he had found himself being mistaken for Saotome Ranma, and always it was someone like Ukyo who was demanding remuneration. At least six fiancées and a string of unpaid bills attended the winding trail of unfulfilled obligations, proving that the Saotome men had no sense of honor, that their given word was worth less than sand on a desert wind. And the worst of it was that Ryoga often wound up having to settle accounts for his rival before being at liberty to move on to his next location. At least, however, the Hibiki name still stood for something noble, and Ryoga always paid his debts one way or the other. If anything, Ranma owed him for the sweat and labor that Ryoga had been forced to undergo, the worst example being that unscheduled visit to the Amazon village that had proven to be both embarrassing and life-threatening. But still Ryoga had his own sense of integrity, something even Purge had failed to make him surrender. It was the one element of pride that maintained his spirits and kept him going when his resolve began to flag, that he was better than his rival, a far better and more trustworthy man than a double-dealing snake like Saotome Ranma. And yet, for the sake of Ukyo, Ryoga was willing to stay his hand and hold back on seeking his vengeance. It was not just a pledge to the Old Woman that he would abide in peace while residing under her roof, it was the certain knowledge that avenging himself upon Ranma would be misinterpreted by Ukyo, and might even alienate her against him. She still had some incomprehensible desire to force Ranma to live up to the terms of his broken promise, an infuriating need for self- justification that Ryoga knew was doomed to failure. Saotome would never fulfill the terms of a spoken agreement given by his back- stabbing panda-father, and he would hardly even look at Ukyo the way she wanted him to see her, as someone who had gone through hell (much like Ryoga) and sacrificed everything in the name of her own vengeance. Why then was Ukyo setting herself up to take a fall all over again? It made no sense to Ryoga, and hence he wandered in his thoughts, as lost as the moment when the Old Woman had sent him to the store room in search of dry produce. "Where am I now?" he asked forlornly, thinking that the street where he was standing looked a bit familiar, though it could just as well be any street in the suburbs of any major Japanese city. He knew that it was Japan since there were street signs in both Romani and Kanji. More often than not the signs were in a language that he was not familiar with, though he generally could make himself understood to the locals when he went in search of directions. "Why does this happen to me?" Ryoga asked for the umpteenth time, a question for which he never found an answer, "Why can't I find what I'm looking for when I want to find it? I thought studying the Force would help me out in that, but I still can't seem to get where I need to go, and at this rate I'm never going to find Ukyo, and I just know that she will need me..." "Ryoga?" a voice called out from what sounded like a very far distance. "Ah...Ukyo," Ryoga sighed, "It's almost as though I could hear your voice..." "Ryoga, what are you doing?" the voice cried out frantically, sounding a LOT closer than before, "Get out of the road, you stupid Jackass!" "It's been so long since you called me that, I...huh?" Ryoga paused, aware of a curious trembling sensation that he felt through the soles of his feet, as though the ground beneath him were shaking...shaking from the force of a stampede, and as he thought that he felt the alarm bells going off in the back of his head. The Force made him aware that he was facing mortal danger, and automatically he turned and looked back over one shoulder...and his eyes went wide with an instant of panic, seeing a wall of WOMEN bearing down on him like an avalanche, which briefly put him in mind of a local riot he had kind-of-accidentally started in some Middle Eastern village, only the sea of Japanese girls heading his way would have put the fear of Allah into the hearts of the sternest Mouhajadeem who ever drew breath... And then the stampede was upon him, leaving Ryoga little time to do more than throw up his hands in a classic warding manner, knowing as he did so that he was about to be stomped flat by the horde bearing down upon him and with little more that he could do about it than to pray furiously to the Kami... "Ryoga!" Ukyo almost gave herself a case of whiplash as she whipped her head around, glancing anxiously at the hapless Lost Boy even as he went down under the tide that she was a part of. "Huh?" Akane turned a curious look in the same direction, "That was him? What was he doing here?" "Aiyaa," Shampoo averred, "Is too, too bad...even Sith like him no deserve go down like that." As the wave of female competitors receded, Ranma dropped down from a nearby rooftop and knelt down before Ryoga, "Hey, you okay man? You look like you need some hospitalization..." "Uh...I'm just fine," Ryoga weakly responded, looking very much like road kill while the stars and constellations did a nice ballet inside his head, " problem..." "Okay," Ranma said dubiously, "I gotta run now, but just sit tight and I'm sure you'll feel better in another few moments. Seeya!" And with that Ranma turned and vaulted back to a local rooftop, taking off at a run to catch up and pace the charging competitors as he spotted Ukyo near the lead with the other girls, Nabiki and Kasumi holding the point with lots of other girls following on their heels as the race got down into serious earnest. There were over a hundred of them in all, varying in ages, sizes, backgrounds and social class, all gathered to win a years supply of Ranma though---in a few specific cases--- even larger issues were hanging in the balance. Ukyo was right then feeling torn with the desire to go to the aid of her fellow Sith Apprentice, but as the thought entered her mind she heard Kaori remark, "Worry for yourself, unless you'd like to drop out to look after your friend. We have a race to run and he should have noticed the warning signs instead of just standing there like a baka." Ukyo firmed her resolve at that and turned a glare at the fleet-footed Kaori, gritting her teeth and growling, "He's not my friend, and I'll rip your hair out by the roots if you say that to me again, Sugar." "A challenge, eh?" Kaori smiled, "What say we make things interesting then? DELIVERY CASE CRUSH!" "What?" Ukyo sensed an attack and immediately dodged out of the way even as Kaori shot a hand towards her rival's delivery box, only to miss and shatter the box belonging to another contestant who had been passing by on a Moped. Kaori made another finger-stab for Ukyo's box but hit the box belonging to another contestant who had been advancing just to the left side of Shampoo, who---like Akane---had instinctively dodged to protect their own delivery boxes. "You're quick, I'll give you that," Kaori mused while resuming