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     Lenten Pilgrimage to Our Sister Parish in the Dominican Republic
  Every Catholic in Southeastern Wisconsin has a “time (talent and treasure) share” in the Dominican Republic. We all have a sister parish, Sagrada Familia in Azua an impoverished, desert area of the famous resort island. The Office for World Mission invites you to spend the final days of lent in pilgrimage to the holy place, where we have been sharing faith and friendship for over twenty years.

The group will depart on March 29 and return on Holy Thursday, April 8. We will meet our sisters and brothers there, get to know some of their current reality and something of the history of the island. The final day will be spent in prayer and reflection. The all-inclusive $1500 fee covers air and land transportation, simple food and lodging, all activities, translation and guide services.

For a tentative itinerary and application form contact Carol Dain 414-769- 3406 or Rosemary Huddleston, OP

 Article created: 2/19/2004