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Hallucinogenic Treatment of Neuro-Vascular Headaches

Hallucinogenic Treatment
Neuro-Vascular Headaches

The ClusterBusters are a small, international group of CH sufferers actively investigating the use of indole-ring hallucinogens to treat their disease. Our mission is to investigate indole-ring hallucinogens as possibly the most effective treatment yet found for CH, and to educate physicians, medical researchers, sufferers, and the public on the efficacy, advantages and disadvantages of this treatment.

The ClusterBusters do not distribute psilocybin mushrooms, psilocybin mushroom spores, LSD, or any other illegal drug, We do not advocate the use of illegal drugs .

Donate to Research
Check out the linked information regarding cluster headache research and mark any donations as being restricted for this research project. Thank You

Help us fund research into finding better treatments

(Click the link to go to the Necklace page)

Headache Information:

     Mechanisms of Headache
     Head pain
     Conventional Treatments
     Alternative Treatments
     psilocybin mushrooms
     procurring 'shrooms
     Legal Issues
     Drug Testing
     Mailing Issues
Treatment Info
     The theory
     Pharmaceutical Companies
     LSD and Migraines
CH and Psilocybin
Message Board Archives
Important notes by PinkSharkMark

Welcome to a site that is dedicated to a treatment that shows great promise for reliable, effective and long term relief, from cluster and related headaches.

Early research was very successful before it was halted when these substances were pulled from the market and removed from research labs. This treatment offers hope to not only effectively treat ongoing cluster cycles, but to actually break those cycles and to stop future cycles from returning.
The treatment of cluster headaches with hallucinogens has been kept alive by a few doctors, researchers and most importantly, sufferers searching for a better treatment than exists on the market today. Outstanding results have been seen by many cluster headache sufferers and although clusters have been the major focus, early and current "research" shows equally effective results for related vascular headaches.

The purpose of this website and the information it holds, is to further research into the possible elimination of chronic, severe and life altering headache pain, through the use of hallucinogenic substances, which have proven to be more effective and less destructive to the human body, than traditional treatments.

Please review this information and decide for yourselves if this treatment is something you may find helpful to you, a loved one, a friend or a patient.
Our hope is that most questions you will have, can be answered by our FAQ. Follow-up information and help can be obtained though many of the links that appear within this site.

This site is dedicated to those brave few, who have refused to let this information rot in darkened archives, as lives are ruined and lost to chronic pain that can be stopped.
It has become our obligation to keep this light of hope burning.

A special thanks goes out to FLASH who is largely responsible for the original version of this website. Thanks to Todd for his work on the original website. Thanks again to Flash and to PinkSharkMark for their unwavering work on the CH.com message board and for all the individual help they've been to the masses. It has now become our obligation at ClusterBusters to keep this light of hope burning.


Hallucinogen Treatment: Survey #1
ClusterBusters: Survey #2

Quality of Life Survey
Quality of Life Survey #1 of 2
Quality of Life Survey #2 of 2
For EVERY ONE to fill out.


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