the race and easily pacing herself against the other contestants nearest to them, "Not many could dodge the attack of the Daikoku school special delivery attack..." "You're cheating!" Akane protested. "This is anything goes, no rules," Kaori insisted, "If you can't protect your boxes then you don't belong in this race...Sugar." "Oh yeah?" Ukyo bristled, "Well, in that case, try THIS!" Her hand drew one of her throwing spatulas and she let it fly towards Kaori, who yelped as she got her own box out of the way, only to see the mini-spatula spin and strike the box of the next person over. "Two can play at game," Shampoo smiled, sensing an opening as she made a gesture with a hand that caused a wave of Force to lash out in Kaori's direction, only the latter girl vaulted high into the air as three other competitors tumbled over as though swept by a wind off of their feet. "You think going airborne's a smart move around us?" Akane leered, summoning up the power of the Force with both of her hands as she visualized an invisible cushion for the brown-haired Kaori to fall upon with a gentle "Woof!" She then held the other girl suspended in the air while slowing her own pace in order to maintain her concentration. "What are you---HOW are you doing this?" Kaori struggled. "Trade secret," Akane grinned, enjoying the sight of the helpless girl trapped in free-fall, "Are you gonna give up now and stop being such a bitch around Ucchan?" Kaori bristled and called down, "I don't care what tricks you have up your sleeve, you won't hold Daikoku Kaori in your grasp for long!" "Oh, it doesn't have to be for long," Akane chuckled, making subtle finger-motions with her hands, "Just long enough to calm you down and make you see reason..." Kaori's eyes went wide, for it felt to her as though invisible hands were suddenly playing about with her body. She struggled in their invisible grip but the sense of helplessness set her into a momentary panic. "What are you doing?" Ukyo called out from over her shoulder. "Ah...huh?" Akane suddenly snapped out of her playful move as though only just then becoming aware that what she was doing might seem...improper to certain parties. At once she lowered her hands and allowed Kaori to drop lightly to the ground, a somewhat bewildered expression on the other girl's face as she eyed Akane with a look of trepidation. "Ah...sorry about that," Akane winced, "Forgot myself for a moment know how it is..." "No, I don't," Kaori glared, "But if you try it again you will suffer the consequences." "Aw, come on," Akane complained, "Don't be like that...I was only joking!" "And I did not find it the least bit funny," Kaori sneered before turning about with her delivery case in hand and resuming her pace, trying to catch up with the other competitors of the delivery race. "Jeez, some people just don't have a sense of humor," Akane winced as she picked up her own delivery box and took off after Kaori and the others. Shampoo turned to Ukyo and said, "Is very sorry, Little Sister sometime forget self...this one thinks she needs work on discipline..." "She's a piece of work all right," Ukyo snorted, "And to think, she wants me to trust her..." Farther back at the starting line, Trieste heaved a tired sigh and said, "I blame myself, truly...I have been sorely lacking as a teacher." "Don't be too hard on yourself," Cologne advised, "You have been away for a time and quite obviously have not been around to guide the youngest Tendo sister. I am impressed with her raw potential myself, but I've known from the moment that I laid eyes on her that Tendo Akane is a great handful for those who care about her." "Tell me what I don't already know, Elder," Kimiko sighed, "I've tried to work with Akane, to guide her on the proper path of a young lady, and Soun and I have tried not to meddle too much in her personal life...but..." "But sometimes she goes a little too far even for us," Soun concluded for his wife, "And then we have to speak to the parents of one of her classmates. quite distressing, really..." "Then it is long since time that I called her to accounts for her behavior," Trieste grimly resolved, "I was prepared to grant her the benefit of the doubt, but if she has been misusing her Jedi powers..." "My Lady Trieste?" a familiar male voice asked. "Oh?" Trieste had sensed the presence of the young man by his strong aura and now turned to acknowledge his presence with a polite nod, "Tatewaki. I thought you might attend this match, but I was expecting to see your sister as a competitor." "She...withdrew rather suddenly," Kuno Tatewaki replied, "She did not explain why to me, but I believe that she is...troubled about something." "Something that she would not confide to you?" Trieste asked, only to see a nod of affirmation, "I see...well, perhaps I should talk to her as well. It has been a while since I paid my respects to your parents..." "Actually...Sensei," Kuno spoke respectfully, "I have a question which I need to ask you." "Is it important?" Kimiko asked the polite young man, "We are trying to concentrate on the race, Tatewaki..." "This will take but a moment, Lady Tendo," Kuno assured them, "But I must this...competition...about something more than a year's supply of Ramen?" "Yes," Nodoka smiled broadly, "My son's fiancées are competing in the match, and the one who wins gets to be my future daughter-in- law...isn't that exciting?" Kuno registered a moment of alarm, "Um...excuse me?" "My son is very popular with the ladies," Genma boasted, "They're all but beating down the doors to get engaged to him..." "Yes," Kimiko frowned, "And we know who we have to thank for that, don't we?" "That Ranma boy is quite the charmer with the ladies," Master Happosai suddenly spoke up, alerting everyone else to his presence, "Not only does he have that cute Kuonji girl after him, but all three of the Tendo girls and that Hubba-Hubba Amazon babe, Shampoo..." Cologne glared at her fellow tertiary centarian and growled dryly, "Don't you have some lingerie to chase after, Happy?" "Whoops!" the little man declared in shock, "You're right, and it's getting away from me even as we speak! Gotta go now! Bye!" "Good thinking," Trieste noted to Cologne, "That should keep him busy." "I...I..." Kuno had to swallow before he could speak coherently once again, "All...three...Tendo sisters? Do you mean to say that...Kasumi...?" "Is one of those pursuing an active engagement with my son," Nodoka all but hugged herself with motherly pride, "My son is so manly!" "Kasumi?" Kuno sounded as though he could not believe his ears, "Kasumi...seeks to be engaged...with Saotome Ranma?" "I am afraid so, Tatewaki," Trieste replied, "I am sorry if this upsets you, but the truth of the matter is that Kasumi is one of those who is competing to marry Saotome Ranma." "He will marry one of our little girls," Soun declared firmly, as though there were no other conceivable outcome, "And they will carry on the Anything Goes tradition..." "Not so fast, Tendo-san," Mr. Daikoku