Douglas Crockford's

Wrrrld Wide Web

When you get bored, click something. If that doesn't help, then turn off your computer immediately.


JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

360 Blog

Permanent Weight Loss


Innovation and Conformity in a Microsoft World

Crockford's Clerical Directory

Crockford's in Curzon Street

50 St James Street

Beautiful Code


The Expurgation of Maniac Mansion: The Untold Story (Italian)

Diplomacy Map

Xiangqi (Chinese Chess)

Shogi (Japanese Chess)

Chess Pieces

Multiple Choice


The Analytical Language of John Wilkins by Jorge Luis Borges

Anguish Languish by Howard L. Chace

Basic English and Grammatical Reform by Charles K. Ogden

Blissym (Semantography, Blissymbolics)

Blissymbolics Bibliography

The Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr.

The Names of the Days of the Week

Silent Letters

Warning to Children by Robert Graves

Yntrodxkshxn tu Nuspelynh (Introduction to Newspelling)

Ai Fluch Megufla by Ellen Dedra Bork


The Gallery of the Unknown

Nursery Rhymes for Our Times

Things I Learned as a Kid


Unicycle Cop

CSS Colors

Old Crap

Discussion Topic

If a web browser is defective, causing errors in the display or performance of the page, should the page developer struggle to hide the browser's defects, or should the defects be revealed in hope of creating market pressure to force the browser maker to make good? By which approach is humanity better served?


JavaScript: The Wrrrld's Most Misunderstood Programming Language (Chinese German Japanese Korean Russian)

A Survey of the JavaScript Programming Language (Chinese)

Code Conventions for the JavaScript Programming Language (Chinese)

The Little JavaScripter

Private Members in JavaScript (Chinese Japanese)

Prototypal Inheritance in JavaScript

Classical Inheritance in JavaScript (Chinese Japanese)

Remedial JavaScript

JavaScript and HTML Script Tags

JScript Memory Leaks

Top Down Operator Precedence

JSLint: The JavaScript Verifier (Documentation)

JSMin: The JavaScript Minifier

JSON in JavaScript (Japanese)


Base 32 Encoding

The Crockford Keyboard

The Tilton Macro Processor


Electric Communities

Commerce and Society in Cyberspace

The Lessons of HabitatHabitat AnecdotesSocial Dimensions of Habitat's CitizenryOracle Layza's Tales

Distributed Architectures for Virtual CommunitiesMultiuser Environment: Social-oriented Online System: Requirements, Examples, Futures

Technology is Easy, Comedy is HardWhile Supplies Last

The E White Paper

The E Programmer's Manual (Getting Started Runtime Language Classes Tools)

The E Tutorial (Introduction Getting Started Hello World Hello Ewhen Inverse Dice)

DatasheetGlossaryTrust ManagerDistributed Garbage CollectorDistributed Commerce Demo

The Factorial TutorialDicing with the DevilSatan Comes to Dinner