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Why the CI-97 formula doesn't work

CI-97, like Colorado's TABOR, limits state government spending to a rigid formula of inflation plus population growth.

But Inflation (Consumer Price Index) measures what consumers buy — not what state government buys. Consumers buy things like groceries, housing, and clothes. State government buys things like schools, roads, and health services for the elderly. Those costs are rising far faster than the CPI.


Plus, populations that state government serves (such as special education students and the elderly) are growing more rapidly than the overall population.

Population Change

Therefore, the formula prevents state government from keeping up with the cost of providing necessary services. SOS and TABOR force annual reductions in the level of public services, while doing nothing to encourage efficient spending of taxpayer dollars.

Read more about the flawed CI-97 formula.

CI-97 fixes nothing
Montana's CI-97/SOS backers claim their initiative fixes the problems with TABOR that plagued Colorado. They did tweak the wording a little. But in fact it is the formula that caused the problems. The same rigid formula that devastated Colorado is intact in Montana's SOS initiative.

Learn more about why CI-97 doesn't fix the problems with Colorado's TABOR.

Montana already has a balanced budget requirement
Montana's constitution already requires a balanced state budget.

As Montana's Lt. Governor John Bohlinger said, CI-97/SOS would replace that one-sentence requirement in our constitution with "three pages of complex formulas and legalese that only a lawyer with a math degree could understand."

We don't need CI-97 or any other budget gimmicks that create problems and solve nothing.

Home: Not in Montana

Who's behind CI-97

Why CI-97 doesn't work


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Not in Montana: Citizens Against CI-97, David Smith, Treas., 1232 E 6th Ave., Helena, MT 59601 406.443.3374