confidently grinned, "Your girls have yet to defeat Kaori, and my daughter is the heir to the Seven Lucky Gods Martial Arts School of Delivery Take out..." "Seven Lucky Gods you say?" Cologne mused softly, adding in undertone, "I wonder if Lord Kirin knows about this...?" "Who is Kaori?" Tatewaki scowled, then added briskly, "Never mind...but...I had thought Saotome Ranma was engaged to marry your middle daughter, Nabiki...?" "That matter has not yet been decided," Kimiko explained, "It remains for my older daughters to decide for themselves which of them will be first wife for Ranma." "Never!" Kuno suddenly exclaimed, "I will not allow this!" "Tatewaki..." Trieste attempted to explain. "I will not hear any more words on this, My Lady," Kuno declared as he turned away, "If Kasumi has been deceived into courting the wretch, then he will learn what it is to meddle in the affairs of his better." There was silence for a moment, then Nodoka said, "Oh he planning to challenge my son over Kasumi? How romantic." "I had better have a word with him over this," Trieste murmured. "I think you had better not wait around on this," Kimiko urged, "As we both well know, these things do have a way of spiraling out of control if we let them." "My son has little to fear from him," Genma dismissed, "He's a weapons user, and that's nothing to the Anything Goes system.' "Indeed," Soun agreed, "One may train in the use of weapons, but it is a mistake to rely upon them. That was central to the Master's teachings." "I would not be so quick to make declarations such as that if I were you," Cologne cautioned, "A man spurned at love can be dangerous in ways that are difficult to anticipate, and I would not put it past young Kuno to rise upon himself in the pursuit of what he deems as his territory..." Meanwhile, further ahead in the race, the older Tendo sisters, Nabiki and Kasumi, were easily holding their place at the lead, being sustained by the Force and exceptionally well trained in managing their personal resources. In truth they could have raced each other to the finish line within half the time of the other competitors, but for appearance sake they had to make it seem as though they were struggling just to keep even. "You are doing very well, Imotochan," Kasumi remarked as she and Nabiki held common pace with one another. "Thanks, Oneechan," Nabiki replied, "You're not doing too bad yourself, but I'm still going to win, you know." "If that is what you wish," Kasumi replied, "By the way, obstacles ahead." "Right," Nabiki replied as the course turned in towards the local park, "I'm on it..." "Look at those two," Ukyo growled, laboring much harder to keep up, "They're making it look too easy..." "Big sister and middle sister very strong, very good runners," Shampoo agreed, "Could win easy, like Shampoo, but no want to make other girls look bad." "Oh yeah?" Ukyo bristled, "Well, I'm nobody's charity case, so they'd better watch out, because I'm taking them on now!" "Admirable sentiments," Kaori mused as she caught up with the both of them, "But first you have to get by me...FISH CAKE BLIZZARD!!!" "What, you again?" Ukyo winced as she dodged an attack that came rather unexpectedly, Kaori using a pair of chopsticks to pluck the ramen out of a competitor's bowl and hurl it like a lethal snake in Ukyo's direction. "Aiyaa, not this again!" Shampoo exclaimed, sensing an attack as Kaori turned and tried to strike her box with her chop-sticks, "Shampoo think time to teach you lesson!" With that the purple haired Amazon lashed out with a hand aimed directly for Kaori herself, two fingers poised to press against one of her pressure points, only to be warded at the last instant by Kaori's chopsticks. "What did you think you were going to accomplish with such a weak attack?" Kaori wondered. Shampoo just smiled and said, "Look at box." "Eh?" Kaori asked, only to widen her eyes in horror as she saw her box explode, exposing the Ramen bowl, which hovered in mid-air as though untouched by the explosion. With a yelp she scooped it up before the precious contents could be spilled then backed away with a wary look turned towards her purple haired opponent. "Hah, nice moves Shampoo," Akane grinned as she came up to join them, "Not so slick now are we, Daikoku-san? You might care to surrender now to save face if you like..." "Surrender?" Kaori bristled, "To the likes of you? Never!" "This one hope you say that," Shampoo grinned, and then she rushed forward and cried, "Attack of a thousand fingers!" "Wha...?" Kaori yelped, moving her chopsticks rapidly to fend off what seemed like a solid wave of finger-thrusts that the Purple Haired Wonder hurled in her general direction. "Wow," Akane admired the smoothness of her Amazon friend's rapid thrusts, impressed by her speed and general coordination, though she was equally amazed to see that Kaori managed to fend off these attacks with a speed that was almost blinding... Meanwhile Nabiki and Kasumi had easily negotiated the obstacle course that loomed up in the path of the runners, avoiding pit-falls and other traps that claimed many a contending rival, which greatly cleared the way and left them the clear favorites as they came up upon the half-point flag post. "Halfway there to victory!" Nabiki called out, sparing much needed breath to make this announcement. "And the finish line is back the way we have come," Kasumi agreed, her breathing as easy and casual as her movements, which did not appear too hurried as they marked the returning track that lay before them. Nabiki chanced to glance back at her older sister, feeling conflicting emotions of pride and resentment that Kasumi was staying so close on her heels that they were practically running alongside each other. She knew that Kasumi was holding back, just as much as she was, but that if it were a serious race then they could both rush ahead with a burst of Force-enhanced energy. Doing so, however, might reveal to outsiders the extent of their abilities, which Trieste always insisted should be a closely guarded matter, and so they held back most of their energies in reserve with Kasumi deliberately yielding the lead to Nabiki, which was either characteristically generous or just a bit on the side of sisterly condescension. "Hey Sis," Nabiki frowned, "After I win this, why don't we have a real race, just the two of us with nobody else watching." "I would enjoy running with you at any time that you like, Nabiki," Kasumi replied, "Remember when we used to train like this all of the time?" Nabiki did remember those carefree days of their youth when she and her sisters had only been mildly competitive with each other, though it was usually against Akane that she preferred to compete, Kasumi always being the acknowledged senior student with both of her younger sisters coming in a close second. This time was different, however, and not just because they were contending for the right to be engaged to a young man whom they both favored... "Heads