
Inherits From:nsISupports

NOTICE **** *

NsISyncLoadDOMService defines synchronous methods to download * data from the network. Any delays from the server will * appear as a hang in the mozilla UI. Therefore, this interface * should be avoided as much as possible. *

Don't make me come over there!! *

The nsISyncDOMLoadService interface can be used to synchronously load a document.

This interface is intended to be used as a service. To create an object implementing this interface:

var obj = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/content/syncload-dom-service;1"].

This interface is implemented by the following components:


nsIDOMDocument loadDocument ( nsIChannel channel , nsIURI loaderURI ) nsIDOMDocument loadDocumentAsXML ( nsIChannel channel , nsIURI loaderURI ) nsIDOMDocument loadLocalDocument ( nsIChannel channel , nsIURI loaderURI ) nsIDOMDocument loadLocalXBLDocument ( nsIChannel channel )

nsIDOMDocument loadDocument ( nsIChannel channel , nsIURI loaderURI )

Synchronously load the document from the specified channel.

channel: The channel to load the document from.
loaderURI: URI of loading document. For security checks null if no securitychecks should be done

nsIDOMDocument loadDocumentAsXML ( nsIChannel channel , nsIURI loaderURI )


nsIDOMDocument loadLocalDocument ( nsIChannel channel , nsIURI loaderURI )

Synchronously load an XML document from the specified channel. The channel must be possible to open synchronously.

channel: The channel to load the document from.
loaderURI: URI of loading document. For security checks null if no securitychecks should be done

nsIDOMDocument loadLocalXBLDocument ( nsIChannel channel )

Synchronously load the xbl-document from the specified channel. The channel must be possible to open synchronously.

channel: The channel to load the document from.

Reference documentation is generated from Mozilla's source.