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1. End of the affair

On May 8, almost three weeks after a group of 50 members of the Progressive Student Labor Movement (PSLM) began their occupation of Massachusetts Hall, protesting the wages of Harvard’s lowest-paid employees, the 25 remaining students emerged, having secured another review of Harvard’s employment policies.
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2. Exit Neil Rudenstine

Just over a year ago, Harvard University President Neil L. Rudenstine announced that he would conclude his tenure as President at the end of the 2000-01 academic year. Undergraduates may wonder how this news affects them. The president typically has little interaction with the student body, appearing briefly to welcome students to the College and, four years later, bidding them a fond farewell.
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3. Harry-brained

The Indy speaks with Dominik Moll, the auteur behind the international hit With a Friend Like Harry.
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4. Larry Summers steps up to the plate

For months, campus and global media had engaged in intense speculation about the identity of Harvard University’s 27th president. On March 12, 2001, in the ballroom of Loeb House, the Harvard University Board of Overseers finally named its choice: Lawrence Summers, a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a fellow from the Brookings Institution, the youngest-ever tenured Harvard economics professor, a vice-president of the World Bank, and the former Secretary of the U.S. Treasury under the Clinton Administration.
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5. No apologies

First of all, no, you don’t have to read another article about Love Story. Yes, it’s the novel/movie/epic that every organization on campus turns to when it needs to fill space in either a) the pages of its publication, wanting for substantial news items, or b) that week of inane activities that serve as the prelude to your Harvard career.
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6. Who needs friends?

On a boiling hot, summer day, Michel (Laurent Lucas), en route with the family to his dilapidated vacation home, meets Harry (Sergi Lopez), an old classmate from high school, at a roadside bathroom.
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7. Out like a lion

The year, it turns out, was big on news. Harvard’s 2000-2001 school year came, to reverse the old expression, in like a lamb and out like a lion.
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8. Parting Shots

Each year the Indy's seniors have the final word. Though they will leave us, we will always have their memories, their pearls of wisdom, and their funny stories. Thanks for everything, seniors. This space is for you.
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9. The year in News Notes

The Indy selects some of the exciting, ludicrous, and even important events from the year.
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10. Into the Id

It’s no wonder so many writers and academics (most of them in Harvard’s Folk and Myth department) are so intrigued by the form. Isn’t there is something slightly nefarious in the degree to which certain fables, plucked from obscurity by Grimm or Walt Disney, achieve such penetration into our childhoods?
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