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     Special Resources on Pope John Paul II's 25th Anniversary
  October 16, 2003, marked the 25th anniversary of the election of Cardinal Karol Wojtyla as elected successor to Pope John Paul I, becoming the 264th Pope of the Catholic Church. He is the first non-Italian Pope since Adrian VI (1522-23), the first Polish Pope, and the youngest Pope since Pius IX (1846-78). He takes the name John Paul II. The solemn inauguration was held on October 22.

The Vatican News Service has prepared year-by-year overviews of Pope John Paul II's pontificate. These reviews are available at the following links:

A review of the Holy Father's foreign apostolic trips is available at this link.

A list of encyclicals written by Pope John Paul II is available at this link.

On Sunday, October 19, Milwaukee Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan celebrated Mass at the Basilica of St. Josaphat in honor of the anniversary. His homily is available at "From a worldly, functional, natural, business-like point of view, the ubiquitous critics are right: it would seem logical for Pope John Paul II to step aside.

"However, this man views reality, not with eyes of the world, but with a supernatural vision arising from the gospel. From this vantage point, strength is revealed in weakness.

"That was the message of the beautiful feast we celebrated Sunday, right? The Exaltation of the Holy Cross . . . the cross: in earthly eyes, a sign of defeat, death, ignominy, rejection, loss, supreme weakness; with eyes of faith, the instrument of victory, life, gain, and strength. Jesus was never stronger, never accomplished more, than when physically weakest, nailed to the cross, bleeding to death.

"Last summer, I was with three-quarters of a million young people in Toronto for World Youth Day. Just the sight of this frail man, head stooped, speech at times garbled, unable to walk, was enough to move us all to tears and open hearts to values more exalted than strength.

"About six months ago, I heard of a very wealthy, hard-boiled, shrewd, crusty, no-nonsense corporate executive who attended a papal audience. His friends presumed he would not find his encounter with our fragile, weak pope very moving, given his usually flippant approach to spiritual matters. How surprised they were when he commented, "Seeing Pope John Paul II was one of the most moving events of my life." He continued, "I'm used to being with people who 'wrap weakness in strength.' And in Rome, I was with a man who 'wraps strength in weakness.' I am with people all the time whose inner core is empty, lifeless, twisted and full of conflict, but who wrap that inner weakness in outer signs of strength, like money, possessions, attractive, sleek bodies, and hardened personalities. But the Holy Father," he concluded, "is strong inside, with values, faith, and focus, but all wrapped in a weak body. We need him more than ever."

"Well said, my friend. We don't need an Arnold for Pope; we need a man on a cross, and we have one. In one month, we'll celebrate his twenty-fifth anniversary as successor of the apostle who was crucified upside-down on a hill outside of Rome called, "the Vatican." All I can say is, "May Jesus Christ be praised!" and Viva il Papa!"

Open the PDF below for Archbishop Dolan's October 16 Herald of Hope column.

  - Oct16HeraldofHope
 Article created: 10/14/2003