
JavaScript Logging

Having a fancy JavaScript debugger is great, but sometimes the fastest way to find bugs is just to dump as much information to the console as you can. Firebug gives you a set of powerful logging functions that you can call from your own web pages.

Your new friend, console.log

The easiest way to write to the Firebug console looks like this: console.log("hello world")

You can pass as many arguments as you want and they will be joined together in a row, like console.log(2,4,6,8,"foo",bar).

Logging object hyperlinks

console.log and its related functions can do a lot more than just write text to the console. You can pass any kind of object to console.log and it will be displayed as a hyperlink. Elements, functions, arrays, plain ol' objects, you name it. Clicking these links will inspect the object in whatever tab is most appropriate.

String formatting

console.log can format strings in the great tradition of printf. For example, you can write console.log("%s is %d years old.", "Bob", 42).

Color coding

In addition to console.log, there are several other functions you can call to print messages with a colorful visual and semantic distinction. These include console.debug,, console.warn, and console.error.

Timing and profiling

Firebug gives you two easy ways to measure JavaScript performance. The low-fi approach is to call console.time("timing foo") before the code you want to measure, and then console.timeEnd("timing foo") afterwards. Firebug will then log the time that was spent in between.

The high-fi approach is to use the JavaScript profiler. Just call console.profile() before the code you want to measure, and then console.profileEnd() afterwards. Firebug will log a detailed report about how much time was spent in every function call in between.

Stack traces

Just call console.trace() and Firebug will write a very informative stack trace to the console. Not only will it tell you which functions are on the stack, but it will include the value of each argument that was passed to each function. You can click the functions or objects to inspect them further.

Nested grouping

Sometimes a flat list of messages can be difficult to read, so Firebug gives you a solution for indenting in the console. Just call"a title") to start a new indentation block, and then console.groupEnd() to close the block. You can create as many levels of indentation as you please.

Object inspection

How many times have you hand-written code to dump all of the properties of an object, or all of the elements in an HTML fragment? With Firebug, you'll never write that code again.

Calling console.dir(object) will log an interactive listing of an object's properties, like a miniature version of the DOM tab. Calling console.dirxml(element) on any HTML or XML element will print a lovely XML outline, like a miniature version of the HTML tab.

Be assertive

Assertions are a wonderful way to ensure that your code stays rock-solid in the face of change. Firebug provides a set of handy assertion functions, and writes very informative error messages to the console when your assertions fail.