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created:174 days ago
about:I have 7+ years experience in data systems and analysis in semiconductor test & mfg industry, wafer sort, package test, etc. There I get to deal with some interesting and hard problems in yield/throughput/quality in mfg, and scalability/performance.

I currently Get Things Done in Python, Django, SciPy, MySQL/Postgres/Oracle, and I like to make dead-simple-but-rich UIs with YUI. Before I discovered Python 2 years ago, I did a lot of .NET/C# and C++ development. No longer devoted to any particular language, I tinker with Erlang, Scala, Scheme, and other less traveled languages in search of inspiration and a better way to express my ideas.

The semicon industry is engaging, I know it very well, but I also regard it as "web scalability training" for a startup when I meet the right idea and right people at the right time of my life. I'm a big fan (and user) of many Web2.0 startups I've since seen rise to fame, glory, and buyouts.

If you're in the Austin, TX area (or are OK with me staying in the Austin, TX area) and you're trying to start something, drop me a line. Even if I don't join your endeavor, I might have some good feedback for you.

Cheerio, Casey http://casey.marshall.googlepages.com/resume

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