Spokane Waste of Energy
Shedding Light on Spokane's overpriced Solid Waste System


Spokane Response Page

Email to: D. Hein, D. Taam (SRSWS), County Commissioners, S. Carpenter


  It has come to our attention that there may be some that feel the facts presented on the Spokane Waste of Energy website may not be accurate. Our goal at Spokane Waste of Energy is to disseminate information to the general public to better inform them about our regional solid waste system. We strive to be as accurate as possible, and we think we have so far, with the limited access to resources afforded to us.

  Our site has always had an open invitation to the City of Spokane to correct any information that is on our web pages, but we have yet to receive any requests for changes.

  The purpose of this email is to re-invite you to peruse spokanewasteofenergy.com, and to let us know of any corrections that you feel are needed.


We look forward to your input,

Spokane Waste of Energy  5/26/06            

Our response to Scott Carpenter and others

Response from the System:       
1. Scott Carpenter, SWAC chairman, former Waste Management employee.

I am more than a little confused as to why this site even exists!  System and County Staff, The Liaison Board, SWAC as well as the respective Board of Commissioners and City Councils exist to create public forum to address the needs surrounding Solid Waste in Spokane County.

I truly believe there is ample opportunity to discuss the issues and gain knowledge.  I also believe that there is always room for improvement, particularly in the area of communication, but “we have” and “continue to” address this at all levels. Just one example, later this Summer,  SWAC and the SIC will be discussing “System Transparency” in the Plan Update process.

SWAC has no official position on the content or purpose of this Site.  I would invite the members behind this site to our regular meetings to gain knowledge and share ideas.
  If anyone is still confused on my position, I don’t support this organization or the need for this site.  I believe that information should come from one source (System) and I will continue to work within the framework of SWAC to maintain an open invitation to the public as one of many forums to ask questions and gain information from the source. Thank you!

P.S. Spokane Waste of Energy, Please remove my name from your e-mail distribution.

2. Dennis Hein, Director SRSWS, City of Spokane employee.

Scott...thank you for a well written comment........Dennis

3. Ken Gimpel, Waste Management employee, SWAC member.

I too share Scott's views.  Local governments have legislative responsibilities to insure the health and safety of the community by providing comprehensive solid waste and recycling services.  A component those services is public education.  As Scott stated, public education and information should come from the appropriate source, in this case the Regional Solid Waste System.  The web site mentioned below is nothing more than a private interest web site, that in my opinion, has nothing of substance to offer anyone.  Additionally, local government has absolutely no responsibility to support this private interest or make corrections and/or additions to a private web site.  The System's site www.solidwaste.org serves as the official public web site.  If these folks would like to see additional information on that web site, I'm sure that System Staff, with consultation of SWAC, would be glad to consider recommendations.  In conclusion, I do not plan on wasting any my time or energy concerning the private web site below.  In my opinion, It's nothing more than one of the thousands of worthless sites taking up space on the internet. 

SWAC - Solid Waste Advisory Committee
SRSWS - Spokane Regional Solid Waste System, AKA "the System"