North Warren Regional

Patriotsmall.JPG (6727 bytes)School Profile Patriotsmall.JPG (6727 bytes)


North Warren Regional is a public secondary school district, serving students in grades 7-12 in the townships of Blairstown, Frelinghuysen, Hardwick, and Knowlton.  The district covers 96.8 square miles bordering the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area in scenic Warren County.


The mission of the North Warren Regional School District, in union with home and community, is to provide a positive learning environment in which to develop the fullest potential of every student, and to create confidence and the ability to contribute meaningfully as productive responsible citizens in an ever-changing world.

 As a district, we believe:

  • in the three R’s;
  • in the importance of students being challenged to compete beyond their comfort level (beyond the North Warren/Blairstown, Warren County area);
  • in the importance of technology and communication; in students cooperating, contributing and communicating in a multi-faceted, multi-cultural society and workplace;
  • in recognizing, understanding and respecting diversities and the uniqueness of other cultures;
  • a safe, caring and violence-free environment is essential to learning;
  • in the importance of teachers striving to reach excellence and;
  • in the importance of student support services.

Increase public support and involvement in the North Warren Regional School District.

The middle/high school building continues to be a focal point for regional community activities. Stakeholder input is a valuable factor in district decision-making: recent surveys have asked for input on topics such as parent involvement, special education, professional development, and athletic programs. The cluster districts have made strides in working together on curricular, budgetary, and facility issues. Increased e-mail use, a new integrated phone system, and regular newsletters on school events have enhanced communication between home and school.

 Provide an environment which encourages the achievement of academic, artistic, and physical excellence.

Standardized test scores at North Warren Regional continue to be above state, national, and district factor group averages. The district has earned state certification through 2006 and regional accreditation through 2010 by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. All North Warren students are expected to complete a rigorous academic core curriculum in all subject areas. Many actively participate and experience success in flourishing extracurricular programs in athletics and the visual and performing arts.  Students are increasingly opting for alternatives such as semester electives, senior projects, and other enrichment programs to enhance their transition to the postsecondary world.

 Enable every student to access and utilize technology as an interdisciplinary educational tool.

Students are increasingly being expected to use information technology as everyday learning tools: graphing calculators, web-based applications, and digital presentation software are just a few.   The library media continually augments its technology capabilities and operating hours to bolster its role as the academic hub of the school. The curriculum in information technology has been redesigned to address the emerging interests of today’s students.

 Improve the delivery of student support services.

The CORE Team has become the center of student support through the joint efforts of our student assistance counselor, guidance counselors, and special services staff.  Academic Assistance provides direct supplemental help and offers academic tutoring to all middle/high school students.  The College/Career Center synthesizes our inclusive gifted and talented programs with a multi-layered approach to career education.  The Guidance Department offers regular evening parent programs on relevant topics such as the college application process, financial aid, and grade level transitions.

 Cultivate ethical behavior – honesty, integrity, selflessness, compassion, and self-discipline.

Students at North Warren Regional are provided multiple opportunities to develop and demonstrate ethical behavior.  The characteristics listed above are the foundation of our co-curricular program, which includes both athletics and student activities.  Regular auxiliary programs focus student attention on societal norms such as appreciating diversity and making good decisions.  Students can earn the benefits of Patriot Privilege by meeting school-wide standards in academics, attendance, and conduct.  The Student Code is our standard for a positive school environment.  Character education and continuous communication with the home are central to our behavior management system.


1. To design curricular opportunities to enhance our students’ postsecondary transition.

2. To infuse technology more deeply into classroom practice.

3. To integrate career education more meaningfully into our students’ experience.

Facts about North Warren Regional

from the New Jersey School Report Card


NWR State
Enrollment 1,044
Students with disabilities 14.8%
Limited English proficient 0.0%
Post-secondary education rate 87.8%
HSPA passing rates
     Language Arts 92.1% 82.2%
     Mathematics 77.2% 70.1%
SAT average scores
     Verbal 528 500
     Mathematics 520 516
Graduation rate 89.2% 90.6%
Student attendance rate 93.2% 94.4%
Mobility rate 3.4% 10.8%
Suspension rate  5.0% 14.8%
Dropout rate  0.9% 5.0%
Faculty attendance rate 97.7% 96.2%
Faculty turnover rate 6.7% 7.2%
Faculty graduate degree rate 47.9%
Average class size 25.5 19.4
Instructional Time 5:36 5:30
Student/computer ratio 4.0 3.7
Internet connectivity rate 100% 96.1%
Comparative cost per pupil $10,303 $10,492

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Last updated 10/20/05 03:03:46 PM -0400