Spokane Waste of Energy
Shedding Light on Spokane's overpriced Solid Waste System


 The City of Spokane imposes a 20% tax on it's own garbage collection.

The residents of Spokane are charged $31 million a year by the City of Spokane to have their trash collected, and then the City of Spokane taxes itself 20% on that $31 million ($6 million), and puts that amount into their general fund. No wonder City residents collection rates are higher than the rest of the county.

Here's how the $31 million in Garbage Collection fees get's spent:

City taxes $6,000,000.00
System Fees $12,300,000.00
Garbage Collection $9,300,000.00
Maintenance $3,000,000.00
Administration $2,000,000.00
System Rebate to City (1,600,000.00)
Total $31,000,000.00

The City of Spokane takes 20% of the pie. The bigger the pie, the more money they take. Spokane has no interest in reducing any of these costs, because it would reduce the revenue stream to an already cash strapped Spokane. And it's probably why they won't renegotiate their contract with Wheelabrator (a very large chunk of the pie).

Did you happen to notice how small the Garbage Collection piece of the pie is? There's certainly a lot of room for savings in this picture.

System - Spokane Regional Solid Waste System