up, you two!" another voice called out, alerting both Tendo sisters that they had a third competitor bearing down on them, and without needing to turn around they both recognized the new arrival as Ukyo, who had boosted her own speed to make up for their lead time. "Kuonji-san," Kasumi acknowledged without turning around. "Yeah, Me," Ukyo panted, having a much harder time keeping pace with the two sisters, "Thought I'd dropped out...just because...I had that...nutjob...on my case?" "No," Nabiki frowned in mild consternation, "But I thought maybe Akane might have talked you out of it, or have you given up on her already?" "What?" Ukyo reacted, "Give up on her? Are you crazy?" "The question, which I believe Nabiki implies, is whether or not you are interested in winning Ranma...or our sister," Kasumi clarified, "Which, all else concerned, I would agree is a reasonable question." "Are you two nuts...or something?" Ukyo bristled, "I never made that..." "So, which are you after?" Nabiki asked, "Ranma...or Akane?" "What the...what kind of choice is that?" Ukyo sputtered. "We just wanted to know where your priorities lay, that's all," Nabiki explained, "Or are you meaning to keep Akane guessing?" "Get stuffed!" Ukyo growled, "I've got nothing going down between me and your sister!" "Except that you have had physical relations with her," Kasumi pointed out, "Unless you mean to imply that Akane was forcing herself upon you..." "Yeah," Nabiki agreed, "Which has been known to happen." **I heard that!** Akane projected from where she was still hanging back at the side of Shampoo, who was maintaining a running battle against Kaori, the both of them exchanging attacks on the run with all the ardor of a death-match. Ukyo winced and said, "Hey...what's going on...between me...and your sister...has nothing to do with this!" "So you do intend to pursue relations with Ranma?" Kasumi asked. "Yes!" Ukyo snapped, "Why you two clowns...think that I'm doing this anyhow?" "Even though you and Ranchan barely even know each other?" Nabiki shot back over her shoulder. Ukyo blinked at this and said, "Uh...well..." "And how does that make you any better than Kaori?" Kasumi reasoned. "That bimbo?" Ukyo glowered, "I..." "And how would you care to be asked the same exact question?" All at once Nabiki, Kasumi and Ukyo halted in their tracks, finding they way forward cut off by the unexpected appearance of Kuno Tatewaki. "Tatewaki-san?" Kasumi was the first to gasp. "I asked you a question," Tatewaki's gaze was inscrutable as he stared past Nabiki towards the older Tendo sister, "I shall state it more clearly. Are you, Tendo Kasumi, seeking to pursue a relationship with the youth named Saotome Ranma?" "Tatewaki-san," Kasumi replied, "I..." Kuno tossed a wooden bokken at her feet then raised his own bokken into the ready position and said, "Duel with me, Tendo-san. Match blades with me just as we once did when we were children." "Tachi-san..." Kasumi hesitated slightly, then made a faint declining gesture, "You know that I would spar with you, if that is what you wish, but the moment is not right for it..." "When will it be right?" Tatewaki spoke more harshly than was his usual wont, "Or is it Saotome Ranma whom you would rather spar against?" "Tatewaki-san," Kasumi said for the third consecutive time, "Please don't force the issue..." "The issue has already been forced," Tatewaki replied without expression, not even turning his head as he said, "You other two may continue your race, the victor between you may have Saotome Ranma, but...I will not allow such a thing to befall you, Kasumi..." "Tatewaki-san," Kasumi said sadly, "I respect you as a fighter, but not make a scene here. Do not force me to declare my intentions." "Your intentions?" Tatewaki's voice arched an octave, "Do you mean that you reject my suit in favor of HIM?" "Uh...look guy," Ukyo backed away, "You want her? Fine by me. You can have her, just leave me out of this..." "Tachi-san," Nabiki frowned, "What do you hope to accomplish by this? You can't make Oneechan like you by fighting with her." "No?" Tatewaki bristled, "Let us see on that front---en guarde!" He attacked and Kasumi automatically stretched out her hand to telekinetically pull the other bokken into her grasp, at which point she deflected Kuno's attack to the side and rapidly fended off three other attacks that he leveled towards her, rapid-fire attacks that were intended to test her reflexes and defenses. "Excellent!" Tatewaki declared as he pressed in on her with another renewed rapid-fire assault, "Your speed and reflexes are, if anything, even better than I remember..." "So are yours," Kasumi replied. "But I really have no time for this, so I must end this quickly." She accelerated the speed of her attacks and immediately drove Kuno on the defensive, the younger man reacting with surprise at the unexpected ferocity which she displayed, wholly unexpected in someone with such refined and demure manners. "Oneechan?" Nabiki asked, surprised and amazed at the sight of her sister going all-out against a boy Nabiki's own age. "Go ahead and cross the finish line, Nabiki-chan," Kasumi called out, "Win for both of us and for the sake of the Tendo clan." "Hey!" Ukyo broke the spell of her own surprise, having been no less stunned at seeing Kasumi go all-out than were Nabiki or Tatewaki, "I'm in this for my clan too you know!" "Oneechan," Nabiki murmured softly, then resolved to do as directed and turned to race towards the finish line, followed only a few steps behind by Ukyo, who was not about to surrender the field just yet. Meanwhile Shampoo and Kaori were rapidly gaining ground while keeping up the pressure for their own rapid duel, the net effect of their twin special attacks being that every competitor who came near to them had lost their box and ramen. Akane hovered back a bit to watch the show, but she became aware that Ukyo and Nabiki were approaching the finish line, so she called out to Shampoo, "You kick her butt but good, Shampoo-chan, I'm gonna run on ahead and see about my sisters." "Hiyaa!" Shampoo acknowledged, thinking to herself that it was taking longer to defeat the other girl than she would have expected. "You think to dismiss me just like that?" Kaori bridled with fury, "Very well, you force me to resort to this! Seven Lucky Gods Martial Arts Special Attack---UNBREAKABLE NOODLE NOOSE!" Akane had not gone more than three paces before Kaori scooped up the ramen from her bowl and wove two lengths of rope that she sent spinning out towards both Shampoo and Akane, catching both girls up within these loops as she rapidly spun them about and wove them up together. "Hah!" Kaori declared with a haughty smirk, surveying her own handiwork, "You two look very nice together, a very tight pair indeed, so it is only proper that you keep company together while I go on to finish my victory match. And since you have delayed me for long enough, I must bid you both adieu..." With a merry chuckle she turned about