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District Outline Plan #6 – Haifa & Environs (2004)


Under the National Planning and Building Law, District Outline Plans are legal planning guides to land planning and usage under the District's jurisdiction. They are used to determine the overall, specific needs of the District as well as a tool to implementing broader, national development plans.


District Outline Plans focus on the unique needs of the district population, its physical characteristics and infrastructure demands. Once adopted, a District Outline Plan defines boundaries, industrial zones, transportation, road and communication networks, waste disposal, and of course, land use and designation of current and future open spaces.


Future quality of life from Haifa Bay to Hadera


The long awaited District Outline Plan #6 – Haifa & Environs, 2004 was recently submitted to the planning authorities. It will influence the future quality of life of nearly half a million inhabitants of the densely populated Haifa metropolitan area, from the northern Haifa Bay, southward along the coastal plain to Zichron Ya'akov and Hadera.


In June 2004, IUED, representing the public, filed a formal Planning Objection, pointing out the plan's specific deficiencies, as follows:


            Open spaces - allocation

Given the significance of public open spaces for urban quality of life, DOP #6 lacks specific guidelines on open spaces allocation for inclusion within Local Outline Plans in the Haifa area.


Open spaces – access

DOP #6 lacks clear instructions on maintaining full public access to open spaces such as parks and public beaches. This is particularly important given the recent trend among local authorities to 'privatize' public open spaces by charging admission fees.


Local Outline Plans

In order for the overall District Outline Plan to be effectively implemented, timely preparation of Local Outline Plans is crucial and should be completed within two years of DOP #6's approval (as stipulated in an earlier draft). The DOP should require that Local Outline Plans be accompanied by crucial plans for public open spaces, environmental impact assessments for high-impact land uses and economic feasibility studies for large industrial or commercial areas. In addition, the DOP should require that environmental organizations and other public representatives are guaranteed the opportunity to express their views on significant local plans.


Urban development issues

IUED's objection draws attention to a variety of urban development issues, including the need for a comprehensive program for designated urban renewal areas in each town within the District and assessment of the potential for reducing traffic flow in residential areas. IUED is also calling for the DOP to require evaluation of plans for new buildings of over 14 floors to take into account the socio-economic status of future residents as well as the Interior Ministry's Guidelines on High-Rise Building.


Rivers and their environs

The DOP should relate in greater detail to rivers and their environs, and should require the preparation of Local River Management Plans for river rehabilitation, drainage systems and conservation of local biodiversity.



DOP #6 allows for a large and confusing network of proposed new roads in the southern area of the region. IUED's objection states that judging by the travel patterns of the local population, this number of roads is not justified and will only serve as a magnet for new development that is inappropriate for the area.


Water resources

IUED's objection calls for limits on development near the national water distribution line running through the area, as well as restrictions on irrigation using treated effluents, and the construction of new buildings or facilities in the vicinity.  



IUED is objecting to the DOP's provision for new landfills as it contradicts the Environment Ministry's current policies.



References to the illegal Shfaya 3 Quarry in the DOP should be deleted in order to avoid confusion and unwarranted legitimization.


The National Building & Planning Board review process is expected to continue for many months of hearings.


Halissa: Coalition for Public Planning