
Inherits From:nsISupports

This interface is implemented by the following components:


void cancelRefreshURITimers ( ) void refreshURI ( nsIURI URI , PRInt32 millis , PRBool repeat , PRBool metaRefresh ) void setupRefreshURI ( nsIChannel channel ) void setupRefreshURIFromHeader ( nsIURI baseURI , ACString header )

void cancelRefreshURITimers ( )

Cancels all timer loads.

void refreshURI ( nsIURI URI , PRInt32 millis , PRBool repeat , PRBool metaRefresh )

Load a uri after waiting for millis milliseconds. If the docshell is busy loading a page currently, the refresh request will be queued and executed when the current load finishes.

millis: The number of milliseconds to wait.
repeat: Flag to indicate if the uri is to be repeatedly refreshed every millis milliseconds.

void setupRefreshURI ( nsIChannel channel )

Checks the passed in channel to see if there is a refresh header, if there is, will setup a timer to refresh the uri found in the header. If docshell is busy loading a page currently, the request will be queued and executed when the current page finishes loading.

channel: The channel to be parsed.

void setupRefreshURIFromHeader ( nsIURI baseURI , ACString header )

Parses the passed in header string and sets up a refreshURI if a "refresh" header is found. If docshell is busy loading a page currently, the request will be queued and executed when the current page finishes loading.

baseURI: base URI to resolve refresh uri with.
header: The meta refresh header string.

Reference documentation is generated from Mozilla's source.