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1. Kirby Curbed: An Indy Interview

Some might argue that Harvard itself is perilously close to sharing the fate of one of its more iconic edifices. Indeed, to hear William Kirby tell it, his ultimate legacy might be pulling the University back from this brink. Did he end up losing his job in the process?
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2. Shakeup at the Crimson

The highest-ranking editor in charge of content at the Crimson, Harvard and Cambridge's only daily newspaper, officially resigned this week after being asked by the College to take a mandatory leave of absence. Managing Editor Zachary M. Seward '07-'08 had assumed leadership just last month as part of the Crimson's 133rd Executive Board.
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3. The IOC On Ice

For the next two weeks or so, you had better be into watching people in brightly colored outfits travel down mountains at high rates of speed, or the entirety of NBC/Universal's visual broadcasting conglomerate is going to be all but useless. It is indeed once again time for NBC, Bravo, MSNBC, CNBC, and whatever other media outlets General Electric may have acquired when we weren't looking to be handed over to the IOC.
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4. MBP: Most Ballernous Player

The question seemingly has been asked since the very inception of athletic awards: what defines an MVP? Is it simply statistical superiority, an objective and coldly factual supremacy that declares itself from the very stat sheet and cannot be argued with? Or are the characteristics that warrant the award more ineffable and harder to pin down, like the ability to raise the play of teammates or to will a team to victory in the game's waning moments? Must a player's team be of championship caliber for him to even enter the MVP discussion, or can he play for a middling franchise that would be in the doldrums without his services? These questions probably will never be satisfactorily answered.
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5. The Signing

February 1st. On this day three centuries ago, Julia Ward Howe penned the Battle Hymn of the Republic. On this day two centuries ago, the minutes for the first meeting of the United States Supreme Court were written up. Today? National Signing Day, when million-dollar football programs salivate and slobber as high school players sign letters of intent.
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6. Pigskin Preview: Reviewing the Super Bowl

Unless you are fortunate enough to call greater Dallas, the Bay Area, or metropolitan Buffalo your home away from college, or unless you crawled out of Back Bay early this millennium, a genuine investment in one of the Super Bowl teams is a pretty low-frequency event.
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7. Paradigms of Valentine's

Valentine's Day, perhaps more than any other day, categorizes people. Sure, the winter festivities may separate the Christians from the Jews, and Independence Day the anti-American, bleeding-heart liberals from the xenophobic, flag-waving right-wingers, but the categories created by the holiday of love extend deeper, right down to who we are.
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8. Alternative Valentine's Day Ideas

To the traditional certainties of life - Death and Taxes - the modern world may add one more: Hallmark Holidays. We have come to that point in our civilization's development where the ritual has become more important than the act. Christmas has substituted the plastic nativity scenes, the overwrought strings of lights, and the exchange of gifts for the commemoration of Jesus's birthday.
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9. Where Is the Love?

First we would make boxes, little pink and red mock-up Chinese take-out containers. Ambitious girls would cut out doilies and line their gracefully swelling construction paper hearts with white lace - mine were always pointed and crooked - the angles of spearheads instead of love.
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10. Bitch, I'ma (Re)marry You!

One man who won't be going through the traditional routes of courtship this Valentine's Day is Marshall Mathers, better known as Eminem. I couldn't even begin to imagine what he sends his wife, Kim Mathers, on this day of love. Perhaps a card with a heart on the cover, which you proceed to open up and find the same heart riddled with bullets on the next page, with the caption: "I fuckin' love you. You know you're my favorite slut!"
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