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Picture of the AVC Edge Voting Machine
AVC Edge ®

Picture of the AVC Edge with VeriVote Printer Voting Machine
AVC Edge® with VeriVote Printer

Picture of the AVC Advantage Voting Machine
AVC Advantage ®

Picture of the Optech Insight Voting Machine
Optech Insight ®

AVC Advantage - Introduction

Picture of the AVC Advantage

If you are looking to replace your lever machines with a totally electronic voting system that your voters will readily embrace, Sequoia's premier full face ballot AVC Advantage® is the machine for you. In continuous use since 1988, the AVC Advantage® has a proven track record of successful elections and can be equipped with audio voting and smart card activation. And, most importantly, it comes with the quality staff support that only 15 years of elections experience can provide. The AVC Advantage®combines the benefits of electronic voting with the familiarity and speed of the full ballot display. Voters are provided with the accuracy and security of electronic voting while maintaining the all-inclusive single page ballot style that has been used for generations.