iCarnegie Policies

This policy establishes how iCarnegie will use information we gather about you from your visit to our website. The privacy of our users is of utmost importance to iCarnegie.

iCarnegie is committed to safeguarding users’ privacy on our website. We operate under the following set of strict privacy principles:

  • The only information iCarnegie obtains about individual users is that supplied voluntarily by the users.
  • In cases when iCarnegie may need personal information to provide users with customized content or to inform them about new features or services, they are explicitly asked for that information.
  • Personally identifiable information provided by users (name, email address, home address, etc.) will not be disclosed to anyone outside of iCarnegie or an Education Partner institution unless they indicate that iCarnegie may do so.
  • iCarnegie employs strict security measures to safeguard online interactions; personal information is stored in a secured database and always sent via an encrypted internet channel.
This Privacy Policy explains what information is collected from users at the iCarnegie site located at www.icarnegie.com, why the information is collected and how it is used. It also explains user options for accessing and managing information, our data security practices and other matters. Users may have concerns about any or all of the following topics. If there are any additional questions, please contact privacy@icarnegie.com

IP Address
An IP (Internet Protocol) address is a number automatically assigned to your computer whenever you access the internet. All computer identification on the internet is conducted with IP addresses, which allow computers and servers to recognize communication with each other. iCarnegie collects IP addresses in order to conduct system administration, maintain login status and conduct site analysis.

In order to facilitate the service we provide, we use a feature on your internet browser called a “cookie.” Cookies are small files that your web browser places on your computer for record keeping purposes. Cookies cannot access data off your hard drive, nor can they read other cookies from other sites. Our site uses cookies during your online session to deliver content specific to your course work. We utilize the cookies to monitor login status; our cookies only exist while you are logged in.

External Links
In order to provide users information on our Education Partner institutions and textbooks used in our courses, we provide external links to third parties. However, even if a third party affiliation exists between iCarnegie and the destination site, iCarnegie exercises no authority over linked sites. Each site maintains independent privacy and data collection policies and procedures. iCarnegie assumes no responsibility or liability for these independent methods or actions. iCarnegie is not responsible for the independent policies and procedures of the destination sites.

Similarly, iCarnegie cannot take responsibility for the privacy initiatives or the content of such websites. These destination links are provided only for your convenience, and as such, you access them at your own risk. Once outside of iCarnegie’s website, you should check that third party’s privacy policy.

iCarnegie recognizes your right to confidentiality and commits to protecting your privacy. We use the information we collect on our site to provide you with information pertinent to your course work.

When you log in, we will ask for your user name and password. We advise that you do not divulge your password to anyone. iCarnegie will never ask for your password in an unsolicited phone call or email. Ultimately, you are responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your password. If a third party discovers your password through no fault of iCarnegie, we cannot be held responsible for unauthorized access to your information.

We protect your account information against unauthorized access or release. Unless authorized, we will not give, sell, rent or loan any identifiable personal information to any third party, unless legally required to do so. We may share non-personal, summary or aggregate student data with partners and other third parties.

Children’s Guidelines
The iCarnegie website is not designed for children under the age of 16. We request that children under the age of 16 not enter any personally identifiable information. iCarnegie does not disclose personally identifiable information about users under the age of 16, whether or not an approval is obtained. Information about users under the age of 16 may be shared with third parties only on an aggregate basis. Parents and those permitting minors to use the iCarnegie website should be aware that any information voluntarily given by children in sessions, email exchanges, etc. may be used by third parties to generate unsolicited mail or other contact with children. iCarnegie cannot control such exchanges.

Information We Collect
There are three types of information we collect:
  • Contact information
  • Identity information
  • Characteristic information
Contact information is to provide you with updates on new features and services, including informing you of possible job opportunities. Identity information allows a student to register at multiple institutions and enables iCarnegie to maintain a single record of that student’s course work. iCarnegie uses characteristic information for computing summary statistical reports, designing performance improvements and determining additional course offerings.

We ask that you indicate whether you would like to receive email from iCarnegie, keeping you informed of the new features or products. If you would like to review or revise the information we have in your account, you may access such information by visiting your Personal Information page.

Information exchanges are all encrypted using SSL encryption technology before being sent over the internet. While this makes it highly unlikely for your information to be stolen or intercepted while being transferred to iCarnegie, no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure.

Always remember to log out of your session at iCarnegie and close your web browser when you have finished using our site. This destroys any authentication to the site, thus ensuring that others cannot access your personal information if your computer is accessible to others or is a public computer that others can use.

When you voluntarily send us electronic mail that includes identifying information about you, we will keep a record of this information so that we can respond to you. You should be aware that the transmission of electronic mail is not done securely unless you have arranged to do so. We have no control over electronic mail transmission.

Surveys, Questionnaires
Our online surveys and questionnaires may ask each user for contact and demographic information. The user’s contact information is used to contact the person when necessary. Users may opt out of receiving future mailings (see Public Forums below). Demographic and profile data are also collected at our site. This information is not shared with anyone but the Education Partner institution with whom the user registers.

Public Forums
This site gives users the following options for modifying or removing the information previously provided. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this website or your interaction with this website, contact can be made as follows:

Email = privacy@icarnegie.com
Phone = +1 412-622-2150
Mail = Security and Privacy Officer, iCarnegie, Inc., 4615 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3796 USA

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