and raced towards the distant finish line, leaving Akane and Shampoo in a literal bind, wrapped up together like Siamese twin-mummies with barely enough wiggle room to do much more than squirm up against one another. "Aiyaa..." Shampoo said in dismay. "You said it," Akane winced, only to notice the effect that their attempts to work their way free were having on one another, "Oh the other hand..." "Yes," Shampoo understood her at once, "Position does have...some advantages..." "Hah, I knew it!" Kuno all but crowed as he locked blades with Kasumi, "All these years you have been holding back with me in our matches!" "I really am not enjoying this as much as you seem to be, Tatewaki- san," Kasumi replied, "Please desist. I have a race to run and it is a matter of family honor..." "I would never stand between you and a matter of personal honor, save in this one case," Tatewaki replied, "But to let you engage yourself to another, let alone a man who is not your equal...I am sorry, I cannot permit this..." "It is not your place to decide these things for me, Tatewaki-san," Kasumi informed him while casually breaking the lock of their two wooden blades, moving to strike decisively and force him back on the defensive, "My life is my own to decide...I am sorry." Kuno recovered himself and said, "No need to apologize, my Sylvan dove. You could never offend me for all the spirit of your efforts. I cannot gracefully surrender now while the sight of you sets my blood to racing. You are everything that I desire in a mate, and I will prove to you that I am truly your equal." "If you truly respected me you would not be doing this, Tatewaki-san," Kasumi said with deep sadness, "I and respect you...but not the way you want. I am sorry..." "Then tell me why!" Kuno raged as he launched a new attack, "To pass over me for the sake of that callow you---OOOFFF!!!" his declaration was suddenly cut off by a foot that struck him in the side of this face and sent him sprawling in the dirt. "Oh my," Kasumi blinked as she paused in mid-motion, then turned to see the redheaded firebrand who had just come to her assistance and asked, "Ranma-kun?" "Call me Ranko," Ranma-chan replied as she straightened up, "Looked like you needed a little help dealing with this pest, and since guys can't take part in the fighting..." "Guh...!" Kuno winced as he lurched back to his feet with some effort, "Who dares to attack the great Kuno Tatewaki...?" "Huh?" Ranma-chan blinked, "You shrugged that off? What the heck are you made of?" "Eh?" Kuno's eyes refused to focus but he raised his sword and declared, "Whoever you are, how dare you interfere in a personal fight! En garde, you brigand!" "Yikes!" Ranma-chan cried as she ducked under the swing that had been aimed around waist-level, rolling out to the side before coming up again with a solid punch that caught Tatewaki under the chin and sent him tumbling backwards. "Be careful, Ranma-kun," Kasumi urged, "Tatewaki can be a dangerous opponent when he is angered." "No fooling," Ranma-chan blinked, seeing her foe rise up again, to which she grunted, "Again? No way!" "Ranma-kun?" Kuno snarled as he forced himself to his feet once more, his wooden sword at the ready, "You are the Blackguard who dares come between me and what I desire? The you are the one upon whom I shall vent my righteous wrath!" "Yeah, whatever," Ranma-chan replied with deceptive calm, adding on the sly, "Um...Kasumi, mind doing me a favor and lend me your stick?" "My...stick?" Kasumi glanced down and said, "My bokken? But...' "Come on," Ranma-chan insisted, "Nabiki looks like she could use your help, and I can deal with this punk, no problem." "Ah...very well," Kasumi said as she tossed the sword over to Ranma- chan, who caught it one handed then held it at the ready. With that Kasumi turned heels, picked up her delivery box and headed off for the finish line, where indeed she found Nabiki having problems, caught between the twin challenges of Ukyo and Kaori... Nabiki had been within easy sight of the finish line herself when Ukyo declared, "Sorry to do this, Sugar, but I can't let you win like this! Kuonji School special attack, PASTA MANYANA! "Pasta Manyana?" Nabiki was unable to believe that she had heard that right, but even as this thought crossed her mind she sensed an attack and took immediate evasive action, vaulting out of the way even as a wave of noodles roped out and came close to snagging one of her ankles. "Hey!" Nabiki tumbled in mid-air and came to a one-point landing, confronting her assailant. "Not too shabby, Sugar," Ukyo actually smiled in approval, "You're light on your feet and you've got great reflexes, but I'm still a stronger fighter than you, so I'll try and take it easy." "You and what legion?" Nabiki shot back, "You wounded me once and I owe you for that, so come at me like that again and I'll wrap those noodles around your neck, Kuonji!" "Like to see you try," Ukyo made a point of cracking her knuckles, "You're good, there's no doubting that, but if you think I'm gonna let a Jedi take away my last shot at nailing Ranchan..." "So you really do want to marry him," Nabiki frowned slightly but did not tense up as she asked, "But why?" "Why?" Ukyo frowned, "What do you mean why?" "I you love him?" Nabiki asked. "I...hey!" Ukyo's frown became a scowl, "I've known him longer than you, Tendo-san. What makes you better qualified than me?" "Because I like Ranma-kun, and I'm not afraid to say it either," Nabiki shot back, "But you don't really love don't even know what you want in life! You've been dumped by your teacher and you got no where else to go, but the only claim you have on Ranchan is because of what your dad and his did behind both of your backs!" "So what has that got to do with anything?" Ukyo wondered, balling her fists and looking ready to start something, "It was family honor, just like your dad set up with his!" "Before any of us were born," Nabiki pointed out, "Which makes my claim even older than yours, but that's not why I want to win Ranchan for myself..." "Yeah?" Ukyo scowled, "And why is that?" "Because Ranma means something to me," Nabiki replied, "And he doesn't mean anything to you! You were trying to kill him only a few days ago, so what made you change your mind and decide to marry him? A change of heart just because he said you were cute?" "And how the hell would you know about that, Sugar?" Ukyo bridled. "Oneechan told me all about it," Nabiki replied, "She trusts me, I'm her sister, and I care about her..." her expression went blank as though she only just heard her own words at that moment, then quickly covered up for the slight hesitation, "You don't know what it means to trust anybody! You're a Sith! You walk on the Dark side, and this neutral act you've got going down doesn't fool anybody." "Y'know," Ukyo scowled, "I thought you were the smart one in the family, but I was wrong. You're just damned annoying. You think you can lecture me about feelings? I can feel from here the kinds of emotions you're wrestling with, and you're not all sweetness and light, like your sister!" It was Nabiki's turn to scowl, " I'm not all good, so I've got my dark shades, so I'm not all that damned perfect. I've still got a lot over you when it comes to knowing what I want, and what I want is someone like Ranma. He means something to me...but what can he possibly mean to you?" "He can mean a lot to me...!" Ukyo started to say, only to halt in mid- sentence. "Yeah?" Nabiki asked skeptically, "Such as?" "He...he was nice to me, that's all," Ukyo's frown deepened, "All I was...mistaken about I blamed him for having an idiot for a I was an idiot myself for thinking he betrayed me at the age of six...that still makes him a better man than anybody else I've ever run into..." "And you want a man in your life, huh?" Nabiki made an intuitive leap and smiled as she added, "Because without a guy you'd have to live up to the fact that you enjoy having sex with my sister!" Ukyo flinched, "But...I..." "And not just Akane," Nabiki continued, "You've been having sex with Shampoo, and you enjoy it! So, what does that make you, a Lesbian? Could be you are, you dress like a boy, so maybe you're just cruising..." "You're cruising for a bruising, Tendo!" Ukyo grit her teeth and took a threatening stance, "That's it, I'm gonna pound you flat---!" "For telling the truth about you?" Nabiki tossed an aloof look at her rival, "Or can you look me in the face that tell me that I'm lying?" "I..." Ukyo tried to work herself up into a righteous wrath, but the cool, reserved look her rival returned to her did something that defused her anger, so rather than attack she found herself fuming impotently, trying to find a good rebuttal for the accusation. "Tell me straight up, Kuonji," Nabiki said with neither anger nor contempt in her voice, "Do you like my sister, or does she just annoy you? Do you hate the way she comes on to you, or do you actually deep-down like it?" "And what the hell does it mean to you?" Ukyo asked indifferently, "You gonna punish me for having a thing with your sister?" "Not me," Nabiki shook her head and started to relax her stance, "If anything I think I'm relieved that Akane might have found someone like you, because if there's anything my little sister needs besides a clue, it's someone who's strong enough to stand up to her and tell her when she's full of cow manure." "Huh?" Ukyo blinked, surprised upon hearing that declaration. "You think I don't know what Akane's like?" Nabiki asked, "Okay, maybe I've looked the other way, and maybe that makes me responsible for not trying to rein her in and tell her that she pushes things too far, but maybe Akane just doesn't want to hear that coming from a family member, let alone her sister. From you, maybe it'll mean a difference, so even if you don't like her that way, you could do me a favor and tell her to stop screwing around and dipping her wick into the poontang." Ukyo was actually taken aback at the blunt way in which the middle Tendo sister phrased that, but before she could even think of anything else to say her senses came on full alert and she moved before the thought was even complete in her mind that someone was about to attack her. Kaori cursed silently to herself at seeing her opening attack go wild, but with a flip of her wrist she used her chopsticks to direct her line of noodles at the other girl, causing Nabiki to flinch as she found them wrapped around her waist. Another flick of the wrist and the noodles were yanked back, spinning Nabiki around like a top and causing her to lose her grip on her delivery box of ramen. "Oh no!" Nabiki cried as she tried to recover in time, only to see her box strike the ground several meters away. "Hah, you lose!" Kaori crowed, then turned her focus towards Ukyo, "And now for you..." "Oh no you don't!" Ukyo cried as she lashed out with a foot and caught Kaori on the side of her chin, tumbling the other girl to the ground and watching with satisfaction as her delivery box was promptly shattered, "Hah, take that! Kuonji school trumps Daikoku school..." "Guess again," Kaori smiled as she righted herself and held up a finger...upon which was balanced a steaming bowl of ramen, "The box is not important, it's the ramen that really matters." "My point exactly," Ukyo smiled in a way that conveyed neither warmth nor humor, and with a jab of her own finger she shattered her own delivery box, leaving the bowl of ramen untouched and spinning, "Care to make this interesting? First to drop their bowl loses the match?" "Agreed," Kaori assuming a fighting stance with chopsticks in one hand and ramen bowl in the other, "Kuonji School...I have heard of you But I thought your specialty was okonomiyaki." "It is," Ukyo replied, "But I try to be more diverse these days." "How cosmopolitan of you," Kaori replied, then launched her attack with a snarling, "But I won't let you stand between me and my promised husband!" "He's my promised husband too, you Bimbo!" Ukyo cried as she met the attack and countered it with one-handed blows of her hand and both feet moving to rapidly kick and block the attacks of her rival. Nabiki stared at the shattered bowl, ignoring the fight taking place only a few meters away, staring at the spilled ramen and feeling her own dreams had been shattered, only to look up in surprise as she found Kasumi standing beside her. "Here," Kasumi said, handing Nabiki her own delivery box, "Take this and cross the finish line." "Oneechan?" Nabiki blinked. "I mean it, Sister," Kasumi replied with surprising resolve, "One of us must win and you are the only one left. I will stay here and make certain that no one prevents your winning." "But...why?" Nabiki wondered. "Because I know how much this means to you," Kasumi replied, "And you know that I would never stand between you and your happiness." "Oneechan?" Nabiki blinked. "Saotome Ranma is special, we both know that," Kasumi informed her, "And we can't allow anyone else to become engaged with him...and I think you know the reason why." Nabiki's eyes became wide with surprise and comprehension, but then she turned and studied the fight going on, only to have her eyes be drawn back towards the other fight taking place between Ranma and Kuno, and then she began to say, "But..." "There is no time for a debate, Sister," Kasumi gently-but-firmly gave Nabiki a push towards the finish line, saying, "Go now before something else can happen.' "Ah...right," Nabiki replied, seeing the sense of her sister's arguments but feeling also an enormous sense of guilt and obligation. However, during a pause in the fight between Kaori and Ukyo, the former chanced to see the pass-off of the delivery box between the Tendo sisters and realized with a start that her match with Kuonji was about to become academic. She quickly reached into her vest and pulled out a second pair of chopsticks, causing Ukyo to move to a more defensive stance, which provided Kaori the very opening which she needed. "No you don't, Tendo-san!" she cried as she whipped the chopsticks off and aimed them for the retreating Nabiki, striking the other girl at a precise point on her ankle. Nabiki gave a sharp gasp and stumbled forward, almost dropping the delivery box, only to catch herself at the last instant so that instead of falling she sank gracefully down on one knee. "Imotochan?" Kasumi asked, having only belatedly reacted to the attack. "My ankle...!" Nabiki winced, rubbing the spot with two fingers. "Hey!" Ukyo reacted, "What the...?" "Did you want her to win?" Kaori asked with a nasty smile on her lovely features, "You should have told me so, but now she'll difficulty limping her way to the finish line, which greatly improves both of our chances." Ukyo frowned, then without a second thought tossed her ramen bowl towards Kasumi, "Here, catch!" "Eh?" Kasumi stretched out a hand and automatically caught the bowl in the field of her telekinesis, "But...why?" "You gave her your bowl?" Kaori's expression was incredulous, "But...why?" "Because looking at you is like looking into a mirror, Sugar," Ukyo smiled, "And I don't much like what I've been seeing. Go on, Tendo- know what needs doing. Take your sister and get going." "I...all right then, Kuonji-san," Kasumi reluctantly agreed, reaching out a hand and saying, "Lean on me, Nabiki-chan. We will do this together." Nabiki's eyes were very wide as she accepted the hand offered to her, and then stood up again with her older sister's assistance. "What are you doing?" Kaori asked incredulously, "You want them to win?" "I don't want to lose, if that's what you mean, Sugar," Ukyo grinned nastily, "But I've just decided that I'd much rather kick your ass than cross the finish line for a guy who doesn't really love me..." Meanwhile the "guy" in question was having it out with Kuno Tatewaki, fighting on an even level with bokkens exchanging blows in a rapid exchange of clacking wood, sounding like a staccato fireburst. Tatewaki was so amazed to find his opponent holding her own that by the time his vision finally cleared and he discovered that she was, in fact, a girl, the sense of her formidable fighting prowess had already been imprinted, leaving him to gasp, "A woman???" "Surprise!" Ranma-chan declared, seeing an opening and going in for the kill, using her foot to catch him soundly in the solar plexus, which sent Kuno flying backward. This time his flight rearwards was halted by an abrupt encounter with a tree, which sufficiently stunned Kuno that the fight was momentarily knocked out of him, leaving him stunned and barely conscious. "Hah, loser!" Ranma-chan smiled, resting her bokken on her shoulder, "He wasn't that tough. So...who's winning---huh?" she blinked, "Ucchan? Oboy...!" Ranma-chan took off at a run, not hearing Kuno's tight little gasp as he watched her leave, "She moves...with such swift grace...such...power..." and then he finally gave up the fight and let sleep overcome his warrior spirit... Tendo Soun and his wife could barely contain their enthusiasm as they watched their girls approaching the finish line together. The rest of the audience was a bit more confused at seeing such cooperation between competitors but were nonetheless enthusiastic about the conclusion to such an exciting match. The one party who was most definitely NOT enthusiastic was Mr. Daikoku, who frowned mightily and declared, "That isn't fair...someone else is keeping my Kaori too busy to finish her own match!" "I thought you were the one who said that there were not to be any rules to this match," Trieste kindly pointed out, "But let's not begrudge my two students, they have more than earned this moment, don't you agree?" "Oh yes!" Nodoka answered before Daikoku, all but hugging herself in her excitement, "And they're both such beautiful daughters...I wish both of them could marry my Ranma." "At the same time?" Genma blinked, his expression registering faint dismay and amazement. Nabiki knew that she was slowing Kasumi down, but nonetheless the moment when they did cross the line was a thrill and a half, the moreso as this meant that they had won the match together and now shared the right to be Ranma's fiancées. She looked up at Kasumi with renewed gratitude and said, "Oneechan..." "This is how it should be, Nabiki-chan," Kasumi assured her, "You are my sister and I love you, and I could never be happy if you were not happy as well." Nabiki felt tears threaten to betray her right then as she smiled towards Kasumi, but before she could say anything they heard Kaori cry out, "Just a minute---I protest!" "Protest what, Sugar?" Ukyo asked as she paused in their uneven struggle, having chased a retreating Kaori across the finish line with the latter clearly on the defensive, "You lost the match, admit it!" "I admit nothing!" Kaori declared as she held up her bowl triumphantly, "You see? My ramen is intact, but the same cannot be said for the Tendo sisters!" "What?" Nabiki declared in outrage, "No way!" "See for yourself," Kaori said smugly, "Open the box and weep." Nabiki did as directed and visibly blanched, for the bowl of ramen had been shattered in two halves, spilling the contents all over the insides. "" Kasumi blinked. "Seven Luck Gods Special Technique," Kaori grinned, holding up her chopsticks, "It can shatter a box or a bowl with but a single strike, and while you were distracted by the wound to your ankle my real attack was directed at your ramen." "You dirty snake," Ukyo frowned, "You're even better suited to be a Sith than I am." "I'll take that as a compliment," Kaori smiled, then pointed her chopsticks at the bowl of ramen held by Kasumi, "And see there? Her bowl is missing the fish cake, which is the heart of the ramen bowl, and without that it is incomplete, which means that my bowl is the only intact one to cross the finish line..." A gasp of shock and horror passed through the crowd, expressed most visibly by Soun, who all but fainted. Conversely Mr. Daikoku was elated, "Kaori! You once again give pride to your father!" "But of course," Kaori preened, "I am the best there is in our family art, father." "Just a minute!" Ranma-chan called out, "You haven't won just yet!" "Huh?" Ukyo turned and blinked, "Ranchan?" "Ranko," Ranma-chan corrected as he trotted past the former Sith Apprentice, "I'm Saotome Ranma's sister and I say you lost, Kaori- san..." "Lost?" Kaori bristled, "Impossible!" "Oh yeah?" Ranma-chan held up an object for their inspection, "See this? It's the missing fish cake, which you plucked off Ucchan's ricebowl when she wasn't looking. And I know just where it belongs, too!" and with that she tossed it expertly and saw it land exactly in the center of the bowl still held by Kasumi. "The bowl is now complete," Ranko folded her arms, "Which means you lost, you cheater." "Kasumi is the winner," Kimiko smiled, "Do you hear that, Soun- chan? Kasumi won the match!" "She won?" Soun blinked, then smiled, "She won! A year's supply of Ranma and Ramen's hand in marriage---ah---I mean...the other way around...!" "No!" Kaori cried, "The bowl was not complete when she crossed the finish line, which means she lost!" "Now who's being a sore loser, huh?" Ukyo grinned, "Talk about crying over spilled ramen..." "I do not concede this!" Kaori protested, "I am the winner of this match and---" All at once she was cut off by a slender hand that was laid upon her shoulder, and when she turned about to see who it was she gasped to see the predatory smile on the lips of Shampoo, who took Kaori into her arms and planted a kiss upon her lips before Kaori could even think of issuing a protest. "Wo ai ni," Shampoo cooed sensuously, holding the stunned Kaori in her sinuous embrace, "You defeat Shampoo in race, now Shampoo give you kiss of life. You like that?" Kaori was too stunned to say otherwise, becoming as petrified as the proverbial statue. "Lucky girl," Akane leered, "Took a while to get loose from that pasta trap of yours. Soooo...Ucchan," she sidled up alongside her favorite okonomiyaki chef and purred, "What about you? Did you give up on Ranma...or was it just a random act of senseless kindness that made you give your bowl to Kasumi?" "Let's just say my honor is satisfied and leave it at that, okay, Sugar?" Ukyo shrugged, "Or maybe I just decided I'd have a better time looking in the mirror from now on. Either way, I made my point and now I'm ready to move on. Ranchan and me...we'll still be buddies, right?" "Oh, yeah," Ranma-chan replied, looking both relieved and disturbed at one and the same moment, " problem..." "Well, Daikoku-san," Trieste turned to the little man with the impossibly big-ears, "Are you ready now to concede your claim upon Saotome Ranma?" Mr. Daikoku looked far from happy about the matter, but before he could say anything he heard the impossibly old woman at his side say, "If not, then perhaps my great-granddaughter might like to claim her for herself. It is about time that she thought about settling down, and with a man in the picture we could be assured of having grandchildren." "Ah..." Mr. Daikoku visibly sweated, "On second thought...perhaps we could concede the issue..." "What you hurry to decide?" Shampoo asked lasciviously, her arms still wrapped around the unmoving Kaori, "Maybe Shampoo no want to surrender Airen now that she find her, or maybe we just make nice- nice together and Shampoo declare her honorary sister?" "Gah---!" Kaori sprang to life, breaking free from the embrace of the purple haired wonder (who notably did not make much of a struggle to try and keep her), " due consideration of the relative issues, perhaps we might convene a private meeting, now?" "Ah...well..." her father hesitated, only to be grabbed around the collar by Kaori. "I said NOW, in right away," Kaori declared, all but dragging her father off in the direction of their family limousine. Shampoo heaved a sigh, "This one lose more good ones that way..." "Well played, Child," Cologne smiled inscrutably, "But if the other Elders in our village ever hear about this..." "Hear about what, Hibiichan?" Shampoo asked with a patently innocent expression. The old woman nodded, "My point exactly." "So," Nabiki smiled at Ranma-chan, "You and Kasumi, huh?" "Um...well..." Ranma-chan squirmed uncomfortably, "I was...uh...kind of hoping...well, y'know, that I wouldn't have to choose between you..." "That is quite all right, Ranma-kun," Kasumi said gently, "No one is going to force you to do anything that you do not want to do of your own volition. I did not enter this match to try and win you for myself, I wanted to give you a choice about who you want to marry...and when you want to marry since it would probably be a good idea to finish High School first. And besides, I don't want to deprive you of a choice if it turns out to be Nabiki who you...well...oh my..." "Oneechan?" Nabiki arched and eyebrow at that, but then turned back to Ranma-chan and said, "We can work out the details over time...and like Oneechan says, there's no hurry, right?" "Right," Ranma-chan sighed in relief, "No hurry." "Hmph," Akane sniffed, "You ask me he just wants to have the both of 'em for his harem." "And you don't?" Ukyo tactfully murmured into the other girl's ear. All at once another figure appeared, stumbling and looking like something dragged in by the cat and promptly rejected, an almost unnoticed Ryoga, who managed to croak out the name, "U-Uchan..." and promptly fainted again with his face crossing the finish line, all but unnoticed. "Ryoga-kun?" Ukyo blinked. "Poor guy," Akane said, "Looks like we'd better carry him back to the restaurant." "Aiyaa," Shampoo agreed with a sigh, "Pig boy such a handful...", Ranma-chan suddenly felt the hand of Soun fall upon her shoulder as the older man leaned forward and said, "There now, Son, there's no rush, like Kasumi says. You can find your own way and wait until you graduate before you marry..." "Uh...thanks, Mr. Tendo," Ranma responded. "...Just as long as you chose either one of my two beautiful daughters," the Tendo patriarch concluded smoothly." "Uh...right," Ranma winced, wondering if he'd just gone from the skillet to the ramen bowl but deciding, for once, to leave questions like that for the unknown future, hoping that he would live that long as his luck was proving out that a happy life, for him, was far from a certified given... "So," Taro said without glancing at his mentor, "Saotome's gonna go for the two older frails, huh? Looks like Ukyo just tossed him over like yesterday's laundry." "Perhaps," Purse hissed slyly, looking down from the lofty height of a nearby building upon which he and his chief remaining student were positioned, "But matters are proceeding smoothly enough where it really matters, and I am hardly dissatisfied over that." Taro glanced at the fallen Kuno and said, "You really think that guy's gonna throw in with us now that he's been rejected by his love obsession?" "Who knows?" Purge mused, "Humans have done worse for even less reason, but it may be that he will need a bit more nudging before he comes around to seeing things our way." "Don't see what's so special about him," Taro shrugged, "Take away that stick of his and he's just a so-so-fighter." "Indeed," Purge remarked, "Something will have to be done about that...eventually, but at least he won't lack for motivation," and in contemplating the motionless Kuno he smiled an entirely reptilian smile, the kind that had no warmth, that drank in warmth and left only coldness, and which promised ominous things in store for an unwitting youth named Kuno Tatewaki... Continued. Comments/Criticisms/Cluster Bomb Flaming: Things settle in to a pattern as Ranma renews his training with Nabiki and Kasumi, but is it all sweetness and light now that his relationship problems appear to be settled? And what of Ukyo, will she be courted by Akane...or is there another potential suitor waiting in her wings? Stay tuned next time for: "Skating on the Dark Side," or "Have Watermelon Will Slice!" Be there! X